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Research Report

Assessment of Glenohumeral
Subluxation in Poststroke Hemiplegia:
Comparison Between Ultrasound and
Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

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Praveen Kumar, Marianne Mardon, Michael Bradley, Selena Gray,
Annette Swinkels
P. Kumar, PhD, MCSP, MIAP,
MSPA, Department of Allied
Health Professions, Faculty of
Background. Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) is a common poststroke compli-
Health and Life Sciences, Univer- cation. Treatment of GHS is hampered by the lack of objective, real-time clinical
sity of the West of England, Room measurements.
1K05, Glenside Campus, Black-
berry Hill, Stapleton, Bristol, BS16 Objective. The aims of this study were: (1) to compare an ultrasound method of
1DD, United Kingdom. Address all GHS measurement with the fingerbreadth palpation method using a receiver oper-
correspondence to Dr Kumar at: ating characteristic curve (ROC) and (2) to report the sensitivity and specificity of this
M. Mardon, BSc, Department of
Physiotherapy, University Hospital Design. A prospective study was conducted.
Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.

M. Bradley, MD, Department of

Setting. The study was conducted in local hospitals and day centers in the
Radiology, Southmead Hospital, southwest of England.
North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol,
United Kingdom. Patients. One hundred five patients who had one-sided weakness following a
first-time stroke (51 men, 54 women; mean age⫽71 years, SD⫽11) and who gave
S. Gray, MBChB, MD, Centre for
informed consent were enrolled in the study.
Clinical and Health Services
Research, University of the West of
Measurements. Ultrasound measurements of acromion– greater tuberosity
(AGT) distance were used for the assessment of GHS. Measurements were under-
A. Swinkels, PhD, Department of taken on both shoulders by a research physical therapist trained in shoulder ultra-
Physiotherapy, University of the
West of England.
sound with the patient seated in a standardized position. Fingerbreadth palpation
assessment of GHS was undertaken by a clinical physical therapist based at the
[Kumar P, Mardon M, Bradley M, hospital, who also visited the day centers.
et al. Assessment of glenohumeral
subluxation in poststroke hemi- Results. The area under the ROC curve was 0.73 (95% confidence interval [95%
plegia: comparison between ultra-
sound and fingerbreadth palpa- CI]⫽0.63, 0.83), suggesting that the ultrasound method has good agreement com-
tion methods. Phys Ther. pared with the fingerbreadth palpation method. A cutoff point of ⱖ0.2 cm AGT
2014;94:1622–1631.] measurement difference between affected and unaffected shoulders generated a
© 2014 American Physical Therapy sensitivity of 68% (95% CI⫽51%, 75%), a specificity of 62% (95% CI⫽47%, 80%), a
Association positive likelihood ratio of 1.79 (95% CI⫽1.1, 2.9), and a negative likelihood ratio of
0.55 (95% CI⫽0.4, 0.8).
Published Ahead of Print:
July 24, 2014
Accepted: July 4, 2014
Limitations. Clinical therapists involved in the routine care of patients conducted
Submitted: July 15, 2013 the fingerbreadth palpation method. It is likely that they were aware of the patients’
subluxation status.

Conclusion. The ultrasound method can detect minor asymmetry (ⱕ0.5 cm) and
has the potential advantage over the fingerbreadth palpation method of identifying
Post a Rapid Response to patients with minor subluxation.
this article at:

1622 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 11 November 2014

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

lenohumeral subluxation not generally recommended for clin- comparing ultrasound and finger-
(GHS) is a recognized compli- ical evaluation of GHS.14 breadth palpation methods.
cation in people with post-
stroke hemiplegia. The reported inci- Diagnostic ultrasound is now rou- Method
dence of GHS ranges from 17% to tinely used for clinical imaging of the Participants
81% of patients, depending on the shoulder region in patients with The study used a prospective design
measurement methods used and the musculoskeletal conditions.15–18 and received approval from the
time frames over which it is Recently, several studies used diag- National Health Service (NHS)
assessed.1,2 Severe loss of motor nostic ultrasound to evaluate the Research Ethics Committee, North
function and apparent absence of incidence and prevalence of soft tis- Bristol Trust, United Kingdom.

