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Best Baby Walker and

Push Toys
These fun and functional toys help
budding walkers get moving.
Nothing brings joy to babies—and their parents—quite like
when they cruise around the living room for the first time
with the help of their push toy.

It’s a major step in your baby’s development of balance,

coordination and motor skills that eventually will lead them
to walking all on their own.

A good push toy can help your baby get their footing once
they’ve mastered pulling themselves up and supported
standing. It can be a tool they need to help them get moving.

There’s a lot to consider when picking a push toy that works

best for you, your baby and your home. First, make sure the
push toy is age appropriate. Choosing a push toy your baby
isn’t quite ready for can frustrate your budding walker.
Other things to consider:

● Height and width: You don’t want it too tall or too

short for your baby.
● Sturdiness: Make sure it won’t flop over while baby is
pushing it.
● Wheels: Good traction is important. Also consider your
flooring—will the tires work with carpet, tile or
hardwood floors?
● Speed control: Can the wheels be tightened or
loosened to change the speed as your baby grows into
the push toy? Is there a brake?

Always remember that babies shouldn’t use a push toy

without supervision. And, even if supervised, never let them
use push toys near stairs, fireplaces or other potentially
dangerous obstacles in your house. You never know when
your stumbler will turn into a sprinter and dart away.

Here are some our favorite push toys to help your little
almost-walker can get moving.

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