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Assalam alaikum warahmathullaahi wabarakaath

First, I’d like to begin with a poem to appreciate our hardworking teachers
Paint their minds
and guide their thoughts
Share their achievements
And advice their faults
Inspire a love
of knowledge and truth
As you light the path
Which leads our youth.
For our future brightens
With each lesson you teach
Each smile you lengthen
Each goal you help reach.
For the dawn of each poet
Each philosopher and king
Begins with a teacher
And the wisdom they bring.
Hameed sir
I must say that when you speak with that accent of yours, I’m having second thoughts
on the statement you keep on reminding us “mashah ingereysin libuny U eh”. The
knowledge on English you share in our class group is pretty helpful.
You always encourage us to choose accounting as a career and the flexes you make on
your accounting knowledge is undoubtedly true. We really appreciate your teaching
style being detailed and well thought. What really stands out about you is you put forth
your lessons in a unique way. The jokes you make in your lessons keep us entertained
and interested in the topic you teach and never fails to make us cackle in laughter. You
always seem to be lost as you enter our class when its another period and when you
are teaching accounting, you always complain saying there is little time. It seems that
time is a bit slower for you. Afterall, time is subjective.
Sharafiyya miss
You have always been behind us and nudging us forward. Not to mention, you seem to
be really interested in our gossips. You were pretty dummy so we almost failed to
I must point out that your lessons are extremely effective. Seriously though! Everything
about the topic you teach becomes crystal clear. We appreciate the blood, sweat and
tears you put in your carefully planned lessons. And you are undeniably hard-working.
So much so that a simple cold won’t stop you from educating us.
Back in the day, you used to match your shawl with Hameed sir but now you match you
shawl with your mask. But we love you for that!
Anees sir
When I say you are a scientific calculator, I mean it! Literally.
When we are having doubts, you leave no stones unturned when clearing them up. You
are always ready and prepared to teach us, so we really admire you for that. Your
mathematical talent is on par with Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi who is the father
of algebra.
The way you bring forth your lessons is easy to decipher as it is detailed and
informative. We love the fact that you greet us with a smile every day! You really are
worth your weight in gold!
Pushpa miss
The time you taught us was short yet, it was benefiting. You motivated us and lifted our
spirits easing the tension and stress of our exams. We thankyou for your fruitful
guidance in enhancing our mathematical knowledge! You’re a great teacher!
‫ޝާދިޔާ މިސް‬
