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Main topics in Algorithms and data structures

i. Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures

1. What are algorithms and data structures?
2. Characteristics of good algorithms
3. Basic data types and operations
ii. Analysis of Algorithms
1. Asymptotic notation: big-O, big-omega, and big-theta
2. Time complexity analysis of basic algorithms
3. Space complexity analysis of basic algorithms
iii. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
1. Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and merge sort
2. Quick sort and heap sort
3. Binary search and linear search
iv. Data Structures
1. Arrays, linked lists, and stacks
2. Queues and circular queues
3. Trees and binary trees
4. Graphs and graph traversal algorithms
v. Advanced Algorithms
1. Divide and conquer algorithms
2. Dynamic programming
3. Greedy algorithms
4. Backtracking algorithms
vi. Advanced Data Structures
1. Hash tables and collision resolution techniques
2. B-trees and B+ trees
3. AVL trees and red-black trees
4. Trie and suffix trees
vii. Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
1. Basics of parallel and distributed computing
2. Synchronisation and communication in parallel and distributed
3. Parallel and distributed algorithms for sorting, searching, and
graph algorithms
viii. Approximation Algorithms
1. Basics of approximation algorithms
2. Examples of approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems
3. Performance guarantees and analysis of approximation
ix. Randomized Algorithms
1. Basics of randomized algorithms
2. Examples of randomized algorithms for sorting, searching, and
graph algorithms
3. Probabilistic analysis of randomized algorithms
x. String Algorithms
1. Basics of string matching and manipulation
2. Finite automata, regular expressions, and context-free
3. Advanced string algorithms like Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP),
Boyer-Moore, and Rabin-Karp algorithms.
xi. Graph Algorithms
1. Minimum spanning trees
2. Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford,
3. Network flow algorithms (Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp)
xii. Computational Geometry
1. Geometric primitives (points, lines, circles, polygons)
2. Convex hull algorithms (Graham Scan, Jarvis March)
3. Closest pair of points problem
xiii. Advanced Dynamic Programming
1. Memoization techniques
2. Bitmasking and subset sum problems
3. Longest common subsequence and substring problems
4. Matrix chain multiplication
xiv. Online Algorithms
1. Competitive analysis
2. Online convex optimization
3. Adversarial queuing theory
xv. Probabilistic Data Structures
1. Bloom filters
2. Count-min sketch
3. HyperLogLog
4. Skip lists

xvi. Machine Learning Algorithms

1. Regression and classification algorithms (linear regression,
logistic regression, decision trees, etc.)
2. Clustering algorithms (k-means, hierarchical clustering, etc.)
3. Dimensionality reduction algorithms (principal component
analysis, singular value decomposition, etc.)
xvii. Distributed Algorithms
1. Byzantine fault tolerance
2. Consensus protocols (Paxos, Raft, etc.)
3. Distributed hash tables (DHTs)
4. MapReduce and Hadoop
xviii. Quantum Algorithms
1. Quantum computing basics
2. Grover's algorithm for searching
3. Shor's algorithm for factoring
4. Quantum key distribution
xix. Online Learning Algorithms
1. Multi-armed bandits
2. Online gradient descent
3. Reinforcement learning
xx. Big Data Algorithms
1. MapReduce and Hadoop
2. Spark
3. Graph processing frameworks (e.g., Giraph, GraphX)
4. Streaming algorithms (e.g., Bloom filters, Flajolet-Martin
xxi. Distributed Data Structures
1. Distributed hash tables (DHTs)
2. Distributed queues and stacks
3. Distributed arrays and matrices
4. Distributed graphs
xxii. Natural Language Processing Algorithms
1. Parsing algorithms (e.g., Earley parser, CYK parser)
2. Named entity recognition (NER)
3. Sentiment analysis
4. Word embeddings and language models
xxiii. Approximation Algorithms
1. Randomized rounding
2. Local search algorithms
3. Semidefinite programming

xxiv. Metaheuristic Algorithms

1. Simulated annealing
2. Genetic algorithms
3. Ant colony optimization
4. Particle swarm optimization
xxv. Memory Management Algorithms
1. Garbage collection algorithms
2. Memory allocation algorithms
3. Memory hierarchy and caching

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