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supraspinatus muscle contraction sue injuries (rotator cuff tears, Patients over 50 years of age who
are potential risk factors for GHS, but biceps tendinitis) in the shoulders of had stroke resulting in one-sided
scapular orientation does not con- people with poststroke hemiple- weakness and who were able to sit
tribute to GHS, as was originally gia.19 –26 The ultrasound method is upright were eligible to participate.
thought.3 The association between currently being investigated and Patients with aphasia also were eligi-
GHS and other poststroke complica- developed for the assessment of GHS ble to participate in the study. Apha-
tions such as pain and poor motor in these patients27,28; however, it is sia was confirmed if a patient had
recovery is uncertain. When present not routinely used in clinical set- difficulty following simple com-
in combination, however, these tings. Using a large, static ultrasound mands, understanding questions
complications could have a signifi- machine, Park et al27 reported high (receptive aphasia), or speaking
cant impact on upper limb func- intrarater reliability (intraclass corre- (expressive aphasia). Diagnosis or
tion.4 The management of GHS, lation coefficient [ICC]⫽.979) of presence of GHS was not a require-
therefore, is an important therapeu- ultrasound measurements of GHS. ment to be able to participate in the
tic goal, and various approaches More recently, Kumar et al28 study. Patients with other neurologic
have been used in its prevention and recruited 26 patients with stroke conditions, traumatic brain injury,
treatment.5,6 Current approaches and, using a new standardized posi- brain tumors or other serious comor-
have significant problems and limita- tion with the forearm supported, bidities, shoulder pathology, or
tions to their use, and the effective- found that bedside assessment of recent surgery to the neck, arm, or
ness of any one of these approaches acromion– greater tuberosity (AGT) shoulder; those who were unavail-
for the treatment of GHS is inconclu- distance, undertaken by a physical able for testing; and those who were
sive.7 A potential reason for these therapist trained in shoulder ultra- unable to volunteer due to any rea-
findings is the lack of reliable, objec- sound, demonstrated good intrarater son were excluded.
tive, real-time clinical measure- reliability (ICC⫽.980) and discrimi-
ments.8 Current clinical measure- nant validity. An a priori power calculation was
ments include the fingerbreadth performed for assessing the clinical
palpation method9 and plain The purposes of this study were: (1) utility of the ultrasound method as
radiographs.6,10 to compare ultrasound and finger- quantified by the area under the
breadth palpation methods of GHS receiver operating characteristic
The fingerbreadth palpation method measurements using a receiver oper- (AUROC) curve. To our knowledge,
lacks the sensitivity to detect early ating characteristic (ROC) curve and this is the first study of this topic
signs of GHS or minor subluxations.8 (2) to report the sensitivity and spec- using AUROC curve statistics. There-
There is a concern that without treat- ificity of these methods. The finger- fore, power calculations were con-
ment, subluxation can progress to an breadth palpation method is rou- ducted for 2 AUROC curve values.
uncorrectable level over time.6 Early tinely used in clinical practice and For standard level of significance
GHS can contribute to irreversible has been tested for both reliability
partial or complete tears of the non- and validity.29 –31 Hall et al29 investi-
elastic shoulder capsule.5,6,11 Radio- gated the concurrent validity of this Available With
graphs are considered to be objec- method by comparing it with plain This Article at
tive and have high reliability and radiographs. They reported a Spear-
validity,12 but problems relating to man correlation coefficient of .760
• eTable: AUROC Curve Statistics
cost, time involved, and risks inher- between the fingerbreadth palpation With 95% CI for Ultrasound
ent to exposure to radiation13 limit method and plain radiographs. This Method Using Optimal Cutoff
their utility in the clinical setting. In study continued this research by Point
addition, radiographic diagnosis is

November 2014 Volume 94 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1623

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

therapist practiced the standardized

protocol on 2 patients with stroke in
the presence of the chief researcher
(P.K.). Any issues arising were dis-
cussed and clarified at this stage.
During actual data collection, physi-
cal therapists undertook measure-
ments independently.


