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Your ability to communicate effectively increases productivity , both yours and
your organization.
With good communication skills , you can anticipate problems , make decisions , co-
ordinate work flow , supervise others , develop relationships and promote products
and services.
Communication acts as tool for the effective work related flow of information.
You can shape the impressions you and your company make on colleagues ,
employees ,supervisors , investors ,and customers in addition to perceiving and
responding to the needs of these stakeholders(the various group you interact with )
without effective communication , people misunderstand each other and
misinterpret information. Ideas misfire or fail to gain attention and people and
companies flounder.
Your organizations need for effective reach of company name and public
promotions are based on effective promotional material such as advertisements ,
bill boards , online add , posters etc are all communicated for effective message
delivery and meaning.
Giving advice is based on individual-oriented and work-oriented ,advice should not
given to the person for pinpointing his mistakes rather it should be helpful for his
improvement. Effective advice promotes understanding and it can be a two way
process if the subordinate staff given freedom.
Order is an authoritative communication pattern and it is directive to somebody
always a subordinate to do something. Orders will be written and oral orders ,
general and specific orders ,procedural and operational orders , mandatory and
discretionary order. Order should be clear and complete ,execution should be
possible and given in a friendly way.
Suggestion is supposed to be very mild and subtle form of communication.  
Suggestions are welcomed for it is not obligatory to accept them , it can be
voluntary and anonymous and submitted through suggestion boxes.
Persuasion may be defined as an effort ‘ to influence the attitudes , feelings ,or
beliefs of others , or to influence actions based on those attitudes , feelings , or
beliefs. Persuasion can be done to others if you are convinced , you do not impose ,
you are not rigid are prepared to meet half-way and you can look at the situation
from the other person’s angle also.
Education is a very conscious process of communication ,it involves both teaching
and learning by which organizations provide to their employees in the form of
training. Education is given for management , employees and outside public.
If the employees do not abide by the norms of the organization warning is a power
communication tool and it can be general and specific. Specific warning should be
administered in private and after thorough investigation. The aim of the warning
should be the organization betterment.
Morale stands for mental health and it is a sum of several qualities like courage ,
resolution , confidence .High morale and effective performance go hand to hand.
Motivation is a process that account for an individual intensity, direction , and
persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.
. Communication’s main idea is to give and receive information because managers
need complete , accurate and precise information to plan and organize employee
need it to translate planning in to reality. Information will cover all aspects of the
Counseling is given to solve employees mental stress and improve the employees
. Finally discipline is the foremost part of any business communication. The various
disciplinary codes are effectively communicated to employees through disciplinary

Functions of Communication

Communication performs many functions, such as informing and generating awareness,

educating, persuading, motivating, entertaining, etc.  The functions of communication in an
organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate. Employees need to have effective
organizational communication in order to achieve excellent job performance. The
communication between the top management and the employee needs to be effective for
better work culture.
Sharing of Information:
Information is the key to progress in any organization. Business Communication is
communication that promotes a product, service, marketing, or organization; relays
information within a business, or functions as an official statement from a company. The
primary objective of communication in management is to convey information—instructions,
policies, procedures, decisions, etc., so the listener will hear, read, understand what is said,
agree and accept the message, and react as intended by the manager or sender of the
Communication plays an important role in information dissemination related to any form of
human activity. Communication is the process of exchanging messages, ideas, facts,
opinions, or feelings. The functions of communication in an organization are to inform,
persuade, and motivate. Employees need to have effective organizational communication in
order to achieve excellent job performance. Communication provides us with information
about the environment we are placed in. It helps in molding our opinions, formulating
decisions, and in turn making 'informed choices' to safeguard our interests as well those of
the team or organization. Communication is a fundamental mechanism by which members of
the group show their satisfaction and frustrations. Communication, therefore, provides for the
emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment of social needs.
Decision-Making Process:
Communication results in the sharing of information, which in turn makes employees
knowledgeable and thus productive.  Communication provides the information individuals
and groups need to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate
choices. Thus communication helps to facilitate decision making. Decision-making is the
core of the management process. The relationship between communication and decision-
making is inseparable since decision making must rely on the information. The decision is the
triggering mechanism of communication. The manager is a decision-maker. But all decisions
based on the communication of information to the management.
Training and Upskilling of Employees
Training of personnel is an ongoing process and communication plays an important role in
the orientation and training of employees. The degree of learning depends to a great extent
not only on the contents of training but also on how effectively the information and skills are
shared. As we know, knowledge can be constructed through interaction between learners and
peers and also other sources of information. Hence, effective communication results in
effective teaching and training.
Networking & Socialization:
For the wellbeing of the organization society, nation, and culture it is crucial that we are
exposed to different viewpoints so that we understand and appreciate the need for a plurality
of ideas and diversity of views. Communication fosters the feeling of oneness in society by
exposing the various social groups to different views. It develops the need to share and
understand the feelings, emotions, hopes, aspirations, and expectations of varied groups in a
social system.
A motivated individual plays a useful and active role in an organization. Communication
fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what they must do, how well they are doing it,
and how they can improve if performance is subpar. Communication motivates and persuades
individuals to meet the mutually agreed-upon goals. Sharing success stories of those who
have overcome the odds and have been able to achieve their goals can do this. This function
of communication, although relevant in all walks of life is more pronounced in business and
industry where communication is being increasingly used as a tool for motivation. The
formation of specific goals, feedback on progress toward the goals, and reward for desired
behavior all stimulate motivation and require communication.
Yet another important function of communication is to persuade. This may be to influence us
towards a new idea, technique, or a product and also to persuade us to buy these products.
The manager will probably desire to influence or persuade the employee in a way that will
help maintain favorable relationships. Other motivating goals or objectives of managerial
communication may be social interchange, personal advancement, and self-expression.
Conversely, the employee also has similar goals of communication in an organization.  The
industrial and corporate houses and advertising agencies, while taking messages of new
products to potential consumers far and wide have amply exploited this function. Different
mass communication media are used for this purpose.
Preservation of Organization Culture:
Culture is a set of norms, values, and principles shared among people in an organization.
Communication helps to preserve the culture and heritage of the organization and the
company. Through communication, senior leadership and management share the culture and
values of the organization with the employees. The transmission of values from top to bottom
has been taking place through internal communications, newsletters, and town halls as well as
through written emails. In the modem world, different mass communication media have taken
up this function. Effective communication is essential for a positive culture in the workplace.
Transparency in communication is mandatory at all levels for a better understanding of work
and better bonding among individuals.

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