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Student’s Book Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley as Express Publishing Contents Corr or ‘Module 1 ppeara The Akha Woy *= present tenses People (pp. 5-20) sonality (imultiple choice * already, ust, yet, nes & Fashion| answer questions ~ (ever, for, Since Language Knowledge 1 jobs how to deal with multiple | « stative verbs (op. 16-17) dally routine; free-time activites choice reading tasks) Language Focus 1 (p. 18) phrasal verbs with look Progress Check 1 (pp. 19-20) |» forming adjectives from verbs & nouns ‘Module 2 ‘our natural word of animals Unique Underwater ‘modal verbs (must, The Environment (pp. 21-36) |» erwironmental problems & solu Gre hhave to, should, ought Language Knowledge 2 hrasal verbs with bring (multiple choice, to, mustn't, don’t have (pp. 32-33) forming nouns from verbs answer questions — to neech't)~ deductions Language Focus 2(p. 34) get the main ides) future tens Progress Check 2 (pp. 35:36) time clauses Module 3 ypes of holidays Tie Thundering Smoke |» past tenses Travel & Holidays (pp. 37-52) | + means of transport {rmssing sentences Used to ~ would Language Knowledge 3 commodation;failtesservices | answer questions ~ (op. 48-49) holiday problems read for specific Language Focus 3(p. 50) poral verbs wth come information) Progress Check 3 (pp. 51-52) _|« forming ~ing-ed adjectives Module 4 * festivals & celebrations The Tar Boal relatives Festivals & Celebrations |» activities Amutiple choice, fining & non- (op. 53-68) answer questions defining relative Language Knoviledge 4 a predict content) clauses (p. 64-65) cect comparatives & Language Focus 4(p. 66) superlatives Progress Check 4 (pp. 67-68) | Module 5 breaking the law The camera never les the passive rime (pp. 69-84) crime & punishment (mute choice causative form Language Knowledge S Taw breakers answer questions - clauses of result (op. 80-81) phrasal verbs with break pparegraph main ideas Language Focus 5 (p. 82) fires meanings | matching head Progress Check 5 (pp. 83-84) paragraphs) Module 6 The Toddler Robot conditionals Technology (pp. 85-100) h ; (multiple choice: clauses of purpose * phrasal verbs answer questions ~ wishes Language Knowledge 6 erbs from adjectives using read for specific question tags (op. 96-97) information) Language Focus 6 (p. 98) Progress Check 6 (pp- 99-100) 2 Module 7 sports & fitness ‘Adventures infntive/ing form Sports & Fitness (pp. 101-116) |» sports places & equipment (rultiple matching; tenses ofthe infinitive Language Knowledge 7 phvasal verbs with put answer comprehension | ing form (op. 112413) compound nouns questions) would preferwoulé Language Focus 7 (p. 114) rather/nad beter Progress check 7 (pp. 115-116) Module 8 natural disasters | Disasters reported speech Nature Attacks! (pp. 117-132) + extreme weath (vutiple matching {statement Language Knowledge & temoerature answer questions questions, commands; (pp. 128-128) phrasal verbs with give requests) Language Focus 8 (9.130) ming verbs from adjectives & nouns + s0/~ tel, porting ver Progress Check 8 (pp. 131-132) + reporting modal verbs CUIL/Culture (pp. CC1-CCB) Grammar Reference (pp. GR1-GR15) Writing Bank (pp. WB1a:WB8) Style (p. ST1) eee} Pr) * aradio interview (matching) |» descrbe people * a pataaraph comparing yourself + aTV show (mukinle choice) |» introduce oneself & others | with the Akha trise * intonation: stressed silables | » social expressions * aninformal email describing | fom? ask for/give personal ‘person {informal style; word | (answer questions) information Corder linking ideas, Culture soot scribe a picture punctuation) Foot Guards express lkevdisikes aninteniew (TF statements) | + make suggest a paragraph suggesting ways |» CLIL [Environmental alecture (multiple greefdicagres fo protect seahorses Science): Precio stress in questions make decisions an essay providing solutions ta | (VF staternents problems (topidsupporting Culture spot: sentences; planning an essay) | Greenpeace * announcements (matching) |» asking far informat ‘2 description ofan experience | » CLL (Geography) + a story (VF note taking) express dissatisfaction’ | « a description of a visit to a traffic(matehing) * a radio show (multiple choice) | sympathyisurprise/disbelief | place (adjectivesadverbs; make | » Culture spot: * intonation: stress in scribe pictures | comments; use modifies The Grand Canyon exclamations (what; what brainstorm for ideas) a TV commentary invite & acceptor refuse |* a paraoraph comparing CLL (Art & Des (note taking an invitation contrasting Wild of Wearable art a radio programme make decisions a description of a festival vou ents ‘multiple choice) attended (using intonation in exclamations collocations; eror correct Fh such a/an, so) brainstorming) report emerences ste a probe fear UL ats pie Centence completo eke faforesicphotogtepher | archers, Ine gph + aati show (rutile choi concer ones Giturespot 9 uit ae a rato tak rote taking) |= requester a paragraph expressing your |» CUL(CH 2 dialogue (mute che sivespondto | feelngstowardsthe future of | Howto sve the batey intanaton i questo tgs robots Powe of your Tobet PC mae corst pictures 2 forand-agaist essy express | {order Cute spo ele ay [eskteroninon= aie eae ELLIE: Octopus Gksctve photograpts topisuppatng tre spt: baseball SEE | monologues adjeciesawerbs;set te | headings (matching speakers) scene; brainstorm) | paragraphs Phe toe ter ctones EET ol Fesa Word List (pp. WL1-WL17) ‘American English-British English Guide (p. AE-BEG1) Pronunciation (p. PR1) Irregular Verbs Mobute Ossectives Nery SMe Cr Perey jobs . Cen ate Ua EW a Ce eee ele re Ark) Pence! Module 1 Appearance/Character/Clothes a ‘Complete the descriptions. [A «optimistic + fair + trainers + shoulder-length Becky is @ prety gt. She is slim with Aenean dark hair. She has & 2h complexion, a small nose and blue eyes. She is wearing a pink T-shirt jeans and 3)... «She is sporty and 4)... wand tends to expect good things to happen. © + wrinkles * jumper 2 scaring | 3). E ‘+ medium + bald + skinny ae) 6) Larry is old and of 1) |B + spiky * beard + polite + early * dark * overweight » casual Steve is in his 1) thirties. He is tall and 2) od With Shott 3) «een, Black hair, He has a 4)... nose, a5) . He is wearing 6)... White T-shirt and jeans. He is a very 7 Person and behaves towards people in a pleasant way. | height. He is snd has a pale complexion with Hes going 4)... complexion, a big and a moustache is hair is grey and he has a big nose. He is wearing and trousers, He is a -1« person and always helps others BB) Use the words/phrases below to describe the rest of the people in Ex. 1. + teenager, tall, slim, pale complexion, long straight fair hair, big eyes, pointed nose / striped top, jacket, jeans / outgoing ~ like meeting people + handsome, slim, short, dark hair, brown eyes / shirt and tie, black leather jacket, trousers / can be arrogant - thinks he is better than others + mid-forties, average height, slim, curly fair halr, small eyes, thin lips / cardigan, shirt, trousers / gentle always kind and calm a Describe a person in your class. Your partner guesses who the person is. [EB & Look at the picture. where * do you think these people live: ina desert? an overcrowded city? a village? up in the mountains? How do you know? What do you think their lifestyles might be like? b) Check these words in the Word List| Use them to describe the people in the picture. + fairly short * dark In complexion += colourfully embroidered black shirts and skirts * thick black leggings * distinctive hats * remarkably tough * spirited » cheerful Read the title of the text and the first sentence in each paragraph. What is the text about? » Listen and read to check. E) » your own words and based on the text, answer the questions. 41 What is the Akha Ws 2 How do Akha men's roles differ from Akha women’s rol Nhat are the ‘spirit gates 4 How has the Akha p Iitestyle changed? Pa Le econ) the Akha hill tribes living in their traditional villages and farming the land much as they have done for generations. RE sa ee ee ea ee ifnot thousands, of years. They originally came from Tibet and have maintained the physical characteristics of that region, being fairly short and dark in complexion. Today, een ea anced China, Laos, Burma, Vietnam and northern Thailand. The sen ag Be ne Roe cucu gry pone ea Rast Sc Saeed are brave and strong, B> The Akha have their own way of measuring time where Pieter oe eee oka mcs Nera Cee un aed eee mT ae Pcs A eee eS the Akha Way. Thanks to Cee) Pee ea ea Cia Mne se Se ces CUD farming crops like rice, ee Re mec enc craftsmen and make Cee Co) eee bamboo. The women do spinning and weaving and make their own Check these words [+ generation maintain + mountainous parts * code of behaviour» crossbow + weaving » distinctive» thatched roof « stand on stilts |= wooden frame « spiritual significa [= take tings a sep farther" sek fortunes oar wear colourfully embroidered bla shirts and skirts, and thick black leggings. Their ree ae ae Okay Caen neta) Sey oa en) SR Sa See ec eae eect Ce en eT a Ce cue Reece stilts on the hillsides. Every village has esa etn cit. These structures have spiritual significance and Pees eee oN ea ith carvings of both evil and smiling faces. This i Each summer, with gr Pree wi eso ae em the young children gather to play, but not just as a playground game - itis part of the yearly ceremor POsitig ec en Ce. een) ea Sea a aera are visiting them and introducing a taste of West SoS a ea ea Pee sc eel things a step further: they are leaving their villages to seek their fortunes in the big cities Ru ae Multiple choice Read the text quickly to get the gist. Read the questions and possible answers and find the key words. Read the text again and find the part that contains the answer to each question. Try to find ‘words/phrases synonymous to the key words i questions. This will help you do the task. peer) eee ia ROT TR ee Eig summary ofthe text. o Choose the best answers according to the text. Give reasons for your answers. Akha people ive mainly on Tibetan farms. re conditions, rN B are not used to si ce have a short history as a tribe. ti D are some of les thy in th Akha women A are used to dealing B do not mind being poor. © work harder than Akt h hardships. nen. D are more courageous than Akha men. ‘The most characteristic part of the Akha women’s clothing is their A shirts, B skirts. leggings. D The Akha their vil A welcome visitors to the village. B give artists a place to work. © protect the village from danger. D provide a play lld sp it gates on the edges ges to rea for their child The writer thinks that the Akha Way A is having an influence on Western cult B_ may not be around for much longer. © is now only noticeable in the Akha people's clothes D could take a long time to spread to cities. a Find words in the text that mean: + initially (para A) + skin colour (para A) + characteristic (para B) * to learn by heart (para B) + importance (para C) * to come together (para C) * to bring in (para D) * to look for (par ) Fill in: set, embroidered, attend, fairly, talented, memorise, physical, honour, keep, thatched, 1 characteristics; 2 shor 3 of rules; 4 craftsmen; 5 shirts; 6 to names; 710 school; 8 roofs; 9 to spirits out; 10 to ing Te AE ou oe CE} ee ae te ee lifestyle. Use: and, as well, too (similar ideas) - but, whereas (opposing ideas). Read your paragraph tothe cass Vocabulary from the text Replace the words in bold with words from the list. * leadership * a step further * attend * honour * gather ‘+ maintain * introduce = memorise 1. He tries to keep a youthful physical appearance, 2. They get together at Sam’s house every Friday. 