‫މިސްއަކީ ކިޔަވައިދިނުމުގައި ހުނަރުވެރި ޤާބިލް ޓިޗަރެއް! މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ކިޔަވައިދޭތާ މި ވީ ‪ 5‬އަހަރުގެ ތެރޭގައި މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެ ް‬
‫އިސްލާމް ކިޔެވުމަށް ހިތް ޖެއްސުވުމުގެ ގޮތުން އައިސްކްރީމް އާއި ދަޅު ގިނަގިނައިން ދޭކަން ފާހަގަ ކޮށްލަން‪ .‬މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ކްލާސް ކުދިން‬
‫‪ .‬ގާތުގައި ކަރާ ފަދަ ތަކެތިން ސަދަގާތް ކުރަން ބުނެ އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ހެޔޮ ކަންކަން ކުރުމަށްވެސް ބާރު އަޅާ‬
‫މިސް ކިޔަވައިދޭއިރު ފިލާވަޅުތައް ކުރިއައް ގެންދަނީ ވަރަށްވެސް މަޖާ ގޮތަކަށް‪ .‬މިސް ކިޔަވައިދޭއިރު ދުވަހަކުވެސް ފޫއްސެއް ނުވޭ! މިސް ގެ އޮތް‬
‫‪ .‬އެންމެ ބޮޑު ހުނަރަކީ މިސް ކިޔަވައިދޭ ހުރިހާ ފިލާވަޅުތައްވެސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ސިކުންޑީގައި ފަސޭހަކަމާއިއެކު ހަރުލުމެވެ‬
‫ހިތާމައަކީ‪ ،‬މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ކިޔަވައިދޭތާ މި ވީހާ ދުވަސްތައް ގުނާ އަދަދު ނުކުރެވޭހިނދު‪ ،‬އަދިއަދަށްވެސް މިސްއައް ފުރިފައިވަނީ ކިތައް‬
‫‪.‬އަހަރުކަމާއިމެދު އަޅުގަނޑުމެން މި އުޅެންގެހިފައިވަނީ ނޭނގުމެއްގެ ތެރޭގައި‬
‫މިސް އާދިމާލަށް "އޭރު އެ ޒަމާނުގައި" އުޅޭ މީހެކޭ މި ކުލާސް ގެ ބައެއް ކުދިން ބުނެފައިވާތީ މިސް ގެ ފަރާތުން މާފައް އެދެމެވެ‪ .‬މިސް ކުރަމުން ތިޔަ‬
‫ގެންދާ ބުރަ މަސައްކަތަކީ އާދައިގެ އިންސާނަކަށް އެއްވެސް ޙާލެއްގައި ކުރެވޭ ފަދަ ކަމެއް ނޫނެކޭ‪ .‬މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ތިޔަ ކޮށްދޭ މަސައްކަތުގެ‬
‫!އަގު އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ނަތީޖާތަކުން ދައްކައިދިނުމުގެ ޔަޤީންކަން ދޭނަން‬
‫ހަސަން ސާރ‬
‫ސާރއަކީ ސުކޫލުން ބޭރުގައި އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް އިސްލާމް ކިޔަވައިދެމުންދާ ހުނަރުވެރި‪ ،‬ރަނގަޅު އަދި ހިތްހެޔޮ ޓީޗަރެއް‪ .‬ޝެޑިއުލް ކިތަންމެ‬
‫ބިޒީކަމުގައި ވިޔަސް‪ ،‬ސާރ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް އެއްވެސް ޖެހިލުމެއް ނެތި ކިޔަވައިދީ‪ .‬ސާރގެ މިންނެއް ބުރަ މަސައްކަތުގެ ސަބަބުން އަޅުގަނޑުމެން‬
‫އިސްލާމް ދީނާއިމެދު އޮތް ލޯބި އިތުކޮށްދީފައިވާކަން އުފަލާއިއެކު ފާހަގަ ކުރަން‪ .‬އަހަރުމެން އިސްލާމް މާއްދާ ކިޔެވުމަށް އިތުރު ޝައުގުވެރިކަމެއް‬
‫އުފެއްދުމައް އަޅައިދޭ ކޭކުތަކާއި ޖާފައްތައް ހަދައިދޭކަން އަދި ސާރގެ އަގުބޮޑު ވަގުތު ހުސްކޮށް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ކިޔަވައިދޭތީ އެކަމައް އިންތިހާއައް‬
‫މިސްއަކީ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ޤުރުއާން ކިޔަވައިދިނުމަށް ލިބިފައިވާ ގަޑިތައް އަބަދުވެސް މަދުކަމަށް ބުނާމިސްއެކެވެ‪ .‬މިއީ ހިތާމަވެރި ކަމެއް ކަމުގައި‬
‫‪.‬ވިޔަސް ހަޤީގަތެކެވެ‬
‫މިސް އަކީ ވަރަށް އިބުރަތްތެރި ދީނީ ވަހަކަތައް ކިޔައިދީ‪ ،‬އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް އެކިކަންކަމުގައި ދީނީ ނަސޭހަތް ދޭ މިސް އެކެވެ‪ .‬މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ‬
‫!!ހިތްތަކުގައި ޤުރުއާނައް އޮތް ލޯބި އިތުރު ކޮށްދީފައިވާކަން އުފަލައިއެކު ފާހަގަ ކުރަން‬

‫އާދިލް ސާރ‬
‫ސާރ އަކީ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ވަރަށް ހިތްހެޔޮ މަޖާ މިޒާޖެއްގެ ޓީޗަރެއް‪ .‬އާދިލް ސާރއަކީ ވަރަށް ފަރުވަތެރިކަމާއިއެކު ލެސަންޕްލޭން ރާވާ ފަރުމާކުރާ‬
‫ޓީޗަރެއްކަން ފާހަގަ ކޮށްލަމެވެ‪ .‬ސާރއަކީ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ކިޔަވައިދިނުމަށް މޮޅެތި އުކުޅުތައް ބޭނުންކޮށް ކިޔަވައިދިނުމަށް މިންނެއް މަސައްކަތްކުރާ‬
