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English 120 / Essay 2 Assignment

A 3-5 page APA-format argumentative essay in response to the online website on Telosa. Form
an opinion about some aspect of the Telosa concept/plan/idea and then find online research
and evidence to show that your idea is a good and correct one.
--A smart, well-crafted thesis statement on the assigned topic (Essays not on this topic will not
receive credit.)
--Clever, reasonable supporting points for the argument you’re making. You might also want to
address your opposition in a respectful way at some point.
--Research: use of the Telosa site as well as two high-quality internet sources
--Proper integration of ideas from the sources: use of quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
--Proper in-text citation of quotes, paraphrases, and summary:
APA In-text Citations
--Proper overall APA formatting, including a References page
--Well-written abstract
--1-2 paragraph Collaboration Report at the end, after the References page. This can include the
help you received as well as the help you gave!

General Writing Issues

-- well-developed, focused, coherent, and well-designed paragraphs
-- interesting introduction that gets your reader’s attention
-- conclusion that gives the essay a good polish and finish
-- well-written abstract that represents your ideas appropriately
-- topic sentence for every paragraph

Discord Guidance and Ideas: Collaboration

Discord discussions can be helpful at any point in the writing process. Others can help you:
+ Come up with an idea
+ Refine and improve that idea
+ Find and/or confirm the quality of your online sources
+ Help you make sure you understand what you’re reading clearly
+ Check your work for you: your in-text citations, paragraph development, etc.

Late essays are not accepted and receive an automatic F. Similarly, any essay unrelated to the
article and what we’ve been doing will not be accepted.

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