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Dear Dean mam 1am writing to bring to your attention the issue of class disturbance during our online classes and to request that the college consider starting offline classes as soon as possible. As a student of agriculture IARI Assam, | have been experiencing frequent interruptions during our virtual lectures and discussions, which have been disrupting the flow of learning and causing frustration among students. These disturbances range from background noises Poor internet connection to technical issues such as poor internet connection and microphone feedback. Despite the efforts of our professors to maintain a conducive learning environment, these disruptions have been affecting the quality of education we receive. In light of these challenges, | believe that starting offline classes would be beneficial to both students and faculty. Offline classes would provide a more structured and focused learning environment, with fewer distractions and technical issues. It would also enable more personalized interaction with teachers and fellow students, which is crucial for effective learning. | understand that the decision to start offline classes may depend on a variety of factors, including colleges infrastructure Hostel faculity and safety guidelines. However, | would like to request that the coll consider this option as soon as possible, and communicate its plans to students in a timely and transparent manner. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, Signature Suman kumar IARI Assam. Se aren Roll no - 15020

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