3. We have to learn the poem by heart for school tomorrow, 4 think every child should go to kindergarten. 5 Under the new manager's guidance, the company went from strongtt to strength. 6 Every year, they have a ceremony to show their respect to their ancestors. 7. Ithink the time has come for Us to take things forward. 8 If we bring in modern cultural practices to the tribe, welll destroy their traditional way of life a Choose the correct word. 1 We have a code/law of behaviour here. Please respect it. 2. Everyone has a responsibility in society/region to obey the laws. 3 We should all try to help ‘maintain our local communityisociety. 4 My ancestorsidescendants all came from Europe. 5. Sadly, many of the tribe's traditional practices are disappearingiremoving. 6 It's Important to remain/hold ‘calm during an argument. 7 1am a lightiyitairly optimistic person, 8 She has very individuall distinctive eyes — the colour is unlike anything I've ever Vocabulary Topic vocabulary Clothes EQ) croose the correct words. A Steve is wearing 1) formalicasual clothes, He's wearing @ B 9) polka dotsistripes, and a red 10) leather! cotton belt. She's also wearing red 11) high- heetediplattorm shoes. She looks 12) fashionablelsloppy. a Choose the correct particle. Check up brown 2) jacketicoat, a blue and red 3) cottontplastic cap, a yellow woollen 4) jumperfwaistcoat and an orange 5) scarlbelt. He's also wearing grey 6) baggy floral tracksuit bottoms and brown 7) trainersiboots. He looks quite 8) conservativetrendy and spor Mary is wearing a white dress with black Describe what the people in the pictures are wearing. Use words from Ex. 3 as well as your own ideas. try on, match, fit, suits, do up. ‘These jeans don't Can I please ''m looking for @ pair of shoes to Do you think this colour ..... your coat. I's very cold outside. Phrasal verbs: LOOK downen cS «.. after me. They are the wrong size. this coat? this dress, forward the Word List. 1m looking my tle UP to cousin tis weekend. (take care of) 2 We can't wait to meet your parents. We're lcoking tot (anticipate) 3. You shouldnt look people who have less money than you. (have a bad opinion of) 4-11 you dont know is phone number, just Icok i inthe yellow pages. (find in a booklist) Personality Prepositions a) Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B, Gy ctroose the correct item, check =a Tos ea [eCeptimisie Ce Jimumuy | A aun @ pessimistic 1. She's attached inito her [2 modest honest B rude © H impatient omy. [3] hardworking (8T_Jeheerul ¢ arrogant 1 aggressive 2 Hesplenioue offeliaut be brother for being good at [ET interesting FO_gentle tazy J indifferent epee [51_Jorganised [4[_Jpolite dee K disorganised 3 He is interested in/at nature. [ET Jearing —_—‘[121_] generous ae L selfish 4 | don't really care offabout [71_Jpationt ua designer clothes. 5 Don't be rude tofwith your ) Choose words from Ex. 7a to complete the sentences. teachers, 1 peopl aways see the positive side of things, Word foiation 2 an people don't like talking about their (adjectives from verbs & achievements. nile) people are kind and calm, au. sw: People tell lot of les, ee People think they are more important or talented than others Read the theory. then complete the sentences (1-8) with the adjectives derived from the words in bold. 8. people often become sad or angry for ‘no particular reason. We can form adjectives from 7 = people always want to start fights. verbs and nouns by using the 8 people are helpful and sympathetic to others. fleeing endings: Sina people only cae about themselves and aor crt ean not others. ious (superstition- 10 .. people get easily annoyed when they superstitious) ,-less (self- have to wait for something. selfless), -ish (child-childish), *¥ (pick-picky),-ing (care-caring)| ©) Which adjectives best describe you/your friends? 1 John is very 1'm quite organised and polite. He never remembers where his things are. (FORGET) Jobs 2 Luke is i) G@ Add a suffix to the verbs in the list to think he'll become a painter. make names of jobs. Match the jobs to the descriptions (1-10). (CREATE) ‘electric + beauty + bake *cloan + translate * mine Sees Ree ee * farm * music * account + act famous. (AMBITION) 1. I change written words from one language into another. 4 Ann's son « She's ireneiioe always talking about the 2 I work underground to remove coal. , sai oe eCDEy eae cee Think of ethers fist (SELF) 4 keep and check the financial records of people. iene 5 I grow crops and keep animals. ie fais te Goat oie ran) 6 I fix problems with electrical wires, 7 cue eats 7 use make-up to improve people's appearances. She's vory good at drawing, 8 I make bread and cakes and sell them in a shop. (ART) 9 Itidy other people’s houses. 8 Joss is .. Se send 10 I play the piano very well. often offends people. (TACT) ‘dies and gentlemen, this special potion comes from the Amazon. It makes you look younger and live longer! Hmm, That sounds good ~~“ How much tim getting married next \\ does it cost? jonth. | want to look ‘much younger on eee a a) Read the cartoon. What is the man selling? What is special about it? b) Look at the verb forms in bold in the cartoon. Find examples of: a habit + an action happening at or around the time ‘of speaking * a fact * a fixed future arrangement ‘= an action which started in the past and continues to the present * gradually developing situations What tense is used in each case? Is it the same in your language? a) Fill in: do, go or have. 1) out for a meal; 2) the washing- up; 3) a shawerla bath; 4) ven {OF @ walk; 5) to work! school; 6) housework; 7) breakfastiunchidinner, 8) cennoneens Shopping, 9) homework; 10) jogging; 11) out with friends; 12) non for aswim; 13) the shopping; 14) seven tO the cinema; 15) ern. tO bed 'b) Use the question words in the box to. find out about your partner's daily routine and free-time activities. How often 7 » When? + Where ...? * What time ...? * How ...? A: How often do you go out for a meal? B: Once a week/Twice a month. 10 Grammar in use Look at me! ''m standing here today, a handsome young man - but 'm really over 200 years old! "Ais secret is simple ~ he drinks a bottle of this potion every da A (oe ‘honestly don’t know. 7 think he's growing old siowly. I've only been with him [Seco po. GRIT - Gre, Read the example. Which tense do we use : timetables? future arrangements? Use the notes to act out short exchanges. FLIGHT FM DePAPTURE 2:00-1050)) _ Tour 8:05 6:00 - 7:00 |) Leave ror MeeTAT |) Leave sts |) amrort 8:00 00 ‘A: What time does the film start? B: It starts at 9:00, so we are m ting at 8:00. Form complete sentences. Put the verbs in bold in the present simple or the present continuous. 1. doishe/at the momenvher homework ‘She is doing her homework at the moment. usually/go/by bus/he/to work dinner/tonight/with Paul*have! ‘eat out/youmhow often? not workitonight/late/Peter the kids/now/watch TV? on Mondaysito the gym/John/not go Stative verbs describe a state rather than an action (e.g. like, love, hate, want, need, forget, remember, know, suppose). They do not usually have continuous forms. Some stative verbs do have continuous forms but there is a difference in meaning. lke wearing casual clothes Gy rut the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous. Explain the meaning of both sentences in each pair. 1 a Linda .»- unhappy. (look) b Linda for her necklace. (look) 2 a Tina unwell today, (feel) b Tina's silk scart very soft. feel) 3 a Tom soe his own flat, (have) b Tom v8 shower now. (have) 4al . of buying a bike. (think) bt i's fantastic. (think) 5 a This cake delicious. (taste) b She... the soup to see If i's spicy. (taste) [Already /lust/Yet/Ever/Never/For/Since) I've already had lunch. Ihaven’t done my homework yet I've just had a coffee. ‘A: Have you ever played the trumpet? B: No, Ihaven't/Yes, have. 5 I've never travelled abroad. 6 I've been here since last May/for two months. Seo ore] Gy crows the correct word, She's never/already flown in a plano, They've justiyet left. He hasn't finished his homework yetlever. Have you neverfever ridden a camel? We have yet/already met Claire. ‘She hasn't seen Paul since/for last Friday. Ay Think of your day. What have you already/ Just/not yet done? Tell your partner. I’ve already done my homework. I've just had dinner. | haven't tidied my room yet. Present perfect continuous She has been working for him for a long time. She has been working for him since 1992. [Scop cro} [Gy Fees the examples in the grammar box. How do we form the present perfect continuous? oa Use the verbs in the present perfect continuous to write true sentences about yourself and your family. Use since or for. + study + work * play + live I've been studying French for two years/since 2009. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. 1A (youlsee) Mary recently? B: No! (notitalk) to her since last month 2h (wefmeet) before? BI {notithink) so. 3A: Where (youlgo)? B: Shopping. (youlwant) anything? 4A: Where (Tonyhivey? B: In London - but at the moment he (stay) in Bahrain 5A {youlcome) to Ann's party tonight? B: Idlove to, but | (fly) to London, The plane ... son (lave) at 10:30. Gi) Pet the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. ET I SEAGER TST) Dear Charlotte, Hil How are YOU? 4) carcmnc (youlenjoy) the summer break? | 2) sow (have) an amazing time here in London. My host family 3) ssssonnonrn (B@) realy friendly and the summer English Course | 4). (0), is @ lot of fun, | 5) (alreadylmake) somo good friends here. My bes friend is Laura, She's from Italy. She 6) (look) abit ke you actualy, She's tal, with beautful long dark hair and big brown eyes. Like me, she 7) (be) in London since July. 1 8) w» (like) her because she's funny and Cheerful. She's also very generous. 9)... (you/meet) anyone nice so far? Write tack soon! Alice eS ! 11 12 ). Complete the pairs. (2 Listen and check. 1 granddad — 5 son- grandma 6 cousin— 2 father - 7 brother ~ 3 uncle 8 brother-in-law — 4 nephow — a b) Use words from interview about a young ballerina. Before you listen check these words in the Word List. ‘hometown * treasure the time * extended family + delighted + support + inspiration « afford * lead role * venue b) () Listen and write how the people below are related to Jane Ivory. od Sandra Pete Jenny Bertie a G2 Listen again and decide if each sentence is True or False. 1. Jane Ivory has been performing as a ballerina for 24 years. 2. Jane's brother stil ives in his hometown. 3 Jane's aunt now runs her own school. 4 Jane's grandpa gave her financial assistance. 