‫‪.‬ހަމަ އެންމެ ރަނގަޅުއެއް ޓީޗަރެކެވެ‬
‫އާދިލް ސާ އަކީ އެއްވެސް ފޫހިކަމެއް ވަރުބަލިކަމެއް ނެތި ކުދިންނައް އުނގަންނައިދޭ ޓީޗަރެއް ‪.‬ސުކޫލުގައި ކިޔަވައިދިނުމުގެ އިތުރުން ވެސް ކުދިން‬
‫ގެއައް ގެނގޮސް އިތުރެއް އެހީވެދޭ ޓީޗަރެކެވެ‪ .‬އާދިލް ސާރ ތިޔަ ކޮށްދެއްވާ މަސައްކަތައް ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން ‪..‬އާދިލް ސާ އަކީ ކުދިންނާ ވަރައް‬
‫ގުޅޭ ކޫލް ސާ އެކެވެ‬
ާ‫ މިސް ކިޔަވައިދިނުމުގައި ބޭނުންކުރ‬.ަ‫މިސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނައް ކިޔަވައިދެން އައި ކުޑަ ދުވަސްކޮޅުގެ ތެރެއިން މިސްގެ ހުނަރުވެރިކަން އެނގިގެން ދިޔ‬
ް‫އުސްލޫބުގެ ސަބަބުން ދިވެހި ބަހައް އޮތް ލޯބި އިތުރުވެ ތަފާތު ލިޔުނއތައް ލިޔަން ވަރައް ބޮޑައް އެހީތެރިވި އަހަރުމެންނައް މިސް ވެދެއްވި އެހީއައ‬
ް‫!ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް ސުކުރުކުރަނ‬
Yumna miss
You may not be present but you will always reside in our hearts. Sympathetic,
affectionate, compassionate, tolerant, gentle, gracious, considerate, loving. What can I
say! Words are not enough to describe your kindness. You pamper us with your savory
dishes which even rival with Gordon Ramsay’s cooking. Just thinking about it is making
me hungry! All jokes aside, I hope everyone here knows that adrenaline is the hormone
released when one has feelings of anger and I honestly think Yumna miss doesn’t have
an adrenaline gland. Miss! You have no bad bone in you and we adore you for all that
you are.
Hamna miss
When you first came to our class, your teaching style influenced us in unexpected ways.
Mind you! It was only positives. On the short period of time you gave us guidance, our
results shone with unparalleled progress. What you teach is concise and rich with
content and we are content with the talent you have made us see in ourselves. You saw
great potential in us and it was not all in vain. You are eager and willing to teach us and
that is the greatest motivating factor for us. Just how you are our second mother, your
home is our second safe space. And by the way, thank you for the chocolates you gave

Ani sir
You are the nucleus to our classroom, as you give us directions and guide us as we
climb the double helixed ladder of biology. You answer all our questions with ease and
has given some students medical advice. You truly are a teaching prodigy!
Just like in double circulation you pass through our heart two times. You try your best to
understand and care for us. Words aren’t enough to describe your top notch punctuality
and we appreciate all the hard work you do for us.
Imjad sir
Imjad sir is sometimes a positively charged cation and is other times a negatively
charged anion. Your mood is like H2O. It keeps changing states. Even though our
performance is unsatisfactory, till now, you have never discouraged us. The student
teacher bond we have is an ionic bond; strong, unbreakable and invincible. You are as
rare as a diamond and cool like liquid nitrogen.
We adore you like gold but without the A.

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