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Industrial design, logo designs, interior, architecture

Floral Designer's- one who arranges flowers for designs such as weddings and other various occasions and events

Automotive design Model making Ergonomics Product design management Product design innovation Product design engineering Product design manufacturing Product design technology Furniture design Cabinet making

Graphic Design (54 articles)

Visual design. Art direction, visual communication, creative direction, illustration, photography, visual art. Using color, symbol, and type to communicate ideas, brands, styles, and expressions. Arranging image and text to communicate a message. Style versus design. Layouts, grids, identity and logo design. User interface design, user experience design, interaction design. GIF, JPEG, Flash, PNG, SVG.

Layout (58 articles)

Web page layouts: ways and means and meaning. Grids and rules; columns fixed, liquid, and elastic. Size, color, and contrast. To center or not to center. Layout and genre. Print paradigms and new media approaches. Let the web be the web.

Typography (23 articles)

Communicating via typefaces. Fonts and layout. Designing for readers. Legibility. Typefaces, graphic design. Problems of typography on the web. Controlling web typography: size, font, color. CSS methods, browser problems, user problems, and workarounds. Typographically correct punctuation. Unicode. Scaling text in modern browsers. And in IE for Windows, too. Replacing text with images: CSS, XHTML, SVG, and Flash methods.

User Interface Design (59 articles)

Designing systems or interfaces to help users achieve goals. Information architecture, user experience design, interaction design, graphic design, widgets, wireframes. Evaluating user interface design, usability testing.

Web Fonts (5 articles)

Theres life after Georgia and Verdana. Using standard CSS @font-face to embed licensed fonts on your website. How it works. Licensing concerns. Browser concerns. Platform issues. Standardization. Font

formats. Intellectual property and licensing. Typekit and other solutions. Versus Flash. Versus sIFR. Versus Cufon. Web standards and typography.
The essentials of brand design

Brand design is the process of creating a distinct identity and personality in order to communicate and promote an organisation, person, product or service. We explore how it works and what it can do for you.
The power of packaging design

Packaging on a supermarket shelf has less than three seconds to grab the attention of a consumer. Those three seconds are exceedingly important when you consider that more than 70% of purchasing decisions are made at the shelf. Add to this the fact that supermarkets can contain on average 40,000 packs to choose from, then you realise what a tough job a packaging designer has. Packaging designers have helped established and challenger brands transform the success of their products and improve the sustainability of their packs.

Read on to find out how packaging graphics and structural packaging designs influence our perception of a brand.
The essentials of product design from Dick Powell

How do good ideas become marketable products? The product design process affects the look, feel and functionality of the things we use everyday.
Furniture design

Well-designed furniture can be good for business, good for your body and for your budget. This overview of the furniture design industry is aimed at designers and anyone interested in buying or commissioning furniture design. Find out more about furniture design by watching filmed interviews with leading furniture designers BarberOsgerby and PearsonLloyd and browse through articles and case studies sharing examples of successful furniture design, whether thats shelves we stack our books on or seats that support us through a day at work.

Watch a film about PearsonLloyd

Watch a film about BarberOsgerby

A guide to interior design

The way the interiors of our homes are designed can affect our happiness, our productivity and our health. This guide to interior design outlines the virtues of designing the interior of your home and debates the case for employing a professional versus doing it yourself.

Fashion and textile design

Fashion designers and textile designers help create the clothes, soft furnishings and functional materials that the UK spends millions of pounds on each year. Fashion and textiles are big business in the UK, as well as playing a big part in our everyday lives.
Interaction design

Interaction design is concerned with the way people interact with technology. Designers in this field consider our understanding and responses to different technological systems and design them accordingly, often to make things easier and more appealing, but sometimes to provoke certain kinds of behaviour and response. We've collected case studies, articles and podcasts about interaction design
Transport Design

Transport design brings many different forms of design together to get people from A to B and keep society and the economy moving.

A user's guide to service design

We've compiled a free online resource that explains what service design is and what it can do for businesses and public services.
Retail design: Profile of architect Eva Jiricna, designer of Joseph stores

A profile of architect Eva Jiricna, designer of Joseph stores who's use of glass, and more specifically light, set her work for Joseph apart from earlier retail design standards
Building design: a profile of Zaha Hadid, architect

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