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Tertiary sector

The tertiary sector refers to the economic activities that don’t

produce material goods but provide services for people, for the
government or for other industries. Some examples are tourism,
transport, commerce, communication, education, health care,
banking industry, insurance industry.
Basically, if you are paying someone to do something for you, or you
are buying something from someone else, you are participating in
the tertiary sector. Depending on where you live, the tertiary sector
of the economy may be the sector you come most into contact with
on a day-to-day basis: people living in quiet suburbs or highly settled
cities may have little or no contact with primary sector (think
farming, logging, or mining) or secondary sector (think factory work
or construction) activity.
The tertiary sector is important because it is the sector of the
economy in which the majority of people in developed countries are
employed. In other words, it's where the money is. When news
reporters (who, mind you, are part of the tertiary sector) or
politicians talk about 'supporting the economy,' they are almost
always referring to tertiary sector activity. What they mean is: go out
there and buy something. Groceries, date night at a restaurant, a
new video game, clothes. You have to spend money (and make
money) in the tertiary sector to keep a developed government

The quaternary sector

The quaternary sector or quaternary industry is the economic

activity based on the intellectual or knowledge-based economy. This
involves work that conceives, creates, interprets, organizes, directs
and transmits with the help and support of scientific and technical

The foundation of this type of activity is creation. It is the sector of

mind, knowledge, and skill. It creates value for society from
technology applications or human ingenuity.

From an economic point of view, the quaternary sector is an

additional delineation of the tertiary sector, that is, the economic
activities that make up the quaternary sector also belong to the
tertiary activities.
Tershiari sactor
The tershiari sactor refers to the eco-nomic activities that don’t
produce matirial goods but provide servi-ces for people, for the
goverment or for other industris. Some examples are turoasan,
transport, commerce, communication, education, health care,
banking industry, inshurence industry.
Baisicly, if you are paying someone to do something for you, or you
are buying something from someone else, you are participating in
the tershiari sactor. Depending on where you live, the tershiari
sactor of the economy may be the sactor you come most into contact
with on a day-to-day beises: people living in quiet sobors or highly
serol cities may have little or no contact with praimery sactor (think
farming, loging, or maining) or secondery sactor (think factory work
or construction) activity.
The tershiari sactor is important because it is the sactor of the
economy in which the majority of people in develop countries are
employed. In other words, it's where the money is. When news
reporters (who, mind you, are part of the tershiari sactor) or
politichens talk about 'supporting the economy,' they are almost
always riferring to tershiari sactor activity. What they mean is: go
out there and buy something. Groceries, date night at a restaurant, a
new video game, clothes. You have to spend money (and make
money) in the tershiari sactor to keep a develop goverment

The quaternery sactor

The quaternery sactor is the economic activity beist on the

intellectual or knowlech-beist economy. This invols work that concis,
creates, interprets, organaises, dairects and trensmits with the help
and support of saientific and tecnecol knowlech.

The foundation of this type of activity is creation. It is the sactor of

mind, knowlech, and skill. It creates value for sosairi from
technology applications or human ingenuiry

From an economic point of view, the quaternery sactor is an

additional delinieichon of the tershiari sactor, that is, the economic
activities that make up the quaternery sactor also be-long to the
tershiari activities.
Sector terciario

El sector terciario se refiere a las actividades económicas que no

producen bienes materiales, pero brindan servicios para las personas,
para el gobierno o para otras industrias. Algunos ejemplos son el
turismo, el transporte, el comercio, la comunicación, la educación, la
atención de la salud, la industria bancaria, la industria de seguros.
Básicamente, si le estás pagando a alguien para que haga algo por ti, o
le estás comprando algo a otra persona, estás participando en el sector
terciario. Dependiendo de dónde viva, el sector terciario de la
economía puede ser el sector con el que tenga más contacto en el día a
día: las personas que viven en suburbios tranquilos o en ciudades muy
pobladas pueden tener poco o ningún contacto con el sector primario
(piense en la agricultura, la tala o la minería) o en la actividad del
sector secundario (piense en el trabajo en una fábrica o en la
El sector terciario es importante porque es el sector de la economía en
el que está empleada la mayoría de las personas en los países
desarrollados. En otras palabras, es donde está el dinero. Cuando los
reporteros (que, ojo, son parte del sector terciario) o los políticos
hablan de 'apoyar la economía', casi siempre se refieren a la actividad
del sector terciario. Lo que quieren decir es: salir y comprar algo.
Comestibles, noche de cita en un restaurante, un nuevo videojuego,
ropa. Hay que gastar dinero (y ganar dinero) en el sector terciario para
mantener funcionando un gobierno desarrollado.
El sector cuaternario
El sector cuaternario o industria cuaternaria es la actividad económica
basada en la economía intelectual o basada en el conocimiento. Se trata
de un trabajo que concibe, crea, interpreta, organiza, dirige y transmite
con la ayuda y apoyo del conocimiento científico y técnico.
El fundamento de este tipo de actividad es la creación. Es el sector de la
mente, el conocimiento y la habilidad. Crea valor para la sociedad a
partir de aplicaciones tecnológicas o del ingenio humano.
Desde un punto de vista económico, el sector cuaternario es una
delimitación adicional del sector terciario, es decir, las actividades
económicas que componen el sector cuaternario también pertenecen a
las actividades terciarias.

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