5 Jane has performed in Swan Lake before, 6 Jane seems to be worried about her role. Work in pairs. Write down the names of three people you know. Exchange papers and find out about each person. Who's James? He's my cousin. What does te look like? He's short and slim, with short fair hair and blue eyes, What is he like? He's honest and polite. Bree p> Ex. 1a to present your family to the class. There are four members | jn my family. My dad, Peter, my mum, Laura, my sister, Sue and me. | My dad is... By a You are going totisten to a part of a radio Sys Predicting content Before you listen, read the rubric, the statements and possible answers. This will help you familiarise yourself ‘with what the recording will be about. By ® Read the rubric, statements and answers. What do you think the dialogue is about? fen to a part OF a TV show. For questions 1-6 choose the correct answer A, B or C ‘The TV show is about A. British chat shows. B the life and times of a TV personality © the history of British TV. James first met Anna A in London. © ata rugby match. B in Paris, James describes Anna as A. a difficult person to be around B_ someone with a positive view of life. © attalkative person, ‘The interest James and Anna share is ‘A. going to the cinema. B watching TV. © watching classic flms. When James's daughter was born ‘A. James resigned from work. B_ James spent most of his time at home. © James was beginning a new career. James's daughter, Laura, A is employed as a fashion designer. B_ has not started working yet. © has chosen the same career as her father. b) Check these words in the Word List. * chat-show host * incredible * bright ‘= demanding * resign * degree + confident ©) © Do the listening task in Ex. 5a. Intonation: Stressed syllables B ) Listen and say. Which syllables are stressed? ‘talented * generous * optimistic + modest ‘+ understanding * confident * energetic Speaking skills Introduce ourselves/others - Ba Work in groups of three. You and your Ask for/Give personal information - cousin are at a party. Introduce yourself and. Ask about/Express likes/dislikes your cousin to a person there, then ask [> complete the conversation with words questions to get to know the person better. Fonihe table below: Use the phrases in the table below to act ‘out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 1a. favourite band + stand + love ‘name's * prefer + pleasure * like you * met before * you from (InErtnn Rocce cnet }+ Hello. I'm ... /My name's + don’t think we've met before. I'm + I'd like you to meet ... J This is ... _J+ Nice to meet you. * It's a pleasure to meet you. Expressing likes/dislikes really enjoy/ likeylove+noun ere eec es + What kind of music/films do you like? Do you like ...? + What do you think of... + What's your favourite subject/band, etc? ‘Asking about personal 7 Poetry Responding + Where are you from? from + Which school do you go to? _|+ 1 go to Social expressions Ef eter te exchanges. ult: Hello, dont think We've 1) aac MMC) Listen andl check Repeat the phrases in pals I'm Juliet. F a Dan Hi JUllet My 2) ouresnssnseee DAR. Fino thank | Have a nice “Juliet: It's a3). ‘to meet you, Dan. Gsakand: b Take care. See + | can't stand | don’t mind, + | prefer Dan: Nice to meet you, too. Where are i ee you later. 4 4) ern 2 ki must go © Sleep well _ det: from London. And you? ee vinta tinea | an: Tm tom Glasgow. So, are you enjoying he | eee Sere | party ‘ ee You're here now. _ Juliet: Well, to be honest, | can't 5) Pte i Take te k the music, | don't ike dance music at all Bye. I'm off to the eee Dan: | know what you mean. | 6) .. ? gym now. rock music. : "Juliet: Really? What's your 7) oe Describing a picture Dan: | really love Radiohead. They're great! GG ® 1004 2¢ the picture in Ex. ta and Juliet: Oh, Dan, Fb 8)... 0 mat Sasha. complete the sentences. Dan: Hi Sasha, Do you and Juliet work together? ashe: No, we ly on te sare fotalicam. | + THe cue shows some people Dan: Really? 19) .. football Be They are at Juliet: You should play with us some time then! 3 The girls in the foreground are ... They are wearing ... . They are talking to a man. 4 The manis ... , He is wearing 5 Everyone seams to b) ©) Listen and check your answers. Is the dialogue formal or informal? Give reasons. ©) Take roles and read the dialogue aloud. b) () Listen and check. 13} 14 Rubric analysis Read the rubric and look at the underlined words. Answer the questions. ———— This is part of an errail you received from your Enalish frend Penny. How's your new school? Have you made any new friends? What does helshe look ike? What is he/she lke? ‘Write your email (140-190 words) 11 What are you going to write? Who are you? Who is going to read your piece of writing? 4 Wat topos should you include in your piece of writing? 5 What style should you use? 6 How long should your piece of writing be? Opening/Closing remarks a) Which of the sentences are: pening remarks? closing remarks? How's it going? Got to go now. Hope you're Ox. Have to go now. Yd better get going How are you doing? Email me soon. Thanks for your email eXYousens b) Replace the opening/closing remarks in Anna's letter with sentences from Ex. 2a. Model analysis a) Read the model. Which paragraph is about: the writers feelings about the person? ‘name of person, how the writer met him? person’s personality? person's appearance? a BO aD ao) Writing An email describing a person Dear Penny, How are you? Just dropping you a line to tell you how I'm getting on at my new school. I've made friends with one of my classmates. His name's Charlie and he's great fun. Charlie's tall and slim, with short spiky brown hair, He's got a pale complexion and bright blue eyes. He's quite handsome and dresses casually in jeans and trainers. Charlie is a very kind person who's always ready to help) others, He's also extremely funny. I'm always laughing at his jokes. Outside class, he's very sociable. He's taking me to a party tomorrow! He can be a bit arrogant at times though, and doesn't always listen to what I say. 'm really glad I've met Charlie, He's made all the! ifterence to being at a new school. Write back soon. Love, Anna b) List all the words Anna uses to describe Charlie's ‘appearance and personality. Informal style a Which of the sentences are True? Provide examples from the email. ‘Anna's email is informal because it contains: 1. everyday language 2. short verb forms 3. long sentences 4 omission of perscnal pronouns. 5 simple linking words Word order Read the examples. Complete the rules. Use before or after. © Vaombo 5 RaeS sv peel Charlie is very tall. He often goes to the gym. He is never late for class. He plays football very well the verb. the verb, 1 The subject always goes 2 The object normally goes... 3 Adverbs of frequency go but. amain verb. 4 Adverbs go son adjectives/adverbs. .. an auxiliary verb Ga Put the words in the correct order. person/Peterhkindisheryla haiifhe/long/has got he/goes jogging/otten Visits he/his grandparents/sometimes ... he/people/arrogant/doesn't like has/been/Peler/neverlabroad Linking ideas Study the examples. * John is tall. He is skinny. He has short straight hair. John is tall and skinny with short straight har. * Ann Is clever. She is polite. She can be stubborn at times, ‘Ann's clever and polite. However, site can be stubborn at times. Ann's clever. She's also polite, but she can be stubborn at times. + Mary is a sweet gir. She has got a pale complexion. Mary is a sweet gir! who has got a pale complexion, ER) complete the paragraphs with the words from the lists. however * also * and Harry is very inteligent 1)... always {gets good marks in all his tests. He is ‘music on his guitar. 3) she can 5). be ude and sometimes says unpleasant ig green yee __ Wide friendly smile things to people. also * both + but My grandmother is 7)... gives me pocket money and she 8) sometimes, 9)... she never stays angry for long, ~~ Punctuation a a) When do we use a comma (,), a full stop ( mark (?), an exclamation mark (!), an apostrophe ('), and capital letters? Check in the Grammar Reference section. b) Punctuate the sentences below. im just great how are you alex and i are going to a party tomorrow ‘cant wait to hear from you Your turn GJ ® Read the rubric and find the key words. Make notes under the headings: name ~ age ~ appearance - character. Write your email (140190 wards). box to make sentences about the person. | first met Steve in the park two years ago. ® Check the theory in the Writing Bank. Then write your email. Use your notes in Ex. 10a, the plan and the Useful Language. Join your sentences with appropriate linkers. ‘who *and + with isi prey gi) Will soon be fourteen years o 2) fate and Kes 1 COMPOSE | She Is tuiee ta en ea le Jong curly hair, | generous and kind, She always cooks my favourite meal when | visit her on Sundays. She is a bit hot-tempered he's clever but he can be rude at times what can i do Thisis part of an email you received from your English e-friend, What does your neighbour look like? What is he/she lke? ») Use your notes and phrases from the Useful Language Useful Language ‘Opening remarks + first met + has been my friend for Physical Appearance/Cothes +. is quite (good-looking, attractive, eto) + eas the text and decide if the statements are True or False panish tennis player Rafael Nadal -or "Rafa" as he is known to Cee cen eee er today. When playing tennis, Rafa is fierce, fearless and confident. Sports journalists describe him as looking like an angry bull on court - eyebrows raised, lips curled, eyes burning a hole in his ‘opponent. Yet, off court, Rafa is shy, sensitive and uncertain, He is afraid of dogs, spiders, and thunder and lightning. He is even Bo Res eee It seems strange that a ft Jin. 85kg muscular athlete who is so confident on court, could be so unsure in real life. Rafa, the tennis ORs geek eee eC OEM aye oe eee SP eee er er es Ce ee re at ae ce ua ee eee ee eee eed cee ee MR See turned professional at 15), but educated in manners and character Rafa is polite and respectful to everyone he meets. Indeed, even CO as ee ea a oS eed tt ee aes Rafa's fans also love his distinctive style. When Rafa first started Playing professional tennis, he wore baggy, sleeveless shirts (that were always in very vivid colours), three-quarter length trousers and bandanas. Sports journalists said he looked like a pirate! No other player dressed like him. These days, Rafa sports a more traditional style, He wears a polo shirt and shorts cut above the knee - just lke the rest ofthe players on tour. But he i stil distinctive His shirts are almost always tight-fitting. He also wears tennis shoes that have his De Meee eee ten ear Yet, even during the early days of his career when he dressed so distinctively on court, Rafa has always dressed normally - even conservatively - off court. Rafa’s everyday clothes are shirts and V. Dae cee Ck eT at eee) Ee Ce oe ee ee) ree Ce eee eee eet eet = ee ee ed een eet 3 Rafa has been playing tennis since the age of 15. [a 4 Atthe start of his career, sports journalists didn't eee eee eee ene ee ee nee ete ee Progress Che b) Answer the questions in your own words. 1 How has Rafa's dress sense changed over the years? 