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Baseline demographic data, includ-
ing age, sex, date of onset, type of
stroke, site of stroke, and side
affected, were collected from
Figure 1. patients’ medical records by the
Participants’ standardized position for data collection: (A) fingerbreadth palpation chief researcher. For patients at day
method, (B) ultrasound method. centers, only age, sex, and date of
stroke were gathered directly from
the patients, as no medical records
were available. Assessments were
(␣⫽.05, ␤ⱕ.20), a minimum sample Apparatus and Raters conducted at the hospital bedside or
size of n⫽72 and n⫽114 would have Prior to commencement of the data in the day centers. The therapist
at least 80% power to determine sta- collection process, a portable diag- undertaking clinical assessment of
tistical significance if the true nostic ultrasound machine (TITAN GHS was blinded to ultrasound mea-
AUROC was equal to 0.70 and 0.65, model, L38/10-5 MHz broadband, surements of AGT distance, and the
respectively, assuming a 1:1 ratio Sonosite Ltd, Hitchin, United King- therapist undertaking ultrasound
between negative and positive cases dom) was tested and calibrated measurements was blinded to clini-
in the sample (calculations were per- according to the manufacturer’s cal assessment. The order of data col-
formed using MedCalc Software, ver- guidelines. lection was as follows.
sion 11.1, Mariakerke, Belgium).
Therefore, the aim of this study was Ultrasound measurements of AGT Clinical assessment of GHS by a
to recruit up to 114 patients with distance were undertaken by a phys- clinical physical therapist using
stroke. ical therapist (P.K.) at all of the the fingerbreadth palpation
research sites (hospital and day cen- method. A standardized protocol
Patients were recruited from 4 local ters). The training protocol con- was used.29 Patients were seated in a
hospital trusts in the southwest of sisted of a 1-day manufacturer’s chair or wheelchair with both feet
England and from the community by course, supervised training from a flat on the ground or on a footrest.
accessing the Bristol Area Stroke consultant radiologist, pilot work on The physical therapist first assessed
Foundation (BASF), a voluntary orga- 6 healthy volunteers, and reliability the unaffected side to palpate the
nization that operates social clubs in studies on healthy volunteers32 and gap between the acromion and the
a number of day centers for patients patients with stroke (n⫽64).28 head of the humerus, and this assess-
with stroke in Bristol. Of the several ment was repeated on the affected
BASF social clubs, 6 centers located Clinical assessment of GHS (using shoulder. Shoulders were positioned
in and around the Bristol area were the fingerbreadth palpation method) in neutral rotation, with the arm
approached for the recruitment of was performed by one of the senior hanging by the side (thumb pointing
patients. Each patient gave informed clinical physical therapists (NHS forward) close to the body with no
written consent to take part, and, for bands 6 – 8) at each local hospital abduction (Fig. 1). Some patients
those who lacked mental capacity, trust and at the day centers. Seven who demonstrated high tone were
appropriate procedures were fol- physical therapists with 4 to 15 years unable to hang their affected arm
lowed and involved a family member of experience in stroke rehabilita- freely by the side. For these patients,
signing the personal consultee agree- tion were involved with clinical the shoulder was maintained in inter-
ment form in the presence of the assessments of GHS. To ensure stan- nal rotation with slight elbow flexion
patient. dardization and familiarization with and the forearm resting on their lap.
the testing procedure, each physical Glenohumeral subluxation was

