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Dosen : Eka Wulandari, S.Pd.

, Nama : Melani Azzahra

NIM : P17451223050
Kelas : 1B
Prodi : Keselamatan dan
Kesehatan Kerja

3 Hospital Error

1. Read the text and decide if the sentence are true (T) or false (F)
1. The patient was admitted with an injured foot (T)
2. The patient was admitted to the surgical ward (F)
3. The patient did not get the correct medication (T)
4. The patient died before he could be operated on (F)
5. The patient died of brain damage (T)
6. It was decided that the patient’s death had been an accident (T)
2. Match the words (1-6) form the text the correct definitions (a-f)
1. Inquest - f.
2. Coroner - e.
3. Lawyer - d.
4. Counter - b.
5. Vascular - a.
6. Pulmonary - c.

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