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Buy guns to keep you insecure

Guns are part of the American culture since the beginning of it. Back when the Pilgrims came there,
in 1775 they used guns to kill the British during the Independence War. They understood that guns
were useful to protect themselves because they were afraid from the rest of the world.

It was the first episode of a series where guns are the main character. They were there when
Americans wanted to kill the native Americans that were seen as harmful savages that scared them.
They were also there when they needed to enslave Africans as a workforce and after that to protect
themselves when slavery ended, and they didn’t feel safe anymore. In order to that, the KKK was
created to kill black people, especially by using guns. And when this association became illegal, the
NRA was created by KKK people to allow them to have power over the society.

This power mostly depends on the pop culture, in the cinema, guns are seen as cool by people, they
convey the impression of being seductive and powerful. And to take benefits on that, NRA has the
great idea to create new fairytales with guns in these to promote the use of guns among children, the
future of the society. Great idea when we know that America has the highest rate of guns death in
the world and in these statistics, there are children that killed themselves or someone else with a gun
by accident. Sometimes these deaths results from a wish to act like their heroes and NRA are just
contributing to that with their fairytales where heroes defend themselves with firearms.

All these deaths show that guns are not a really good thing for the well-being of American people.
They think that guns keep them secure but in fact, it’s the opposite, they are in danger because of
guns. They are always threatens because of guns, they are always threatens to be killed wherever
they are, even if there are surrounded by children and the Columbine massacre proofs that because
it took place in a school and the people that did that were legally considered as children. This
massacre proofs that there are flaws in the gun laws. If children are allowed to buy guns and guns
furniture, where is the limit? USA are in danger and in my opinion, the only way to correct this issue
is to end the right to bear arms and to prohibit guns in the country, especially automatic rifles.



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