1624 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 11 November 2014

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

defined as a palpable gap between

the inferior aspect of the acromion
and the superior aspect of the
humeral head that is 1⁄2 fingerbreadth
or more. A 0 –5 grading scheme was
used: 0⫽no subluxation, 1⫽1⁄2 fin-
gerbreadth gap, 2⫽1 fingerbreadth
gap, 3⫽11⁄2 fingerbreadth gap, 4⫽2
fingerbreadth gap, and 5⫽21⁄2 finger-
breadth gap.29

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Ultrasound measurements of
AGT distance by the chief
researcher. For ultrasound mea-
surements of AGT distance, each
patient was placed in the standard-
ized position to allow measurement
of AGT distance (Fig. 1).32 The shoul- Figure 2.
der was in neutral rotation, with the Measurement of acromion– greater tuberosity (AGT) distance between the lateral bor-
elbow at 90 degrees of flexion and der of the acromion (AC) and the nearest superior margin of the greater tuberosity (GT).
the forearm in pronation. The fore- Dotted caliper represents AGT distance. Sup⫽supraspinatus muscle.
arms rested on a pillow placed on
the patient’s lap with the elbow joint
itself remaining unsupported. Assis- was blind to measurements, the val- shoulders was considered a measure
tance was provided by the ues displayed were obscured by of GHS based on the ultrasound
researcher if the patient was unable placing a sticker on the ultrasound method and was analyzed using
to move the arm. The ultrasound screen. repeated-measures analysis of vari-
transducer then was placed over the ance (ANOVA), and both sides
lateral border of acromion along A general neurological clinical (affected and unaffected) and time
the vertical/longitudinal axis of the examination of the upper limb by were considered as within-subject
humerus to scan the shoulder. The the chief researcher. The general factors. The standard error of mea-
AGT distance was recorded on the neurological examination included surement (SEM) was calculated from
frozen image using an on-screen cal- assessment of muscle strength in the the ANOVA output. The minimum
iper that automatically calculates dis- shoulder muscles (Medical Research detectable change with 90% confi-
tances (Fig. 2). The AGT distance Council Scale)33 and muscle tone34,35 dence interval (MDC90) was calcu-
was defined as the relative lateral dis- on both affected and unaffected lated using the formula: MDC90⫽
tance between the lateral edge of the sides. Muscle tone was classified as SEM ⫻ 1.65 ⫻ 公2.36,37
acromial process of the scapula and low (grade 0), normal (grade 1), and
the nearest margin of the superior high (grades 2–5), as described by The association between the finger-
part of the greater tuberosity of the Culham et al.35 For both muscle breadth palpation method (differ-
humerus.32 A dark linear acoustic strength and tone, the shoulder flex- ence between affected and unaf-
shadow beneath the acromion ors, abductors, and internal and fected shoulders) and the ultrasound
helped to identify the lateral edge of external rotators were assessed. method was tested using Spearman
the acromion. The supraspinatus rank correlation coefficients. This
tendon was clearly visible as a thick Data Analysis statistical test is used when one of
band (acoustic hyperechoic appear- Data were analyzed using SPSS (ver- the methods (in this case, the finger-
ance) at its point of insertion, which sion 19.0, IBM UK, Business Analyt- breadth palpation method) gener-
facilitated identification of the ics, Middlesex, United Kingdom). ates ordinal data rather than interval
greater tuberosity (Fig 2). Three Descriptive statistics were used to or ratio data. Agreement between
ultrasound images of the right shoul- calculate the mean and standard the ultrasound and fingerbreadth pal-
der were obtained, and AGT distance deviation of AGT distance measure- pation methods was tested using the
was measured on each image. This ments for both affected and unaf- ROC curve, the AUROC curve, sen-
process was repeated on the left fected shoulders. The difference sitivity, specificity, negative and pos-
shoulder. In order to ensure the rater between affected and unaffected itive predictive values, and likeli-

November 2014 Volume 94 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1625

