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ROLL NO : BSAPM- 19-39









 In sociological term it is considered the care and upbringing of a child.

 In Psychological terms the reading of a child , the care , love , guidance and support given to a
 In general terms , it is referred to as

“The process of promoting and supporting the physical , emotional , social , financial and intellectual
development of a child from infancy to adulthood . Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child
aside from the biological relationship.”

What is parent engagement?

According to experts , the definition of parent engagement is parents and teachers sharing a
responsibility to help their children learn and meet educational goals . Parent engagement happens
when teachers involve parents in school meetings or events , and parents volunteer their support at
home and at school . In this way , they make a commitment. Parents commit to prioritizing their child’s
educational goals, and teachers commit to listening and providing a space for collaboration with

Parent engagement in schools is different from parent involvement, though both are useful . Parent
involvement is when parents participate in school events or activities , and teachers provide learning
resources or information about their student’s grades. Unlike in parent engagement, teachers hold the
primary responsibility to set educational goals. They relate to parents not as a partner but an advisor
who guides them through academic support for their child.

It helps to think of parent involvement as the first step to parent engagement. While teachers can
advise parents on some things , parents also have important information about their child that teachers
might not know. Both can bring perspectives to the table that enrich a student’s learning experience.
Neither is complete without the other.

Why parent involvement is important?

Parental involvement and engagement in education matters now more than ever because it is in decline.
In 2016, research showed a drop in parents who believe that intimate parent-teacher communication is
effective. Parents now prefer remote methods of communication, like online student portals , and they
are less likely to attend parent-teacher conferences or school activities. This shift is sudden and
concerning due to what it means for parent engagement. While digital tools can help families stay
informed , students are missing out when parents don’t offer their time and support.

The factors behind this change in parent involvement at school are multi- faceted. Some parents have
scheduling or transportation issues that make volunteering or attending parent-teacher conferences
tough. Others , like low- income or minority families, feel that staff makes them uncomfortable or
shows a lack of cultural awareness. If a parent-teacher relationship wasn’t established early in the year ,
parents also may not know whether they’re welcome at school. Some groups however , are more at-risk

for low parent engagement. Parent involvement is lowest in families below the poverty line or with
older children, as well as parents who do not speak the area’s primary language or didn’t graduate high

Parent involvement in schools is the first step to parent engagement and , ultimately , parent
partnership. When parents and teachers work together to establish thriving classroom, the effect on
their students is profound. Students with engaged parents don’t just have high test scores: their
attendance , self- esteem , and graduation rate rise , too. Parent-teacher relationships are mare than an
optional classroom benefit. They are key for helping students on a personal and classroom level reach
their academic potential. If we as educators don’t make a space for parent partnership in our schools,
we’re limiting our classroom’s capacity for growth.

Types of parental involvement

Dr. Joyce Epstein of Johns Hopkins University developed a framework that defines six different types of
parental involvement. This framework assists educators in developing school and family partnership
programs. Also helping parents get into their child’s education process .

Epstein’s framework of six types of parental involvement

1. Parenting
2. Communicating
3. Volunteering
4. Learning at home
5. Decision making
6. Collaborating with the community

Tips for being an involved parent

A kid’s education starts from home. Parents are their first teachers and they have a key role in shaping
up their character. A balance of education at home and school molds a student’s actual learning. Be a
helping hand in their educational journey and travel with them with true inspiration. Parental
encouragement had played a crucial role in successful students. Their role is not limited to home but
involvement in school activities too.

A child’s learning scale is highly related to how they are treated at home. Here are few ways which
parents can adopt to help with their child’s education:

1. Be a role model
Kids would be easily inspired by what their parents do . So it would be good to be a role model
in their learning phase. Parents are a kid’s first teachers and so learn the first things together at
home .So them how exciting and meaningful a school life can be if they give out their best .
Inspire them to learn novel elements in and out of school with friendly reminders and guidance.
2. Read together
Doing things together with parents give them a sense of support and confidence . Reading the
lessons together is one of the best ways to be close with the child’s learning at school.