2 What’ the difference between Rafa's on and off court behaviour? (72: Listening EB tsten ttc aout friendship and decide if statements 1-8 are True or False. The lecture is taking place in the university where Dr Arken works Dr Arken has recently released a book about friendship. Dr Arken states that animals have friends, too. Dr Arken believes that having Internet friends does not mean they are true friends, Dr Arken believes that true friend is someone You see face to face, Dr Arken believes that most people have a small number of true friends. Dr Arken has a Twitter account. Dr Arken thinks that it's impossible to make true friends over the Internet. ( Speaking Ee Choose the correct response. ‘A: What is she like? B: a She is jealous of me. b She's gentle and polite. ‘A: This is my cousin, Sandra. B: a Nice to meet you. b I'm from London. A: I'm sorry I'm late. B: a I'moffnow. b Never mind, A: Hello! !'m Tony. B: a. Hi, Tony. I'm Becky. b I know what you mean, What does he look like? a. He's tall and slim, b He'spatient. (540, 19 i Progress tet. Vocabulary Fill in with: complexion, originally, deceitful, harsh, behaviour, remarkably, conservative, seek, rich, provide. 1 London is a cty 2. You have to follow a code of workplace 3 Don't trust him; he’s a ves BOFSON. 4 Alex has a high-paying job so he can his family with everything they need in history. Inthe He is going to his fortune in the city. 6 The locals are friendly and welcoming to tourists, 7 He's got a pale 8 Life in the desert is, 9 He looks very tie and black trousers. 10 Historians believe Native Americans ‘came ta the American continent from Asia .. and blue eyes. + it's not easy at all in his white shirt, black (10x2=20) Grammar BA Choose the correct word. Nathan has/ls having a bad day today. ‘Sam, have you fixed your watch just/yet? have ever/never been to Rome. Mum, this apricot pie you made tastes/is tasting delicious! 've been leaming Italian since/for a long time. Ihave been trying/have tried to find something nice to ‘wear for hours. | haven't done the dishes yet/already. He has/is having an amazing apartment in the city 9 They've been watching TV since/from the morning, 10. They have yet/just got back from the movies, en (10 0) a Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. 1 What i o'clock this morning? 2 Katie every Thursday. . (you/do) since 10 (play) basketball with her friends 31 oe (g0) to a party tonight. 4 They (already/eat) dinner. 5 How often ... (youlread) a newspaper? 6 ssn (ShO/SuFF) the Internet now? TZ TREY cccnnsnrnn (talk) to each other for hours. 8 He looks tired because he sss (notsleep) well 9 When (she/move) to France? In May. 101 (have) this hair colour for five years. (10x1=10) Choose the correct item. 1. Can you look afterfout my cat while I'm away this weekend? 2 Lamvery attached tofin my family 3 [ook forward to/about meeting him when he arrives. 4 Why are you jealous offin her? 8 Can you look up/out the number in the yellow pages, ploase? (5x2=10) Writing Read the rubric, then write your email. This is part af an email you received from your English e-tiend How are you doing in New York? Do you lke the English language course? What does your teacher look like? What is helshe lke? Write back. Write your email (140-190 words) ‘| (18 marks) (Total=100) Check your ae talk about people's appearance & character + talk about clothes * talk about jobs ‘talk about family members ‘+ introduce yourself & others ‘= ask about/give personal information + ask about/express likes/cislikes * describe a person vwrite an email describing a persen LUD elon) Sere Tc Pete Reuc) Ture Lemar ened Module 2 Our natural world Which picture shows: wild animals? mountains? birds? a river? the ocean? a lake? a forest? a desert? a waterfall? 2 Listen and check, then say. 2 a) Fill in: provide, cover, home, lack, shelter, areas, drop, insects. [A] They are one of nature's treasures. They are 1) ... with a lot of trees and 2)... about 30% of the Earth’s land surface. They provide food and 3) .....»-» to people and animals. They take up 70% of the Earth's surface. They are 4) oi. 0 some of the most amazing creatures on Earth. They 5)... 50% of the Earth's oxygen. [E] They occupy 1/5 of the Earth's land surface. It rarely rains there. Reptiles, 6) . birds and mammals live there. They are hot and there 15 @ T)romnmnennnsnenn OF water and plants. However, temperatures 8). at night. 'b) Which of the pictures 1-9 does each text refer to? EE} rien of the things inthe pictures exist/don’t exist in your country? Name some. Write a few sentences. Tell the class. others au In my country there are rivers. Th are also forests. Se though. it important to take care of the environment? In three MALE minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. 1 Reading Ue 7 Sea Lee I Re RO ‘writers and artists for millennia, and which feature in the ancient mythology, legends ST ne ee es MY people stil believe they only exist in children’s stories. But the fact is, these delicate ‘and shy litle creatures are very real! IB Scientists believe seahorses evolved at least 40 million years ago, and have survived from ancient times with only very small changes in their body structure and eee ae Cea pouch like a kangaroo, and a long, curved tall like a monkey. Their little bodies are covered in bony plates, not scales, and their tiny eyes resemble a chameleon's. Eee ace cu me Cee ad ‘seahorses were a fish, an insect or a shelifisht Today, scientists know without a doubt Ree ec eM eeu onus (ee ee ee RC ue aud using only a back fin and a pair of tiny fins behind their eyes to push them through the ‘water. Seahorses spend a lot of time attached to seaweed or sea grass. They are able to Se eh he Ca helps them to avoid being swept away by strong currents. While they hang from sea eee a Ou SR ee aaa sucking up plankton. Strangely, seahorses have no stomach so they can't store their Se mea ay [> Another unique characteristic of seahorses is that they (along with their cousins, the pipefish) are the only creatures in the animal kingdom where the male, not the female, becomes pregnant and gives birth to babies! The female produces eggs and places them in a pouch inside the male, where they are fertilised. The male gives birth to between § and 200 young. Amazingly, just afew hours after the male gives birth, the female will once again place eggs in the male's pouch. What's more, it will be the same ee ene > Sadly, seahorses are in danger all over the world. Their habitats are being destroyed by human activities. People catch seahorses for pets and for souvenirs. In Asia, people believe seahorses have magical powers so they are used in traditional Chinese medicine. ‘The most endangered seahorse in the worlds the Knysna seahorse, which is only found in Ce re eco oud distribution range — i is only found in three estuaries in the whole of South Africa, Unless. Check these words Gh ® Look at the photograph. [+ capture imagination « millennia « feature + folklore * evolve ‘What is this fish? What do you «survive « body structure * function * peculiar * pouch scales know about it? «resemble » chameleon + shellsh « gis « shallow waters * attached (to) * seaweed * wrap * stem * sweep (away) * current b) Check the words below in + suck (up) + ppefish « pregnant « fertilise + mate + grave danger the Word List. Use them to + exceptionally limited + distribution range + estuory * conserve describe the fish's peculiar SESE SE appearance. + horse-like head + tiny eyes Getting the main idea * long pointed nose » pouch Every paragraph contains a main idea. Finding the main idea of each = sharp spikes * no limbs paragraph helps us understand what the text is about. + bony plates «no scales «gills * long curved tail = swim bladder * fins Read the text quickly. What is the main idea in each paragraph? 22 grap! a Choose the best answer according to the text. Give a Find words or phrases in the text reasons for your answers. that mean the opposite of: 1. Some people are convinced that seahorses + ordinary (para A) A are too small and timid to survive. * deep (para C) B are imaginary creatures. + common (para 0) © should feature in more children’s stories, ind words in the text that D ave the silty fo perform magi. Ga mean: 2 Scientists believe modern-day seahorses A look very similar to prehistoric seahorses. B are able to change their body structure. © may be related to the chameleon. D have poor eyesight. + fragile (para A) + strange (para B) ‘non-stop (para C) * pair off (para D) + most serious (para E) 3. Seahorses attach themselves to seaweed and sea grass A in order to eat it. B using their mouths and tails. © to stay safe in rough waters. D when they want to travel long distances. ‘Complete the summary. Use ‘these words: curved, mate, bony, currents, gives, shallow, store, catch, peculiar, lost, attach, places, grave. 7 4. Eating for seahorses, Y fish with ay A Is dificult as they don't have teeth. aoe eae B takes up a lot oftheir time. They have a2) : © involves storing plankton in their bodies. (fat apd'3) cee splot D requires them to chew continuously They lve in 4) warm waters. They can't swim well o they 5). themselves to seaweed 50 Str0n9 6) oso ant aneep them evay They et most of the time because they have no stomach to 7) food. The tale seahorse 8) .nse--~ne Birth t0 babies, The female 9). the eggs in the male's pouch, Seahorses vnuns. for life, Unfortunately, they are in danger because people ‘them for pets or souveris. cayana seahorse isn 12). Listen and read the text. Answer the questions in Taager iF we don't protect it, are your own words. for good. 5 When it comes to reproduction, seahorses A like to mate with as many different seahorses as possible. B are the only fish where the males give birth. © are pregnant more or less continuously. D ive birth to very small numbers of young, 6 The Knysna seahorse A is the rarest of South Africa's three seashores species. B is used as medicine in some cultures. © is found throughout South Africa D isin more danger than any other seahorse species. 1 What characteristics make seahorses fish? 2. How do seahorses reproduce? 3. Why is the Knysna seahorse an endangered species? Creates Less than 1% of young seahorses make it to adulthood ar) CMe Ta See aaa) * What did you know about seahorses? What Cr are eee Cag naar pipefish. Use the key word: pipefish. Tell TMs Lee ees 23, 24 Vocabulary from the text Replace the underlined words with words in the list in their correct form: evolve, resemble, grave, capture, hang on, peculiar. 1 These beautiful animals have caught the imagination of writers. ‘They changed form and developed inio different forms a long time ago. 3. Their appearance is very strange. 4 Their eyes look like a chameleons. 5 They usually hold on to sea grass, 6 The Knysna seahorse is in very serious dancer. a Fill in: refrain, destroy, prevent, damage, avoid. 1 Please .. from eating too much chocolate. It's bad for the teeth. 2 When hiking, wear boots if you want to being bitten by a snake, 3 We humans will completely the Amazon rainforest if we are not careful 4 Acid rain can cause a lot of to forests, 5 Wearing sunscreen will you from getting sunburnt. Fill 1. Dinosaurs have been extinct for least 65 millon years. 