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

Table 1. distance for the total sample

Demographic Characteristics of Patients With Stroke (n⫽105) (n⫽105) was 2.2 cm (SD⫽0.6) and
Variable Measurements
1.8 cm (SD⫽0.4) for the stroke-
affected and stroke-unaffected shoul-
Age (y)
ders, respectively. On the stroke-
X 71
affected side, the minimum and
SD 11 maximum AGT values recorded
Range 50–90 across patients were 1.0 and 3.7 cm,
Sex, n (%) respectively, and the 95% confi-
Male 51 (48)
dence intervals (95% CIs) ranged

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from 2.0 to 2.3 cm. Corresponding
Female 54 (52)
values for the unaffected shoulder
Type of stroke, n (%)
were 0.7, 3.2, and 1.7 to 1.9 cm. The
Cerebral infarction 66 (62) repeated-measures ANOVA showed
Intracerebral hemorrhage 10 (9) a significant mean AGT difference
Unspecified 29 (29) between affected and unaffected
Side affected, n (%)
shoulder measurements (X⫽0.4 cm,
SD⫽0.5) (F5,520⫽53.101, P⬍.001).
Right 51 (48)
The SEM for the between-shoulder
Left 54 (52)
difference in AGT was 0.08 cm, and
Aphasia, n (%) 22 (21) the MDC90 was ⫾0.2 cm.
Muscle strength42 (shoulder flexors, abductors, rotators), n (%)

ⱕ3 79 (75) Shoulder subluxation was present in

ⱖ4 26 (25)
71 patients (67%) and absent in 34
patients (33%) using the finger-
Muscle tone44 (shoulder flexors, abductors, rotators), n (%)
breadth palpation method of assess-
Low 42 (40)
ment. Of those with GHS, 31/71
Normal 40 (38) (44%) had grade 1 (1⁄2-finger gap),
High 23 (22) 28/71 (39%) had grade 2 (1-finger
Time since onset of stroke (wk) gap), 8/71 (11%) had grade 3 (11⁄2-
Median 5.6
finger gap), and 4/71 (6%) had grade
4 (2-finger gap) subluxation.
Range 0.4–728

The Spearman rank correlation coef-

hood ratios for different values of but withdrew before finishing data ficients showed a moderate correla-
ultrasound measurements of AGT collection, 1 was discharged from tion (rs⫽.52) between the 2 meth-
distance. the hospital prior to data collection, ods, and this correlation was
and 5 could not visit the day center statistically significant (P⬍.001). The
Role of the Funding Source on the day of data collection because ROC curve allows seeing, in a simple
This research was undertaken as part of personal reasons. Therefore, 105 visual display, how sensitivity and
of Dr Kumar’s doctoral thesis, which patients agreed to participate and specificity vary around different cut-
was funded by the University of the were enrolled in the study: 70 off points (curved line) (Fig. 3). The
West of England, Bristol, United patients were from hospital settings, AUROC curve can have any value
Kingdom. and 35 patients were from stroke day between 0 and 1, and a test could be
centers. Of the recruited patients, 22 regarded as excellent or not useful
Results (21%) had aphasia. Seven patients based on the following categories:
Over a 16-month period, 115 required alternative positioning (a 0.9 –1.0 (excellent), 0.8 – 0.9 (very
patients with stroke were nonstandard modified sitting posi- good), 0.7– 0.8 (good), 0.6 – 0.7 (suf-
approached to participate in the tion) due to the presence of high ficient), 0.5– 0.6 (bad), and ⬍0.5
study. Ten patients were excluded tone. (test has no diagnostic value).38,39 If
because they did not meet the inclu- the AUROC curve value is 0.9 to 1.0
sion criteria. Of these patients, 3 had A summary of the demographic char- (ie, closer to the upper left-hand cor-
serious comorbidities (intestinal can- acteristics of the participants is ner of the ROC curve), it demon-
cer, heart problems), 1 was enrolled shown in Table 1. The mean AGT strates excellent agreement between

1626 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 11 November 2014

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

the tests. In contrast, if the value is

ⱕ0.5 (ie, on or below the straight
line), it suggests that there is poor
agreement between the tests39
(Fig. 3). The AUROC curve was 0.73
(95% CI⫽0.63, 0.83). Based on the
AUROC curve, there was a good
level of agreement between the
ultrasound and fingerbreadth palpa-
tion methods.

