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der Lenz how spring pp dolce. z immer mur Blu. Hef. ohne Str. andl Siglnd it snfter Gevat a sich au das age, sda sie neben iin 2 sitzen kommt Waehsends Hel it dog: Nondsehein egmarnd draws Sieplinde with tender force towards him on the couch, causing her to sit Beside him. The moonlight Madi ee ‘hecomes increasingly Bright ) RE es Spanien Win tenstinate wi-dlendem Won-no-mond,’ fm til-demLich-te luchtet der Win-terstorms havewaned in the winsome May, in _gen-tle ra-diancesparkles the J==s= i = ——_ = +a ao Ais cE ae =e = Lenz; auflau-en Lif - spring;— ten, lind undlieb - on balmy brees - 68, lightandlove - «= lich, Wun-fer we-bender sich Jy, weav-ing wonderson he lr — a : = SS Se durch Wald und Au - = en webt sein _ _ - tem, Through wood and mead - - ow wafts his breath - ing, weit geoff - net lachtsein Aug’ ‘aus se? . gerVog-lein San-ge wide hislaugh-ing eye doth beam: __ in Bliss ~ ful song of bindsre- ot or ioe xe Vr fr. 2 ; 3 = hol - de Diif-te hau balm-iest 0 - dours breatheshe forth sei - nem from his paps —~ RW.8. Be, 59 > = ‘war- men Blut ent-blii-hen won-ni-ge Blu - men, Keim und Sprofentspringt seiner ‘ar. dentbloodare born the sweetest of flow- ers,’ Bud and sprout up-spring fromhis 26 | Bp. DP. —=— —— Mit zar- ter Waf- fen Zier bezwingt er die Welt; With gen-tle wand he bends the world to his will; —— ol. He, Fa == ——— jer aH Wincerund Sturm wicchend-r starken Wehr:— winter andstormyieid to the strengthke wields: = Ss ara Str es wohl mu6-te den tap - fernStreichendie and lo! at hisvoice of thunder, the Fee =a trotzig und starr uns trenn = te. yon ul len and proud did purt— us from RW.8. Be 60 Zu sei - To - wards his sig- = = = =e ter 6 3 Jacht sie se laugh-ing she leaps lig dem Licht. to__the _light. braut - li-che Schwe-ster bride ” andthe sis - te i ae - trim - mertliegt was je ste ge- in lies whatheld thema- Jauch - zend grust sich das jo-cund-ly greet them — the 2 Py ee foe jun - ge Paar: ous pair, = Lenz! spring! _ gone : ia “4 ue ee ~ Tan sighed is Frist. days = = = = — =

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