2 @ doubt, Einstein was one of the greatest scientists : in, at, without, to. 3. In humans, skeletal muscles are attached ..... bones. 4 Cats usually give birth between one and eight kittens. 5 Male seahorses are the only creatures the animal kingdom that give birth babies. 6 Many plant and animal species BF «nnn danger of extinction Choose the correct word. Bitecoe the fastest animals on Earth, ae 1 endangered/ threatened by habitat 2) loss/waste because people cut down toes, People eso hunt then for thsi pote pelt, Fes them in onder to 3) protectipreserve tei livestock The the ) biggest! largest of al whales, i nw f. legally 5) supportediprotected ee BF cxviastnnetng i in, There are only 2,500 left. ‘The is in 6) danger/trouble ‘because people hunt it for its skin and because they get 7) trapped/grabbed in fishing nets. Nowadays, a lot of countries protect this species by 8) lawirute The is 9) meetinglfacing 10) extinetion/disappearance duc to overfishing and habitat loss Gy» Read the definitions. ‘mammals: warm-blooded animals that give birth to live babies and feed their young on milk ‘amphibians: animals that live both on land and in water, birds: creatures rodents: small mammals | with feathers with sharp front teeth | and wings b) Which type of animal are each of the animals below? Decide in pairs. (> Listen and check. reptiles: cold-blooded animals which have scaly skin and lay egos fish: cold-blooded creatures that live in water and usually have gills and fins ‘insects: small animals | that have six legs and most of them have wn + mouse * fly * monkey * whale + beetle * frog dolphin + seal * eagle « squirrel + butterfly * parrot ‘+ crocodile * toad * tuna » jaguar * iguana * salmon ‘* kangaroo * chameleon + bear Environmental problems G ‘Match the environmental problems (A-H) to the pictures (1-8). [Al_]deforestation (EJ endangered species forest fire (EL landfills full of rubbish [CL Jair pollution | (@]_] oil spilt [DI] melting ice caps | [HI] water pollution Match the environmental problems (1-7) to the solutions (a-g). Then discuss in pairs, as in the example. ‘tum off lights when we don't need them Use taps carefully Use public transport recycle eubbish clean up the coastine stop hunting them plant trees appearing forests endangered animals polluted beaches energy wasie airpollution olotal water shortage landfils ful of rubbish A: How can we solve the problem of disappearing forests? B: We can plant trees. Prepositional phrases a Choose the correct preposition in bold. Check in the Word List. Make sentences using the prepositional phrases. 1. Alot of animals are at/in risk of extinction 2 We must protect habitats of/from disappearing. 3. You can help save animals of/from extinction. 4 Seahorses rely on/with camouflage to hide offfrom predators 5 Wildlife’ means animals living at/in the wild. Word formation (forming nouns from verbs) Complete each sentence with the nouns derived from the words in bold. We form nouns fram verbs using the Following suffies:-ion (prevent-prevention),-ation (converse-conversation), -sion (explode- explosion), -tion (suggest-suggestion) 1. Recycling helps control environmental (POLLUTE) 2 In both people and animals will benefit if laws are made to abolish illegal animal trading. (CONCLUDE) 3. The animal shelter has announced that there will be a in staff because of financial difficulties. (REDUCE) 4 There's a great fete documentaries about endangered species. to watch. (COLLECT) 5 There is a meeting on whale next Monday. (CONSERVE) Phrasal verbs: BRING UP round Choose the correct particle. Check in the about Word List. 1 His new book about endangered out species will be brought about/out this May. (be published) 2 Environmentalists helped to bring about! round a change in the law. (caused to happen) 3 She managed to bring out/up her three children on her own. (raise) 4 He brought up/about the issue of saving the ‘whales during the seminar. (mentioned) 5. He fainted, but the doctor brought him about! round. (regained consciousness) 25 26 Modal Verbs You mustn’t hunt endangered fou should (ought to respect the environment, Gp merch the modals in bold to their use Read the sentences and choose the correct words. (,) Listen and check. 1 We mustn'tshould all do what we can to protect the environment. 2 You mustn'tdon't have to buy products made from endangered species. 3. More people ought to/mustn't recycle. 4 People mustn't/don't have to use their cars for short distances when they can walk 5 We needn’t/mustn't damage coral reets. 6 Making your house environmentally friendly needn'timustn’t cost a lot of money. 7 We ought to/mustn’t put our litter in a bin and not throw it on the street. 8 It's a good idsa to adopt an animal; more people should/mustn’t do it. a Rewrite the sentences using appropriate modal verbs. 1 It's against the law to hunt blue whales, We musin’t hunt blue whales. 2. It's a good idea to join an environmental group. 3. It’s against the law to hunt cheetahs. 4 It’s the right hing to protect endangered species. 5 It's wrong to hunt animals for their fur will/Going to 1. Look at those dark clouds! It's going to rain. 2. I'm going to join Greenpeace this year. 3 I think he will succeed. [Ssco pp. GAS-GRe have to use public transport in order to to/needn't pay for a ticket to enter Grammar in use = prohibition (i's wrong! against tne lawiit's ‘orbidden)? +s advice/suggestion (i's the right thing to dotit's {2 good idea)? + obligation/duty/necessty (i's your duty/you are obliged to)? + lack of necessity (it's not necessary)? the z00, [fscon oro} Match sentences 1-3 to what they express: a prediction based on what we think/believe, 2 future plarvintention, a prediction based on what we see. Check in the Grammar Reference Section. in: will or am/is/are going to. ‘A: What are you doing this afternoon, Bob? Be Vc . clean up the park. Come with me. 2. A: Have you taken the recycling tothe certre? B: Sorry. | doit later. 3. A; I'm helping at the animal shelter today. B: I think |. join you, 4 A: Where is Ann going? B: To the beach. She ... meet Peter and help pick up litter. 5 A: Where are all these people going? B: To the park. They plant some new trees. Future continuous/Future Perfect 1. This time next week, I'll be travelling to Spain. 2. This time next week, I'll have finished my project. 3 4 I be seeing Ann tonight. a) Read the examples 1-3. Which verb form ‘expresses: a previously arranged action? an action in progress at a certain time in the future? an action finished before a certain future time? Check in the Grammar Reference section. 'b) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, 1A: How long have you been a membet of this environmental group? B: By the end of June, | (be) with them for a year. 2. A: Aren't you meeting Bob at the animal shelter? B: By the time we get there, he .. . (leave). 3. A: This time tomorrow, | (walk) 10 work. B: Oh, yes. It's ‘No Car Day’ 4A We . eoesn (lea Up) the park by tonight. B: That's great. What will you be doing: at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon? at 8:30 Sunday evening? What will ‘you have done by the time you are 30? ‘Deductions/Assumptions| She must be tired. (I'm sure she is.) She can't still be working, ('m sure she isn’t.) She may move to London. (It's possible.) She must have known he wasn’t coming. (I'm sure she didn’t.) She can't have lost the keys. ('m sure she didn’t.) She may/might not have reached home yet. (t's possible she didn’t.) Ey stusy the table. which sentences refer to the: present? past? Which express: positiveynegative deduction? uncertainty? Which modals are used for each type? Ep book 2t the picture and make sentences using the phrases. Use must, may or can‘t. + be friends + rain before + work since moming + be summer + do this before + feel cold + collect clothes + be on holiday + belong to an environmental ‘group + start early ‘Time Clauses He'll come as soon as he finishes work. lileave when she gets here. (time word) BUT: When will she get here? (question word) [fever cr} oO a) Read the examples. What tense do we use after time words (when, until, before, as soon as, after, etc) to refer to the future? b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or future. Compare with your partner. 11 We should help the environment before it (be) too late. 2 WO arrrnnreeeee (walt) until we have enough volunteers. 3 She... (start) a clean-up campaign before she goes to college. 4 What will he do after he... (finish) schoot? 5 She wants to be an environmentalist when sho (grow up). a Choose the correct item. We can all do a number of simple things that 1)willishould make a big difference to the environment and we 2) don’t have to/mustn’t change our lifestyles very much either. For example, if you insulate your home, you help the | environment and save on your energy bills. Also, you 3)should/need check the settings on your | central heating and your fridge. if you 4) turn/are | going to turn the temperature down just a few | degrees, you 5) will/must save money and energy 6)before/when you know it. You 7)should/ ‘ought also switch all the light bulbs in your house ‘to energy-efficient ones and by this time next year you'll 8) be paying/have paid a lot less. | Sentence transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use appropriate ‘modal verbs. 1 It's the right thing to help protect endangered species. We - 2 I's not necessary to water the plants. NoUpie aia 3. It’s a good idea to turn off lights when you don't need them. You icin 4 It’s against the law to drop litter in the street, YOU een f en 5 You are obliged to keep your dog on a short lead near farm animals. You = Listening skills a) You will hear an interview with oa ) You will hear a lecture about forests. ‘a scientist about lions. Before you listen, Before you listen, check these words in the check these words in the Word List. Word List. * game reserves * habitat loss * hunting + raise awareness + oxygen supply « accidental poisoning « vanish land surface + urban areas * cures + critically endangered species list + life-threatening diseases * medicinal uses + poacher * breed ») () Listen and complete the sentences. b) (2 Listen to the dialogue and decide if 1 ‘each sentence is True or False. Is the dialogue formal or informal? Give reasons. Forests keep the world's climate 2 They are home to over 60% of the world’s 1. Most lions live in national parks and 3. Nowadays, rainforests represent about 5% game reserves. - : 2. Three decades ago, there were 180,000 4 Rainforest plants could provide us ‘more lions in she wild. life-threatening diseases. 3. Most experts agree it is probably too 5 To help protect rainforests, we mustn't waste late to save the lion. 4 Many lions are killed hy mistake. 