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Venus stood in horror as her so called “girlfriend” broke up with her.

She was so mad she could throw

some scissors right now. She couldn’t believe it. (I can’t believe she had a girlfriend in the first place).
She was so mad. They weren’t even together for a week that her girlfriend already broke up with her (as
she should) She decided since she didn’t have anyone to throw scissors at that she would go on a walk
to the field next to her house, but she would’ve never believed that THIS is who she would’ve met. It
was a brown horse, with a long neck and long long teeth, almost identical as her. She approached the
horse slowly, not wanting to scare it away. As Venus got closer, the horse took a step back. Not even the
horse wanted to stay with her. (I get why) Suddenly someone approached Venus from behind, it was
Ace, her fairy godfather. She couldn’t believe her eyes, it was really him. “I-is that…” “Yes, it’s me. I’ve
been told your “girlfriend” broke up with you. I’m here to help” “R-really…you could help??” “Yes but I
have one condition” “Anything, I’ll do anything” “Good. This is the deal. You can go to the ball that’s
being held tonight, but if you don’t get home by midnight, you’ll turn into a horse.” “I accept” “Good,
I’m sure there will be someone dumb enough to like you” Venus as the arrogant selfish bitch she is she
said “Of course everyone will like me uwu I’m just a little pookie bear” Ace the fairy godfather
disappeared like a leaf in the wind and was never to return. Finally it was time for the ball to start. Venus
wore her little uwu cottagecore preppy dress to the ball thinking that everyone would compliment her
(everyone hated her). She started walking around when suddenly she saw him. It was the man of her
dreams. Skin, the same color as her period blood, his long flowy red hair covered his face making him
not able to see. It was really him. Red velvet. Venus approached him as fast as she could. “RED
VELVET??” “Yes, it is I, Red Velvet, I’ve came here to do everything you wrote you wanted me to do to
you on the sus gc, it is utterly disgusting.” Venus let out a scream. They got a room and they started
doing Venus fantasies. Venus not noticing the time transformed into a horse, but since she already
looked like one RED VELVET didn’t notice.

The end

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