This not only improves their vocabulary but invokes interest in them to read more. It is also a
good idea to visit the library together and share quality books to help them get additional
knowledge than classroom lessons.
3. Oversee child’s activity
It is important to have an eye on the child’s activity in school and home. Their general habits are
closely linked to how they perform in their studies .So give timely advise and correct any
abnormal behavior right from the childhood days and inspire them to be good citizens.
Help them to be more organized with their daily routine and find enough time for the lessons.
4. No over scheduling
It is not a good idea to over schedule them with learning activities at home . They are spending
about half of their day at school. So help them schedule their extra learning and homework time
at home without burdening them.
Balancing the time between lessons ,play time and rest is important to have a quality student
5. Provide pleasant Atmosphere
Parents should make sure that the kids are provided with a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere
at home. It is good to avoid discussing family problems in kid’s presence and don’t create a mess
at home with un necessary quarrels.
Both father and mother should consider the importance of their study life and give them
adequate moral support.
6. Give constructive criticism
If you notice that your kid is not performing well or giving les importance to studies , correct
them at the beginning itself. However, it is not good to spoil their peace of mind with ill words.
Have some patience and give only constructive criticism if you notice any downsides. Make
them understand what is right and wrong rather than simply blaming them.
7. Help with home assignments
Giving good support to kids in their studies would really lift their spirit for learning. Show it with
small gestures such as helping them with home assignments or projects. However, it is not
advised to do every lesson for them and let them play. Do it together and help them with some
tips and guidance in doing the assignments better.
8. Prepare them for tests
When it is their exam time , don’t leave them alone with their lessons. Help them to prepare for
the tests with good guidance and support. You may even conduct mini tests at home before the
actual test to lessen their exam worries and tensions. You may also give additional help with the
lesson areas in which they are weak.
9. Reward them for results
Giving good motivation is important for a kid to perform better with studies. So don’t hesitate to
reward them if they come up with some good results in the tests . This also gives them the spirit
to perform better every next time. However, keep a limit and it is not good to over shower them
with gifts for an average performance which fades away their killer instinct.
10. Go for educational trips
It is a good idea to go for educational trips during the holidays. Include destinations that have
same relevance with what they are studying to help them have a better understanding of the

lesson. Occasional trips to museums and zoos would also help them to interact with the nature
and learn new things.

11. Maintain parent teacher relationships

Don’t skip the parent teacher meetings and interaction sessions. It is good to keep a good
relation with your kid’s teachers. Learn from them about the child’s activities in school and make
sure to correct the child if something is wrong. Maintaining parent teacher relationships also
shows your interest in your kid’s matters which gives them a good feeling.
12. Set aside time for kids
It is a fact that working parents would be busy with their tight schedules. However, set aside
some time for your kids and don’t leave them lonely at home. Make a comfortable space for
them at home by maintaining a good parent child relationship. Eat together and play with them
in the free time and go for occasional trips to free up their mind.
13. Monitor their learning
Some kids will take up initiatives themselves to spend time for learning at home. However, it is
not the case for all and parents should make deliberate interventions for many kids. Don’t force
them to do anything but do a proper monitoring about their learning at home and give friendly
advices . Have a check on their leisure time if they are lacking in performance.
14. Prioritize child’s learning
Study life is an important phase of a kid and parents should give enough importance to it when
deciding on other matters. Make it a priority and avoid unnecessary trips or functions that can
affect their study schedule. Don’t encourage them to take unnecessary leaves from school for
silly matters and make them understand the daily class attendance.
15. Share your personal experience
It is good to share some of your school life experiences with your kids in your free time. This can
include positive and negative experiences to help them understand the importance of learning.
Also inspire them with your success stories to teach them the importance of hard work and how
it pays you back.
16. Devise fun ways to learning
Make learning a fun activity with devising some interesting ways . Gamification is also a good
idea to adopt for home learning too. Utilize the traveling time and playing time to help them
memorize and revise some difficult subject areas with some fun tricks. Perform some fun
quizzes and friendly debates at home that cover their lesson and include flash card activities to
revise their subjects with fun.
17. Talk with your kid
Spend enough time everyday to talk to your child even if you have tight schedules. Learn from
them about their concerns or doubts about any happiness in and out of the school. Make sure
that they are not worried about any thoughts or scary things and give them moral support for
the problems they are facing.
18. Encourage active learning
Active learning has a lot of benefits over the sedentary learning. It is the role of parents to
encourage them to active learning at home which reflects on the way they perform in
classrooms. You may also take initiatives to help them form a good friends circle with the

