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1) WAP to display a message “Hello World” on screen

2) WAP to display basic information on the screen using different printf() without using
any variable[Information could be: name, regno, section]
3) WAP to display basic information on the screen using one printf() without using any
variable[Information could be: name, regno, section]
4) WAP to display the values of two integers. [Input is not taken from user]
5) WAP to add two numbers and display the result[Input is not taken from user]
6) WAP to perform product of 3 integers[Input is not taken from user]
7) WAP to calculate the area of circle[Input is not taken from user]
8) WAP to calculate simple interest and final amount[Input is not taken from user]
9) WAP to demonstrate all arithmetic operations in the same program[Input is not taken
from user]
10) WAP to add two numbers and display the result and input should be given by user
11) WAP to perform product of 3 integers[input taken from user]
12) WAP to calculate the area of circle[input taken from user]
13) WAP to calculate simple interest and final amount[input taken from user]
14) WAP to perform all arithmetic operations in the same program[input taken from user]
15) WAP to swap the values of two integers with temporary(or third variable) variable
16) WAP to swap the values of two variables without temporary variable
17) WAP to convert temperature from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit and vice-versa
18) WAP to convert amount in dollars to INR and vice versa
19) WAP to take input for prices and quantities of 5 items from user and calculate the
final amount after applying discount of 10 percent
20) WAP to calculate the circumference of circle, area of triangle, area of rectangle in the
same program
21) WAP to take input of marks of a student in 5 subjects, and then display the total
marks and percentage obtained by the student
22) WAP to display the largest of two numbers using ternary operator(or conditional
23) WAP to display greatest of three numbers using ternary operator
24) WAP to check whether a person is eligible to vote or not using ternary operator
25) C program to find if a number is odd or even.
26) WAP to display the largest from two numbers
27) WAP to display greatest of three numbers
28) WAP to check whether a given character is vowel or not
29) WAP to enter any character. If the entered character is in lower case then convert it
into upper case
30) WAP to check whether a given number is divisible by 7 and 9 (both)or not
31) WAP to check whether a given integer is –ve,+ve or zero
32) WAP to check whether a given year is leap year or not
33) WAP to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation
34) WAP to enter the marks of a student in four subjects. Then calculate the total,
aggregate, and display the final grade obtained by the student. Assume conditions
if aggregate is greater than and equal to 90-----A grade,
>=80 and <90-----B grade,
>=70 and <80-----C grade,
>=40 and <70------D grade
Less than 40------E grade
● WAP to calculate tax, given the following conditions:
If income is less than 150,000, then no tax
If income in the range of 150,001-300,000, then charge 10% tax
If income is in the range of 300,001-500,000, then charge tax of 20%
If income is above 500,001, then charge tax of 30%
35) WAP to design Simple calculator using switch
36) Program to check whether a given character is vowel or not using switch-case
37) WAP to create a menu driven currency converter, where the menu will be displayed,
such as Press 1 for INR to dollar, Press 2 for Dollar to INR, Press 3 for Pounds to INR,
Press 4 for INR to Pounds….. User will enter choice and later conversion should

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