5 Dr Richards is trying to raise money to save lions, [Ey ©? tisten again and for questions 15 choose the cor wer A, Bor C. © What did you learn from the interview ee about lions? Why are lions in danger? What 1. Less than ten percent of the Earth's land mass can you do to help? Tell your partner. A is home to wildlife. Stress in questions B is covered by rainforests, produces the worla's oxygen supply a a) Read the sentences and find the stressed. syllables, 2 Which is NOT mentioned as a reason that trees are cut down? Can you tell us why lions are in danger? ‘A to cleat for farmland How many lions should there be in the wild? B to develop towns Can lions be saved from extinction? © to reduce land surface What can we do to help? (One hundred and thirty-seven rainforest species b) () Listen and check, then say, RSA are becoming extinct every day. have been tested. CoC ace are cut down for wood, Pee B=What does Jeremy suggest we should do to help ea ainforests? A use less paper B recycle wooden furniture © buy paper online Jeremy believes that people A. do not love this planet, B are very sad about the planet. © often don't remember their duty. Core CR Cre eee Cry Pee er Oe Gtr + One in ten known species in Lach eh et ilatald What did you learn from the lecture about Seen rete rainforests? How can you help to save Perret ty them? Tell your partner. Pere kes GB) 2) Julie is having a problem with her electri is suggesting ways to reduce energy waste Bil: Julie: Bill Julie: Bil: Julie: Bil: Julie: Bill: Julie Bil Julie Bill ) Take roles and read the dialogue aloud. bill. Her friend fen and read to find out what her friend suggests. Hi, Julie. What's wrong? Hi, Bil, | ust can't believe it! My electricity bl was really expensive last month. ‘You must be wasting a lot of energy. You should save electricity to help the environment as well as to save money. OK. What do you suggest? First of all, maybe you could turn the lights off when you leave a room. Good thinking. 'd save a lot of money on my ils. Why don't you buy energy-saving light bulbs, too? That's an excellent idea! What else would you suggest? How about shutting your computer down when you're not using it? I'm not sure about that. | often download music and need to keep it running. How about if | used a screensaver instead? That would certainly save energy from your monitor. Thanks, Bill. You've been a big help. You're welcome. EB) 2) The pictures show some [Bue phrases from the language in the table possible ways to save energy and the ideas below to act out a dialogue at school. in pairs complete suggesting other ways to save energy at the sentences with: instal home, solar panels, energy-saving ones, * only use your washing machine/dishwasher turning on the air-conditioning, when itis full tum off lights, put stickers. + tum off all appliances when you are not using them + remove the phone charger from the socket when classrooms are empty, we when your phone has charged é ‘+ make sure windows and doors are closed when heating/air conditioning is on Crys COME eR TTS STRUT sseenrnsee? 9 | PT | > Howwnar bent |e" Ther cours on the computers to remind us ‘That sounds great, (+ ing form) ..2 |+ I think it's a great idea eats + Let's (+ bare | That's an excellent idea! RP cis infinitive) + Good thinking + Wry not (+ bare f+ Yes, | suppose you're right ee infinitive)...2 | OK. Why not? Fi EM eee Perhaps/Maybe |+ OK. What do you suggest? ee youlwe could... |» don't think its a good idea. a Why don't you Ton think so. ak ere ''m not sure about that. b) () Listen to a pair suggesting ways to save Youre should... J+ How about... instead? energy at school. What reasons do they give for |e = the decisions they made? Do you agree with them? Why/Why not? 30 Writing Bank 2p. WB2 Rubric analysis Read the rubric. What do you have to do? Choose the correct answer A, B or C. (You have had a class discussion about air pollution. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing how to reduce air pollution. Write your essay (140-190 words), Write about. 41) using public transport 2) planting more trees 3) (your own idea) A. Write your opinion on the topic. B Write your suggestions on how to solve the problem, © Write only waat the problem and its causes are. Model analysis By Fees the mode. answer the questions. he ®Potuton ote Eanes | simosphere has reached figmtering proportions. This is | largely duet he growth of indsty ane increased se of | private vehicles. So what can be done about this problem? | one etacive soluion is for people o leave thor cars at home and use pube transport instead. By doing this here woud be fewer “| exhaust fumes and ar pollution levels woud be reduced {Another solution is to plant more trees in urban areas. Then, as the tees absorb harmiul gases such as carbon monoxide and breathe out oxygen, the air in curctes wil booome cleaner. Thr, tis important 10 save energy. Power stations contrbute tot pollen. By turing of Highs and appliances when we dont need ther, we help reduce tho pollution problem > in conclusion, | strongly botove that tying to reduce at pouton Is something which involves us al Everyone must ake action before ti to lato, 11 What problem is the essay about? Which paragraph states it? 2 What solutions does the writer suggest? 3. What results can each solution have? 4 Which paragraph summarises the writer's opinion? Writing An essay providing solutions to a problem Sees ‘Topic/Supporting sentences Inessays the main body paragraphs should begin with topic sentences. A topic sentence introduces or summarises the main topic ofthe paragraph and gives the reader an idea of wiat the paragraph is about. {Atopic sentence shouldbe followed by supporting sentences which provide examples, results, reasons, justifications to support the topic sentence a) Find the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs. Does each introduce a new topic? Do the rest of the sentences in each paragraph further explain the topic sentence? b) Replace the to appropriate ones. sentences with other o a) Read the paragraphs below. What problem is each about? [ZX] We can buy loose tt, vegetables, cheese, meat ‘and fish, We can also take our own shopping bags to the supermarket and avoid using plastic ora. ‘By doing this we can reduce the amount of runbish wo create. oe el ‘We can tum off the tp when running water is aot necessary. This way we help prevent water shortages. El we can ston buvine products made oF vor, ca reptile skin o forties. Tis way, we el ortect endangered species. b) Write appropriate topic sentences for the paragraphs in Ex. 4a. Expand the notes to form topic and supporting sentences, as in the example. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. 1. encourage people/use public transport ~ there belless cars on streets Auuseful solution is to encourage people to use public transport. This way there wil be Jess cars on the streets. 2. move factories/the countryside — air in citles/be cleaner 3 avoid buying products/endangered species — protect endangered animals 4 organise clean-up days/keep local parks/ beachesiciean 5 start recycling ~ reduce/amount of rubbish Biase Planning an essay providing solutions to @ problem Before you start writing an essay providing solutions to a problem, think of possible solutions and examples to support each solution, you suggest. Then organise your notes into paragraphs. This will help Yyou write your essay, Writing Ga Read the rubric. What problem are you going to write about? You've had a dass discussion on the following topic: Every year more ‘and more animals are facing extinction. We | must all help protect ‘endangered species. You ‘teacher has asked you to write an essay (140-130 words) providing solutions | tothe problem, Write about: 1) adopting an endangered animal 2) protect animal habitats 3)... (your own idea) Look at the notes. Which are solutions? Which are results? animals ete wor'tlose animal theirhomes won't face extinction ild stop illing animals a Use phrases from the Useful Language box to write sentences joining each solution to its expected result. A useful solution is... This way, .. Check the theory in the Writing Bank. Then write your essay. Use ideas from Exs 7 & 8. Follow the plan. Don't use short verb forms. Start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence. PESmer ero Introducing topic sentences providing solutions * A usefulleffective solution/suggestion is * Another solution is... + Another way to solve the problem is + Itis a good idea to... + It could help if Introducing supporting sentences presenting possible results # This way./in this way, « Then, * Asa result, » By doing this, we can. * If we do this, the result can be Introduction (Para 1) — state the problem andlor its causes : ‘Main Body (Para2) fist suggestion and expected result (Para) second suggestion and expected resuit (Para 4) third suggestion and expected result Conclusion (Para) summarise your opirion Checklist When you finish your piace of writing check itfor the folowing ‘+ Have you stated the problem and its ‘causes? ‘+ Have you stated your opinion? * Are your paragraphs wel-structured? * Do the main body paragraphs start with an appropriate topic sentence? * Do the supporting sentences further explain the main idea ofthe topic sentence? * Have you presented each suggestion ‘together with its result? ‘+ Have you used full verb forms? * Is your essay within the word length? + Are there any speling/grammar/ punctuation mistakes? DJ cuvicutture 2p. cc2 31 : Language Think of the word which | best fits each gap. Use ‘only one word in each gap. There is an example | at the beginning (0). eM Peeks The Daintree is 0) an ancient tropical rainforest stretching for 95 km 1) the far north coast of Queensland, Australia. At 100 million yeas old itis the world’s oldest rainforest. The Daintree is also known as the *planet’s nursery” due to the 2) that the majority of the Earth's tree and flower species originate from there. Some of these plants, 3)... the massive king tree fern, were around when dinosaurs walked the earth! The Daintree’s extraordinary biodiversity includes many species of rare animals not found anywhere else on earth. All of 4) tunique qualities led to the Daintree hhecaming a World Heritage site in 1988, Not surprisingly, the Daintree 3). becane a popular destination for eco-tourism. O) you have to choose your season, summer is extremely hot and_wet, 7) torrential rains making many areas inaccessible, However, during winter, 25°C sunny days make perfect conditions for exoloring this rainforest region, unofficially Bie _-of the natural wonders of the world Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ‘meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use two to five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). They say the cheetah is an endangered species. SAID The cheetah is said to bo an endangered species. The young boy said he would not pick up the rubbish he had drepped. REFUSED ‘The young boy the rubbish he had dropped. People still hunt elephants for their tusks even though it is illegal. FACT People still hunt elephants for their tusks despite ilegal. I the situation doesn’t improve soon, more species will become extinct, IMPROVEMENT Unless .. «the sitvation, more species will become extinct, Experts are worried about the level of air pollution. WORRIES What es The Great Barrier Reef ‘tho level of air pollution. ‘When Captain Cook sailed up the 0) unchartered CHART 5 Not many people realise how east coast of Australia for the first time, he was important recycling is. not presared for the 1) of the VAST UNDERSTAND Get Baier Ret, which extended for over 1000 very m, and was very dangerous in places. Cook's ran aground several times and the coral tore ieperant rye m9 be aye into the hull causing severe DEEP 6 It was up to Sarah to decide damage. When he finally made it to the far north hers, they should go) forint coast, Cook named its 3)..... most NORTH MAKE point, Cape Tribulation, for the difficult time he Sarahihad had navigating a safe 4) PASS about These days, the Great Barrier Reef is a marine ne park where they should go for dirner. of world 5) .