neighborhood kids and organize interesting activities. This not only makes them lively but also
gives a spirit of peer to peer learn with fun experience.

19. Help them relax

In addition to the busy study schedule and play time, make sure that they are getting proper rest
at the end of the day . Help them to relax with a proper night’s sleep and proper food. Take
effort to know your child’s areas of interests and include them in the holiday time to give them
a good relief from the stress of studies.
20. Be a good friend
Last but not the least, it is very important to be a good friend of your kid. Give them a space to
share anything that comes to their mind and express their true feelings. Give them assurance
that you would offer a helping hand despite what all comes their way. This would boost their
confidence level and help them excel and perform better in learning and other school activities.
Besides school learning, parent’s active role during their study life can help them to grow up
with better social skills and improved behavior.
Many surveys and studies have noted the parent’s involvement in child’s education. Students
with good support from home have achieved better grades at school and grew up with a higher

Benefits of parental involvement in kid’s learning


Research has shown that parental engagement (of various kinds) has a positive impact on many
indicators of student achievement, including:

 Higher grades and test scores

 Enrolment in higher level programs and advanced classes.
 Lower drop-out rates
 Higher graduation rates
 A greater likelihood of commencing tertiary education
 Better performance on standardized test
 Take challenging classes
 Feel better about themselves and school
 Have good attendance

Beyond educational achievements parental involvement is associated with various indicators of

development. These include :

 Better social skills

 Improved behavior
 Better adaptation to school
 Increase social capital
 A greater sense of personal competence and efficacy for learning
 Greater engagement in school work
 A stronger belief in the importance of education

They are also less likely to :

 Have low self-esteem

 Need redirection in the classroom
 Develop behavioral issues.


When parents are involved, teacher may

 Feel more supported

 Be more satisfied
 Communicate and work better with students, parents and families.


Parents also get rewards from being involved in their child’s education.

Disadvantages of parental involvement in child’s education

There are several cases where parents become excessively involved, constantly calling the teachers ,
constantly calling the teacher to check their children’s progress, which uses up a lot of their time. This
can also damage the self-esteem of both teachers and the students.


From all what was said so far , We may conclude that the education in the premises of a family life , has
a double meaning. Firstly ,it must be seen through the perspective of its contribution to the overall child
raising up and education, which is crucial to his / her proper formation of children’s personality and
further on , his / her preparation for leading an independent life . On the other hand , the focus must be
put on the family as whole , and the role of children which must be based on their approach and
contribution concerning family problems, which should be dealt with, and finally solved by them .
Offering education support to children from their parents , concerning issues such as homework, would
help children to create an everyday routine of learning. This approach as such should be stimulated by
the parents themselves, by praising, vaunting and rewarding the children regarding the way they
perform on this task . This approach as a value would raise within the children the sense of respecting
the other family members. Using this education and bringing up methods while raising children, may be
considered as one of the best known examples towards a positive overall approach to the educative and
formational function with the children, who later on become successful grown up citizens. Offering
educational support to them, from their parents, concerning issues such as preparing their homework,
on the other hand creates the so called habits of every day routine of action to the learning process,
which makes the parents vaunt and praise then , creating and strengthening this way better mutual
communication between the parents and children. And again , rewarding and praising the child, is a real
stimulator towards a better mutual respect and closeness between all members as a compact family.


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