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62 The Steps of a Good Man Mac Lynch Mac Lynch G c GB FIA CciG F Sy 2 ee ee a ai Bae t Bayete eI == e 4.Tho’ dark be the night and long be the day, Lord, make me 2.0 Thou art al-might - y; | am so_ small. Lord, make me * fol - low in Thy per-fect way. Tho’ com-eth — sor - row; Tho’ trust Thee what - ev-er be - fall Thou art all ho - ly; You errs ee . — great be my pain; Lord, make me serve Thee, come sun - make no mis - take. Lord, make me Christ - like what - ev © Copyright 1990 by THE WILDS. Alll rights ; f alG F C/E q ie pia & —S=— J —— tA ae not be ut -ter-ly cast down: For the Lord, For the v “ee eo T =! * . ° e = 5 7 BS eae FIG G7 Cc 23S = 2 e s- aE t | Lord, For the Lord up-hold-eth him with His hand | f Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 63 Arthur H. Messiter D Edward H. Plumptre G leas =a 1. Re - joice, ye pure in heart, Re - joice, give thanks, and sing; 2. Yes; on through life's long _path, Still chant - ing as you go; 3.Then on, ye— pure in heart, Re - joice, give thanks, and sing; oe == Se = [7 = = a — | G7 Cc ans E Bsus B Ee a e a G D ty (= SS — es ee ama Your fest-al ban-ner wave on high,The cross of Christ, your King. From youth to age, by night and day, In glad-ness and in woe. Your fes - tal_ ban-ner wave on_ high,The cross of Christ, your King. D e D G B P oF: Gl iCn ne GD v7 > @ ea joice, _re - joice, Re - joice, re - joice, Re - joice, give thanks, and sing!

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