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Predefined Variables Ruby arguments

$! Exception information -c Check

$@ Array of backtrace -d Debug
$& String of last match -e One Line
$` String left of last match -h Help
$‘ Str right of last match -n gets loop
Types Expressions Variables $+ Last group of last match -rL require L
12345 if expr [then] local $N Nth group of last match -v verbose
elsif expr
123.45 @instance $~ Info about last match -w warnings
1.23e-4 else @@class $= Case insensitive flag -y comp debug
0xFF00 end CONSTANT $/ Input record separator
0b01100 unless expr
$\ Output record separator Reserved Words
1..5 else Operators and $, Output field separator alias
end Precedence
1...5 $. Line number of last file and
expr if expr ::
‚a‘..‘z‘ $> Default output BEGIN
expr unless []
‚a‘...‘z‘ $_ Last input line of string
expr begin
‚string sq‘ $* Command line args
case expr break
+ - ! ~
„string dq“ when comp $0 Name of script case
else * / %
„#{expr}“ $$ Process number
end class
<< >>
„\t\r\n“ $“ Module names loaded
while expr [do] def
%q(string sq) end $stderr Standard error output defined?
| ^
%Q(string dq) until expr [do] $stdin Standard input do
end > >= < <=
%(string dq) $stdout Standard output else
do <=> == === !=
<<id string id
while expr =~ elsif
:symbol Regex
do && END
/regex/opt until expr . all characters
.. ... end
%r|regex| for var in expr [ ] any single char in set
= ( += -= ) ensure
[1, 2, 3] [do] [^ ] any single char not in set
not false
%w(1 2 3) * zero or more
and or for
expr.each [do]
%W(1 2 #{expr}) end + one or more if
{1=>2, :s=>‘v‘} break next redo ? zero or one
Constants in
retry | alteration
__FILE__ module
Exceptions ( ) Group next
begin Module/Class ^ Beginning of line or str nil
rescue ex => ENV
module Name $ End of line or string not
var ARGF
else {1,5} 1 to 5 or
class Name ARGV
end \A Beginning of a string redo
class Name < \b Word boundary rescue
Sup \B Non-word boundary retry
onError \d digit, same as [0..9] return
class << obj
RangeError \D Non-digit self
SecurityError \s Whitespace super
IOError name(args...) \S Non-whitespace then
IndexError \w Word-character true
def inst.
RuntimeError \W Non-word-character undef
end \z End of a string unless
public \Z End of string, before nl until
attr_writer yield
alias new old
Object Array File
Obj#class -> class Array::new (int [,obj]) -> array File#new (path, modestring)-> file
Obj#freeze -> object Array#clear File#new (path, modestring) do
|file| ... end
Obj#frozen? -> true or false Array#map! do |x| ... end
File#open (path, modestring) do
Obj#inspect -> string Array#delete (value) -> obj or nil
|file| ... end
Obj#is_a? (class) -> true or false Array#delete_at (index)-> obj or n
File#exist? (path) -> t or f
Obj#methods -> array Array#delete_if do |x| ... end
File#basename (path [,suffix]) ->
Obj#respond_to? (sym) -> true or Array#each do |x| ... end string
Array#flatten! -> array File#delete (path, ...)
Obj#to_s -> string
Array#include? (value) -> t or f File#rename (old, new)
Array#insert (idx, obj...)-> array File#size (path) -> integer
String Array#join ([string]) -> string r Read-only, from beginning
Str#[num, num/range/regx] -> str Array#length -> integer r+ Read-write, from beginning
Str#capitalize! -> string Array#pop -> obj or nil w Write-only, trunc. / new
Str#center (int [,str]) -> str Array#push (obj...) -> array w+ Read-write, trunc. / new
Str#chomp! ([str]) -> str
a Write-only, from end / new
Str#count -> integer
Hash a+ Read-write, from end / new
Str#delete! ([string]) -> string
Hash#clear b Binary (Windows only)
Str#downcase! -> string
Hash#delete (key) -> obj or nil
Str#each ([str]) do |str| ... end
Hash#delete_if do |k, v| ... end Dir
Str#each_line do |line| ... end
Hash#each do |k, v| ... end Dir[string] -> array
Str#gsub! (rgx) do |match| ... end
Hash#has_key? (k) -> true or false Dir::chdir ([string])
Str#include? (str) -> true / false
Hash#has_value? (v) -> t or f Dir::delete (string)
Str#index (str/reg [,off]) -> int
Hash#index (value) -> key Dir::entries (string) -> array
Str#insert (int, string) -> string
Hash#keys -> array Dir::foreach (string) do |file|
Str#length -> integer ... end
Hash#length -> integer
Str#ljust (int [,padstr]) -> str Dir::getwd -> string
Hash#select do |k, v| ... end ->
Str#rindex (str/reg [,off]) -> int array Dir::mkdir (string)
Str#rjust (int [,padstr]) -> str Hash#values -> array Dir::new (string)
Str#scan (rgx) do |match| ... end Dir::open (string) do |dir| .. end
Str#split (string) -> array Test::Unit Dir#close
Str#strip! -> string assert (boolean [,msg]) Dir#pos -> integer
Str#sub! (rgx) do |match| ... end assert_block (message) do ... end Dir#read -> string or nil
Str#swapcase! -> string assert_equal (expected, actual Dir#rewind
Str#to_sym -> symbol [,msg])

Str#tr! (string, string) -> string assert_in_delta (exp, act, dlt

Str#upcase! -> string DateTime::now
assert_kind_of (klass, object
[,msg]) DateTime::parse (str)
Kernel assert_match (pattern, string DateTime::strptime (str, format)
block_given? [,msg])
eval (str [,binding]) assert_nil (object [,msg])
raise (exception [,string]) assert_no_match (pattern, string
fork do ... end => fixnum or nil DateTime#min
assert_not_equal (expected, actual
proc do ... end => proc DateTime#month
print (obj) DateTime#sec
assert_not_nil (object [,msg])
warn (msg) DateTime#wday
assert_not_same (expected, actual
[,msg]) DateTime#year
assert_respond_to(obj, method
assert_same (expected, actual

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