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Discover Your Purpose

How do you find your purpose? This is a question that many people ask their self, but it's usually easier to ask
than it is to answer. In this post, we'll take a look at what causes one person's purpose in life to be different from
another person's purpose in life. We'll also explore how you can discover your own personal mission statement
as well as how to make sure that your mission statement helps others too!

How to Discover Your Purpose

What if there was a way to discover your purpose?
What if you could use your strengths and interests to contribute to the world in a meaningful way?
What if you had good ats that would help others, but hadn't realized it before?

What Are You Good At?

It's important to know what you're good at. What are your strengths? What are your passions? What do you
enjoy doing?
You may have an idea of what these things are, but it's always good to get other people involved in helping you
identify them. When we ask someone else what they think about something, it makes us think about our own
perspectives and experiences differently than when we're alone with our own thoughts and feelings.

What Are You Interested In?

Your purpose is the reason why you are here. It's what makes your life worth living, and it's what will help you
to achieve all of the personal goals that have been placed before you. What are those things?
The second thing to do is figure out what it is that interests you most—what do you like talking about or reading
about? If there isn't something specific in mind when asked this question, then perhaps now would be an
opportune time for some research on the topic at hand (or maybe even just an article). Once we've identified our
passions (and hopefully found a way into them), we can start thinking about how best to pursue them beyond
just listening intently while others talk; how could we make our passions part of our daily lives?

What Do You Love To Do?

The next step is to figure out what you love to do. Do you enjoy helping others? Is it your passion to be an
entrepreneur and start a business, or are you drawn toward the idea of becoming a doctor, lawyer or teacher?
Look at what keeps you going during the day—are these things that keep your mind occupied with thoughts of
creativity and innovation? Or do they just bring some joy into life in general?
If so, then those activities are likely something that will benefit your overall well-being as well as help others
around them. If not, then there's no need for them on this list!

What Makes Time Stand Still for You?

You can find the answer to this question in the moments when you are doing something that makes time stand
still. It is a very simple concept: what do you do that takes your mind off of the worries of the day? What
activity brings joy and fulfillment into your life?
If there is one thing we all have in common, it’s that we all want to feel like we are contributing our part to
society, making a difference and being appreciated for who we are as individuals.

What Would You Do For Free?

You should know what you love to do.
If you have a passion, it means that doing something else would be difficult for you. Your heart will always lead
the way and guide your path in life.
If money were not a factor and there was no need for money, what would your friends say about your strengths?
What would they say about their strengths?
If Money Were Not a Factor, What Would You Do?
If money were not a factor, what would you do?
If you had unlimited resources and no fear of failure or being judged, what would your life look like? Would it
be different from the way it is now? What kind of impact could that have on society and the world around us?

How Would Your Friends Describe Your Strengths?

Your friends, family, and coworkers are a great resource for this exercise. Ask them what they see as your
strengths and how you can use them to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.
It's OK if you don't have a single answer at first—it's simply important that you listen closely to their responses
and write them down on paper (or in an online document). You may find that your friends have different ideas
of what makes up YOUR strength than YOU do!

How Can You Use Your Strengths to Contribute to the World in a Meaningful
How can you use your strengths to contribute to the world in a meaningful way?
If you’re like most people, it’s probably not until after age 30 that you start to think about this question. But
even then, there are lots of assumptions and biases that get in the way of finding out what makes YOUR unique
path forward.
One thing I learned early on was that my strengths are more than just “I’m good at math so I should go into
finance or accounting!” Instead, understanding these areas of interest helps me know how best to contribute at
work—and stay engaged with people who need help and support from me (think: coworkers).

The purpose is the most important thing to ever happen to you.
You’ve got to find your purpose and then take action on it. It’s not enough just to know that you have one—you
have to act on it!
If there’s anything I want you to take away from this article, it should be this: Purpose is the most important
thing ever. Don’t wait for someone else or God or Fate or some cosmic being (or whatever) to tell you what
your purpose is; discover it yourself. Be driven by something greater than yourself and take action towards
achieving that goal as soon as possible!

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