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Conventionally, on an ROC graph, a
pair of diagnostic sensitivity and
specificity values for every individual
cutoff is plotted, with the sensitivity
on the y-axis and 1 minus specificity
on the x-axis. The sensitivity and
specificity for various cutoff points
are presented in Table 2. A cutoff
point of ⱖ0.2 cm AGT measurement
difference between affected and
unaffected shoulders could be con- Figure 3.
sidered optimal because it provides Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve with area under the receiver operating
the best trade-off between sensitivity characteristic (AUROC) curve value of 0.73 (95% confidence interval⫽0.63– 0.83).
Curved line shows sensitivity and specificity varied around different cutoff points.
and specificity, with a sensitivity of
Straight line indicates AUROC curve ⱕ0.5 (test not useful). Cutoff points ⱖ0.1 to ⱖ0.5
68% (95% CI⫽51%, 75%) and a spec- cm correspond to sensitivity and specificity. Optimal cutoff point of ⱖ0.2 cm indicates
ificity of 62% (95% CI⫽47%, 80%). 68% sensitivity and 62% specificity. Diagonal segments produced by ties.
Using this cutoff point, the true value
for the sensitivity of the ultrasound
method is likely to be between 0.51 palpation method. Using the ultra- Discussion
(the lower boundary of the CI), 0.68 sound method, 61/105 patients The primary aims of this study were:
(the point estimate), and 0.75 (the (58%) had a mean AGT difference (1) to compare an ultrasound
upper boundary of the CI). of ⱖ0.2 cm between the affected method of GHS measurement with
and unaffected shoulders. Of those the fingerbreadth palpation method
Using the optimal cutoff point of patients with ⱖ0.2 cm AGT distance, using an ROC curve and (2) to report
ⱖ0.2 cm, the usefulness of the ultra- 33/61 (54%) demonstrated a mean the sensitivity and specificity of
sound method is illustrated in the AGT difference of between 0.2 and these methods. The AUROC curve
eTable (available at ptjournal.apta. 0.5 cm, indicating minor asymmetry from this study was 0.73. Presented
org). Likelihood ratios summarize between the unaffected and affected with pairs of randomly selected
how many times more or less likely shoulders. patients, one with GHS and one
patients with subluxation are to have
a particular test result than patients
without subluxation. The positive Table 2.
likelihood ratio of 1.79 suggests Sensitivity and Specificity With 95% CI for Ultrasound Method (AGT Distance
that a patient with subluxation Measurement Difference Between Affected and Unaffected Shoulders)a
(defined as grade of 1 or higher in Cutoff
the 5-point fingerbreadth palpation Point Sensitivity 95% CI Specificity 95% CI
method) is 1.79 more likely to have ⱖ0.5 40% 28%, 52% 89% 73%, 96%
an AGT difference greater than ⱖ0.4 47% 33%, 57% 83% 69%, 95%
0.2 cm on ultrasound than a patient ⱖ0.3 55% 39%, 63% 74% 62%, 91%
without palpable subluxation. The
ⱖ0.2 68% 51%, 75% 62% 47%, 80%
flow diagram presented in Figure 4
illustrates the comparison of ultra- ⱖ0.1 76% 57%, 80% 50% 38%, 73%

sound method versus fingerbreadth a

95% CI⫽95% confidence interval, AGT⫽acromion– greater tuberosity.