- and @ favourite SIGNIFY 7 “Does all the rubbish go to a landfill imeratona ving loan, The turquoise site? Clara asked. WHETHER waters are still home to TROPIC ‘lara ash ee Z thousands of marine species, from Seles went to a landfill site. Ta colored opal fs tomantay BRIGHT Ig paure vehement i, polilcs rays and seahorses. Nowadays lass. be ae poten boats cruise through the 8) . me Ql aa rencpa began at university. INVOLVED marine environment. pauls: he was at university. Grammar a Choose the correct item. 1 10 1" My teacher ..... me to research all my options before | applied to a specific university. A recommended advised B suggested D insisted ‘The curator asked us ..... any of the statues, A to not touch © not touching B please stop touching D not to touch "You know, we're running out of time on this project.” “It's precisely ..... we need more time that we should ask for an extension.” A since that © though B dueto D because “Can you afford ..... such an expensive car and maintain it?" “Yes, I've recently been promoted.” A to buying ¢ to buy B buying D buy he textile factory caught fire yesterday.” know! The flames ..... several miles away." A couldbeseen could see B saw D were seeing The local residents were decision to demolish the old theatre, A disappointed of © disappointed to B disappointed from Disappointed with the council's her inexperience, she gave an impressive performance. A Because of B Although “Which one of ..... computer games should | buy Todd for his birthday?” “I think he'd like that one." © However D inspite of A this B them these D theirs We ..... cleared up the beach without the help of volunteers. A never have © could never have B may not be D had never “Have you seen my mobile anywhere?" "Yes, you've left it on the .....” A kitchen’s table kitchen table B kitchen tables D kitchens’ table | spent .... weekend revising for my final exams, A most of the © the most of the B most ot D the most Vocabulary Gh croose the conect item. 1 10 "1 2 13 Charles did all sorts of jobs to .... a living Again Beam C win D take Angie has the ..... to become a champion tennis, player. A potential © advantage B efficiency D operation | picked up the phone, dialled the number, but realised the line was ‘A empty B dead C wasted D beat A recent study ..... that there is a connection between poverty and crime. A calculates © records B expresses D indicates | didn't realise setting up my own business 80 much hard wark A engaged B surrounded © involved D contained ‘She was sitting in the ..... of a large apple tree. ‘A shade B shadow C darkness D cover The T-shirts and sweaters cost £15 and £30 A simultaneously © primarily B cooperatively D respectively ‘There was such a wide range of goods on that | didn't know what to buy. A. exhibition © display B shop D shelves The news of her transfer to another branch . as a real surprise to Muriel. A went B made came D was | really enjoy science, but my brother is .... with it this year. A struggling © contlicting B fighting D worrying Stephen likes ..... old motorbikes and putting them back together again. A destroying © dismantiing B uncovering D demolishing Stan was ..... from schoo! for playing truant. A expelled © evacuated B oxcluded D extracted Hanna has ..... a good knowledge of Chinese, A obtained © registered B acquired D accessed 33 34 a Fill in the words in their correct form. = develop + grow evolve + expand 11 Most scientists beliove human beings In Africa. 2 Mountain gorillas senses SLOWLY = they don't reach maturity until they are about 12 years old 3. Putfer fish have the ability to 7 their body when threatened in order to frighten off predators 4 Bamboo at an astonishingly; rapid rate — up to 100 cm in 24 hours. = remain + survive last + continue 5 It looks unlikely the tiger the century. 6 I'matraid the pain from the snakebite along time. 7 tthe destruction of the Amazon Rainforest . temperatures wil rise. 8 Scientists estimate less than 1,600 giant pandas in the wild = trouble « threat «risk » danger 9 Many plant species are in... of extinction. 10. The documentary shows that sharks are in big . worldwide. 11. Humans pose a greater to sharks, than vice versa, 12 Elephants and rhinos are at ‘rom poachers. Phrasal verbs & Prepositions a Choose the correct item. 1 We must protect the world’s oceans by/from overfishing. 2 | think animals should live at/in the wild, not in/on captivity 3 How many plant species are in/on danger of extinction in/at the Amazon? 4 Poaching and habitat destruction are just two reasons why tigers are with/at risk of ‘extinction. 5 Environmenialists around/over the world are fighting hard to save the Earth's fauna from/over extinction. 6 They'll bring the new film round/out next month, 7 Drlan Murray brought up/about the issue of deforestation during the meeting. 8 What brought about/out the disappearance of dinosaurs? Word Formation EQ complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in bold. “The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. It has a big head and 1) (power) jaws. Its coat is yellow with black spots, Its 2) ie (high) is up to 76 em and it weighs up (0 113 kg, Jaguars live and hunt 3) (lone), They love the water tis a(n) 4) (danger) species in the USA, Human 5) (populate) growth and agricultural 6) (expand) are their main threats. GQ mite the noun form of the words below in your notebooks. 1 pollute | 4 appear 7 conserve 2 extinct | 5 continue | 8 protect 3 imagine | 6 destroy 9 preserve (Term Complete the gaps with the correct word. Then put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 0% of the Earth's species 1). ea ccs (disappear) by the end of this century according to Dr Richard Leakey. He says that people are using almost half the energy available to sustain life on the planet and the figure 2) .. (grow) as our population grows. This threatens every form of ife on Earth including people. We 3) do something to stop It before it 4) (be) too late, We 5) ae te stop hunting animals as this puts a lot of species 6). : risk of extinction. Overtishing and pollution are two other factors that threaten species 7) extinction. Cutting tropical rainforests, which are home 8) what of the world’s species, in order to build towns and cities or roads, puts species 9) . danger. What 10) hold) for the planet? 11) so (the future/ . (other ‘species/appear) or can this be the end of the world? Reading a a) Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D is correct. . me _ Ferocious Normally, plants get all the 1 they need to grow from the soil. But waterogged hats lke welends and Swamps, the water has washed away most of the nuns fom the ground | raking @tafcut for many plants to there. But some plants do very wel in the harsh cendtons of wetiands. “They are camvorous plants. Unike a other plants on Earth, camvorous plats dont have to ge! he nes they ned to row tom the round. They {get them by extng animal sn instead Carnivorous plants use the sneatest of vcks to tap thie animal cnners Fist they tact animals them, Some d hs by secreting a see, sary igi. Others proce beautul bight ners or an tress smell, Nox, they rap he animal, Here's where things get really clever. Sore carivorous plats sap the leaves ight shut eround animals to crete a pant prison Others produce a sticky glue substance that makes itimpossible for animals to ‘escape. Some even use their leaves to create a deep tube filled will rain water ‘to drown their prey. ‘What happens next? Once an animal is captured, its time for the leaves to change from trap to stomach, Just ike our stomach, the leaves of camivorous | plants emit acidic digastve juices. These juices assolve the i animal and the plant absorbs the nutrients, When dinner 1s over the leaves open again, the remains of the animal are thrown out, and the plant is ready to Catch another victim! ‘he bladderwort plat isa prety litle plant that gtows in swamps. Don't be fooled by the innocent look of iis small purple flowers though, Sladderworts are the fastestinown kilers in the plant kingdom. They have the abilty to suck small fish and insects into thei leaves in 1/50 of a second! And then there's tho pitcher plant ~ a plant so big it can ‘atch rats. The pitcher uses. iis leaves to create a deep container. Animals fall into the container and cant crawl out the leaves are slippery and sticky. eating plants prove that real life sometimes ys stranger than fection! 1 Carnivorous plants A don't do as well as other plants in wetlands. B get most nutrients from the soll. € receive nutrients from other species. D are the only plants able to survive in wetlands. 2. The leaves of all carnivorous plants can change A shape. B function © size, D position. Progress — Check— When an animal is trapped in a carnivorous plant ‘A the leaves open immediately. B the leaves produce a liquid that breaks meat down, © the animal receives nutritious juices. D the animal is used as bait for the next vietim, The bladderwort plant A has got sticky leaves. B eats big animals. © hasn't got flowers. D Is avery rapid killer. (4y>_9) b) Answer the questions in your own words. Justify your answers. 1 Why can carnivorous plants live in habitats low in essential nutrients? 2 What are some methods that carnivorous plants use to trap animals? ex Speaking Choose the correct response. A: Let’s watch that wildlife documentary tonight, B: a OK. Why not? bb What's wrong with that? ‘A: Why not adopt an animal at the 200? B: a Whata great ideal I suppose you're right. ‘A: Perhaps we can organise a ‘Save Energy Day’ at school B: a You're welcome. b That sounds great A: You should buy energy saving light bulbs. B: a I suppose you are right. b That's no excuse. ‘A; How about installing solar panels? B: a Good thinking. b. Sorry ~ | didn’t think of that. (6x2=10) 35 Progress at=x94.4 Listening (Listen to a lecture about an endangered species and decide if the following statements are True or False, 11 There are more than 50 Amur leopards living inthe wild. ‘Amur leopards are found in China, Korea and Russia. ‘The Amur leopard's fur changes during the seasons. ‘They usually Ive in groups, ‘They sleep during the day and hunt at night, They hide their prey if they don't finish eating it. ‘Amur leopards are not a protected species. “The main threat to the Amur leopard comes from poachers Vocabulary (ex o Fill in with: pregnant, rare, shallow, millennia, unique, powers, scales, continuously, current, anatomy. 