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Spanish Flea

Cissy Wechter Julius Wechter


C A7 D7


There was a lit tle Span ish flea a re cord star he thought he'd

G7 C F Cm Fm G7
be he'd heard of sing ers like Beat les the chip munks he'd seen on T. V

C C7 F7



why not a lit tle Span ish be he walked a round as if he
rage I'll put you


owned the town hum ming his pint size mel o dy with his gui
on the stage in cos tumes like you've nev er worn well at a

Cm Fm

tar. he knew he'd be a star and in his old home town how
glance he knew this was a chance, yes all at once a Span ish

G7 C A7

proud they'd be then all at once he met a man who said I'll
flea was born for when the peo ple heard him play they all be

D7 G7 C F

help you if I can he list ened first to his song then he
gan to shout O Lei he was the pride of the na tion a
Cm Fm G7 C


sang right a long for you see he loves the lit tle Span ish flea,
sing ing sen sa tion was he
C7 C

you'll be the though he was just a Span ish flea

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