November 2014 Volume 94 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1627

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

without GHS as determined by the complications associated with GHS. minor subluxation in its early stage,
fingerbreadth palpation method, an Furthermore, a cutoff point of ⱖ0.2 as application of appropriate treat-
examiner would classify 73% of the cm (where the test’s specificity is ment can improve upper limb motor
pairs correctly by choosing the one 0.62) indicates that, with a predicted function.5,6 Several studies have
whose AGT distance on ultrasound false-positive result of 0.38, among reported on the benefits of func-
was the larger of the two. those who demonstrate no sublux- tional electrical stimulation in the
ation (a grade of 0 on the 5-point prevention and treatment of GHS in
For the diagnostic ultrasound fingerbreadth palpation scale), 62% early stages of rehabilitation5,41– 43
method to be useful, it is important will have an AGT difference of less but not in patients with chronic
to select a trade-off between sensitiv- than 0.2 cm. Specificity is equally stroke (⬎6 months).6 Findings from

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ity and specificity.40 The cutoff point important because applying treat- these studies suggest that GHS can
of ⱖ0.5 cm generated a sensitivity of ment such as positioning (arm be prevented by the application of
40% (eTable). Examiners who apply troughs, lap boards), shoulder slings, appropriate treatment but that with-
a cutoff point of 0.5 cm while using or strapping to a patient without drawal of treatment can lead to sub-
the ultrasound method would fail to GHS could reduce the normal gap sequent subluxation, especially in
identify 6/10 patients judged by the between the acromion and the head patients with loss of voluntary con-
fingerbreadth palpation method to of the humerus. This position could trol. In the United Kingdom, there-
have GHS. In contrast, a cutoff point alter the normal scapulohumeral fore, the latest national guidelines for
of ⱖ0.1 cm generates a sensitivity of rhythm required for smooth move- stroke44 recommend application of
76%, indicating that the ultrasound ment at the shoulder joint resulting functional electrical stimulation to
method would identify 8/10 patients in compression of the rotator cuff the supraspinatus and deltoid mus-
with subluxation. However, this tendons under the acromion pro- cles for any patient with stroke who
value is associated with a low speci- cess, which can cause tearing of has developed, or is at risk of devel-
ficity of 50%, indicating that 5/10 these structures and result in sub- oping, GHS. Ultrasound has the
patients whose ultrasound measures acromial impingement.19 potential advantage of identifying
are asymmetrical by ⱖ0.1 cm or patients with even minor sublux-
more would have no evidence of The cutoff point of ⱖ0.2 cm also ation (ⱕ0.5 cm) and can provide
GHS on the fingerbreadth palpation coincides with the MDC90 value of objective measurements in the early
test. Unlike these cutoff points, ⫾0.2 cm, which is in agreement stages of rehabilitation.
which generate high sensitivity and with the findings of a previous
low specificity or vice versa, a cutoff study.28 Kumar et al,28 in a study of In contrast, the fingerbreadth palpa-
point of ⱖ0.2 cm generates a sensi- 26 patients with stroke, reported a tion method has the potential advan-
tivity of 68% and a specificity of 62%. mean AGT difference of 0.4 cm and tage of being a quick, equipment-
Based on the sensitivity statistic, an MDC90 value of ⫾0.2 cm between free method of identifying significant
when the fingerbreadth palpation affected and unaffected shoulders. A subluxation. However, it lacks the
test indicates GHS, in 68% of those study of healthy individuals (n⫽32; ability to detect early signs of sublux-
cases, the ultrasound measure also mean age 64 years, SD⫽11) showed ation,8 is subjective,8,12,31 and is
would indicate GHS. a mean AGT difference of 0.1 cm insensitive, as it cannot detect differ-
(SD⫽0.18) (95% CI⫽0.03, 0.17) and ences of less than 0.5 cm.12 Further-
The cutoff point of ⱖ0.2 cm (where MDC90 value of ⫾0.07 cm between more, the reported correlations for
the sensitivity is 0.68) may be con- right and left shoulders.32 Based on the concurrent validity of the finger-
sidered optimal because it helps to the MDC90 values from these studies, breadth palpation method in com-
“rule out” GHS by indicating that, it could be predicted that a change parison with radiographic measure-
among patients with subluxation of ⫾0.2 cm in AGT distance mea- ments range from .69 to .76,29 –31
(defined as a grade of 1 or higher on surements between affected and which are described as relatively
the 5-point palpation scale), 68% will unaffected shoulders would be nec- low.45 Limitations of the finger-
have an AGT difference of at least 0.2 essary to indicate an asymmetry that breadth palpation method could
cm. This finding suggests that ultra- is not due to measurement error. result in an underestimation of the
sound potentially could be used as a true prevalence of GHS, which could
screening tool, which is critical In this study, a mean AGT difference contribute to the moderate correla-
because early diagnosis of GHS of ⱕ0.5 cm between affected and tion and relatively low sensitivity and
would facilitate the application of unaffected shoulders was observed specificity values for the ultrasound
appropriate treatment and thereby in 33 patients, suggesting minor sub- method found in this study. Due to
potentially prevent the long-term luxation. It is critical to identify resource, cost, and ethical con-

