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 Mineral salts come from water and is absorbed in the soil

 It is transported through the phloem vessels from the root
 Food is made in the leaf
 Food is moved by the process of translocation
 Translocation is the process by which glucose is converted to sucrose and transported throughout
the plant in phloem vessels
 Plants are autotrophic- can make their own food
 Humans are heterotrophic- can’t make their own food
 Photosynthesis equation is the reversed equation for respiration
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule traps energy and it is also stored as ATP
 Light is required to split the water molecule
 Excess glucose is stored as starch or is used to make cellulose
 A limiting factor is anything that is in short supply that holds back the process from happening
 If a plant is left in the sun too long, it can beach the chlorophyll, this can slow it down because it
cannot get the sun
 Too little water causes the plant to wilt and close the stomata to conserve water. This affects
gaseous exchange
 Carbon dioxide produces glucose and too little will cause photosynthesis to slow down
 In a greenhouse, they increase CO2 concentration and allow all light to increase the rate of
 Plants can only produce so much at a time
 Temperature increases photosynthesis until it can’t hold anymore, then enzymes dont work
 Too little bit of chlorophyll will not absorb enough light
 Plant nutrition affects chlorophyll
 More stomata can lead to more gaseous exchange but less water
 Pollutants cover the leaves and affect the rate of photosynthesis

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