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Nama : Muhammad Altaf Aaron Zakaria

NPM : 2006469550
Kelas : Histologi

Jaringan Epitel
1. Epitel pipih selapis

(Vasudeva & Vishra 2014: 40)

(Eroschenko 2005: 31)

2. Epitel kubus selapis

(Vasudeva & Vishra 2014: 41)

3. Epitel silindris selapis

(Eroschenko 2005: 35)

4. Epitel silidris berlapis semu

(King 2022: 1)

5. Epitel pipih berlapis

(Peckham dkk. 2003: 1)

6. Epitel kubus berlapis

(Mescher 2013: 86)

7. Epitel silindris berlapis

(Tanaka dkk. 2012: 75)

Daftar Acuan
Eroschenko, V.P. 2008. DiFiore’s Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations. Edisi
11. Philadelphia: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins
King, D. 2022. Vas Deferens. Southern Illinois University. Diakses dari:
Mescher, A.L. 2013. Junqueira’s Basic Histology. Edisi 13.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Peckham, M., A. Knibbs & S. Paxton. 2003. Female Reproductive System: Vagina. The
Histology Guide. Diakses dari:
Tanaka, E., T. Noguchi, K. Nagai, Y. Akashi, K. Kawahara & T. Shimada. 2012.
Morphology of the epithelium of the lower rectum and the anal canal in the adult
human. Medical Molecular Morphology 45(2): 72—29.
Vasudeva, N. & S. Mishra. 2014. Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology with
Colour Atlas and Practical Guide. Edisi 7. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd.

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