1628 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 11 November 2014

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

Recruited patients
Excluded patients (n=10)

3–serious comorbidities
1–withdrew prior to data collection
Enrolled 1–discharged from hospital
(n=105) 5–could not visit the day center on
the day of data collection

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Fingerbreadth Palpation Fingerbreadth Palpation
Method Method
GHS present GHS absent
(n=71) (n=34)

Inconclusive (n=0)

Ultrasound Method Ultrasound Method Ultrasound Method Ultrasound Method

Present Absent Present Absent
(n=48) (n=23) (n=13) (n=21)

Figure 4.
Flow diagram illustrating comparison between the ultrasound method and the fingerbreadth palpation method based on cutoff point
of ⱖ0.2 cm acromion-greater tuberosity difference. GHS⫽glenohumeral subluxation.

straints, it was not possible to under- functional capacity.25 Ultrasound ment interventions for GHS in peo-
take radiographs of 210 shoulders. was used both as a diagnostic tool ple with severe paralysis, especially
and to monitor the effectiveness of during the early stage of rehabilita-
Our study suggests that ultrasound the exercise program targeting tion. It also has potential to diagnose
measurements of AGT have potential reduction of subluxation and bursal soft tissue injuries in people with
value in the prevention and manage- fluid. Similarly, another study inves- stroke, both with and without GHS,
ment of GHS in people with stroke. tigated the association between GHS and thus can facilitate management
The technique is safe, noninva- and soft tissue injuries in 39 people of shoulder pain. In particular, it has
sive,15,16,46,47 allows real-time mea- with stroke.26 Similar to our study, utility as an outcome measure in
surements,48 and requires limited the diagnosis of GHS was done by intervention studies. The ultrasound
training to produce reliable measure- measuring the lateral AGT distance. method is objective, quantitative,
ments of AGT distance.28,32,49,50 Sev- The study showed that ultrasound and has the potential to detect even
eral other benefits of diagnostic complements the assessment of soft small changes in AGT distance
ultrasound have been reported by tissue injuries in shoulders of people measurements.
recent studies of people with with stroke.26
stroke.25,26 A recent study demon- The current study had some limita-
strated that subluxation occurred Given these findings, ultrasound has tions. First, there was a difference in
more frequently in patients (n⫽182) potential usefulness in both research the patients’ starting position for the
with a known presence of fluid in and clinical practice. Clinically, ultra- 2 methods. For the fingerbreadth pal-
the subhumeral and subdeltoid bur- sound may be used to assess and pation method, patients were in an
sae and in patients with reduced monitor the effectiveness of treat- upright sitting position with their

November 2014 Volume 94 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1629

Comparison of Ultrasound and Fingerbreadth Palpation Methods

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