1 We can't swim here. The .. is too strong. 2 The Chinese beliove tiger bones have healing . é 3 In seahorses, itis the male not the female that becomes 4 This snake species is... to one lake in the Philippines. 5 Legends of dragons have existed for ... 6 The water is very = I's only up to my waist. 7 8 ‘The skin of most fish is covered in Sharks replace their teeth .. constantly generating new teeth. 9 The trunk is the most interesting features of the elephant’s they are 410 The Amazon Rainforest is home to thousands of animal and plant species, (10x Grammar Gp ret the vers in brackets into the correct tense 1 What wasn (take) with you for the hike? 2. | will call you as soon as | (arrive) at the animal shelter. (youffinish) the project by 3 o'clock? 4 Please don’t phone us between 1 pm and 5 pm. We . (work). 6 It's anice day today. | think | (go) to the zoo. 6 The seminar... (start) when Mr Harris arrives. 7 Look how sunburnt you arel a... (youlbe) ‘sore tonight. 8 Scientists think all wild seafood ... (disappear) in 50 years. 8 Sorty, but I can't come at 6 as | (help) at the shelter, 10. The traffic is terrible. We (be) late for the meeting. (10x2220) 36 Rewrite the sentences using an appropriate modal verb. 1. Its forbidden to take pictures. 2 It isn’t necessary to feed the cats. 3. I's the duty of students to oick up their rubbish. 4 It's the right thing to listen without interrupting. 5 I's prohibited to take pets Into the museum, Writing ate a Read the rubric, then write your essay. You have had a class discussion about energy waste, Your | teacher has asked you to wiite an essay discussing ways to save energy (140-190 words). Write your essay. Write about: 1) raising awareness 2) installing solar panels, 3) ... (your own idea) | (20 marks) (Total=100) TO tty Talk about our natural world talk about types of animals & endangered species talk about environmental problems express prohibition express advice express obligation/duty (necessity) talk about future events make suggestions & agree/disagree identity stress in questions write an essay providing solutions to problem Module 3 Types of holidays Li Tele eel scala sy ‘skiing holiday | a Cor Laer Rene ibeach holiday oliday sightseeing hi a) Choose the correct word. oe + vibrant * major ‘fascinating * friendly ® + doticious + freezing cold + cosy « secluded nee Madrid is @ 1) .nnero FEWAS BD arenes WHER , . city and the locals are ery temperature of 5°. We stayed ina Dee ree aaa SMAll 8 een Vl8QE High Mines) cee toetat | tmarmouneans:Ourheere ee attractions and in the evening ) ang), ‘and the food ‘we experienced Madrid’s was 8) # a nightlife. wet (© + peaceful The place where we stayed was dean and very sdeserted 3)... There was a beach five minutes down the + clear road. The sea was crystal 10) ‘and we went swimming every morning. The beach was almost always 11). We really enjoyed having it to ourselves. b) Match the texts to the pictures. ) Listen and check. Imagine you went on either a safari or a sightseeing holiday. Use these words and adjectives to talk about the holiday. + quiet * noisy/crowded (place/streetsrhnotel) + crowded = desertedisecluded (beach/square) adventurous + scorching hot freezing cold tiring + beautiful + ugly (place) * clean ¢ dirty (place) thriting xciting + boring (nightite/city) + clean # polluted (water) bai + safe 2 dangerous (are2) exhausting + modern = historic (buildingicity) amazing * cheap + expensive (shopIhotel/restaurant) + friendly « unfriendly (locals) 37 ) Look at the picture and isten to the sounds. How do you think you would feel if you were in this place? Check these words/phrases in the Word List. Use five of q ‘them to complete the gaps. + thunder * plunge into Before the exploration of Africa in the 19th century, myths {natural wonders rainbows |) an legends circulated around Europe about the continent, aetna ones Europeans knew very little about this vast mass of land as few travellers had ever dared venture into its mysterious interior. 1. Victoria Falls is in Attica, it's |) One enthusiastic Scottish explorer by the name of Dr Davd 5 one of the seven Livingstone was passionate about Africa and extremely eager to of the modern world, discover its secrets.[7]_] 2 Livingstone 0... te Dr Livingstone was sent to South Africa in 1840 as a medical eet hee new missionary. He would end up spending a large part of his life Every minute 200 million litros |) there, Between 1842 and 1846, lve explored south and central 10 of water ~- 290198. |) Africa and became the first European to travel across the entire 4 You can hear the water make |) country West to East. On 16th November 1855, Dr Livingstone a noise like even |] stumbled upon a huge waterfall.(2|_]“No one can imagine the ‘when you are 50 km from the uataral beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England, It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely 15, Si ivetitone waterten lee! must have been gazed upon by angels in flight,” he later wrote. [3]_]But Livingstone named it Victoria Falls after his queen, 18) Which of the sentences in Ex.2 Victoria Falls is located in the national park of the same are true about Victoria Falls? | name in southern Africa on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall 20 in the world, itis the largest. The falls itself is 1,708 m wide and 108 m in height. [4] _] Every minute, 500 million litres of water plunge 100 m into a narrow gorge. The spray from the falls rises to a height of 400 m and can be seen up to 50 km away. ‘The waterfall is undoubtedly one of the most magnificent 25 natural spectacles in the world, [5] _] Victoria Falls is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world and the entire national park is 2 UNESCO World Heritage Site, A visit to Victoria Falls is a truly unique experience. The noise from the water falling sounds like thunder and the air above it seems as if 30 it Is filled with clouds of smoke. Spectacular rainbows form in the skies above it in all seasons and the natural beauty of the surrounding area adds even more to its magnificence. [6] | All stand before the falls in awe, just as Dr Livingstone did over 150 years ago. 3% b) ( Listen and read to check your answers. Then correct them. Missing sentences J ead the text to get to know what itis about. Read the missing Sentences and identify the main point n each. Read the text again and pay attention to the words before and after each gap. Look for clues 2g. reference words (he it, ete) or linking words. Check that your choice fits grammatically. Read the whole text to check it makes sense. Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with a correct sentence A-G. One sentence is extra. ‘A Consequently, it has become a very popular tourist attraction, B Little did he know what marvels he would find, © Around 300,000 people visit the falls every year. D_ He described it as the most wonderful sight he had seen in Attica, E The discovery would be unlike any he had made before. F The waterfall was known to the local people as ‘the smoke that thunders’ G This makes it the biggest single sheet of falling water on the planet, BB 2 y0ur own words, and based on the text, answer the questions. Do not copy from the text. 1 Why did Dr Livingstone go to Africa? 2 What was Dr Livingstone’s reaction when he first saw the waterfall? 3 Why did Dr Livingstone call the waterfall Victoria Falls? 4 Why did the locals call it ‘the smoke that thunders’? 5 Where would you expect to find this kind of text? (G Piptsin the words in bold. check in the Word List. Write a synonym (=), an opposite (+), a definition or a sentence for the following words to show that you understand their meaning in the text. Use your own words. Check in your dictionaries. 1 vast (2. 3) 4 widest (2. 20) 2 extremely (€. 6) 5 unique (€. 29) 3. lovely (2. 15) 6 adds (€. 33) 1 vast = extremely large + small The Sahara is a vast desert in Africa that covers an area almost as large as the United States. + exploration * circulate + dare ~ enue sstumbie pon + winess Hill @ TERM ceaeey : + gaze * name after * plunge ES Aaa health D + gorge * undoubtedly + unique The forest around Victoria Falls the only place on Earth where it rains + spectacular » magnificence 24 hours a day. Ths is due to the spray from the Falls Writing TT ML as Ce ee RD Se aoa es et three minutes write a few sentences describing ee ee Sr ea} Pes eee ety Raeer et eer ern cas 40 Vocabulary from the text Replace the underlined words/ phrases with: wonders, spread, had strong feelings, unbelievable, ‘seen, inspired, centre. 1. Dr Livingstone was passionate about Africa. 2 In Europe, strange stories circulated about the continent. 3. Inthe 1700s, much of the interior of Africa was unfamiiar to Europeans, 4 His visio the waterfall encouraged hm to write a novel 5. It was unlike anything they had ever witnessed. 6 The men told fantastic stories about what they had seen in the jungle. 7 They can’t wait to experience the marvels of Africa Use the verbs in their correct form to complete the gaps. * rise + raise » arise 1 He his voice so that they could hear him. 2. Black smoke .. up making it impossible to see whal was going on. 3 Alotof problems have on Since he left. (= discover * invent « find out 4 He was upset when he .... she had lied to him, 5 Amerigo Vespucci America, 6 AGBell the telephone. = glimpse + watch » notice * look T He. at the child and smiled. BV OMY verreonsrens the man's face briefly, 9 Let's sons THE ROWS onTv. 10 Suddenly, he . that his watch had stopped. Vocabulary Read the Topic vocabulary Transport sentences. What means of transport is_ 2 each person {= referring to? What is your favourite ‘means of transport for travelling short distances? long distances? Why? It takes off at 2:30 and we need to go to Gate 39. Excuse me, which platform is it for the Bristol service? You must always wear your helmet, even for a short ride, There's a restaurant and a juice bar on the lower deck. | can give you both a lft if you like; there's plenty of room. caoce Boon EIN announcements. Which ‘Announcement 2 means of transport does @nnouncement 3. ‘each match? Which words peed you dec? TaoRCERETD G ® Use these words to complete the spidergrams. * seatbelt * cabin « flight + carriage * luggage * chain ‘rear view mirror * landing + road map + buffet car ‘= deck * check-in desk * brakes * port * station “handlebars © tyre * cruise * take-off * boarding pass ‘= compartment + boot * platform Ghip/ ferry) ‘= (@eropiane ) motorbike (train b) Complete the sentences with words from Ex. 5a. 1. Flying over the Alps was breathtaking and our landed on time, 2 Wehada f on E deck, so we could see out over the sea. 3. | remember my first bike had a bell on the 4 You can take 23 kg Of nscsemnne ON the flight without extra charge. 5 Drivers should have the car's, regularly for safety reasons. 6 We hadn't booked in advance, but we found seats in the last on the train serviced ©) Make sentences of your own using the words from Ex, 5a that you didn’t use in Ex. 5b.

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