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DUE30022 $1 2022/23 RP (30%) JABATAN PENGAJIAN AM POLITEKNIK PORT DICKSON DUE30022 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 2 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT SESSION 1: 2022/2023 ROLE PLAY - 30% CLS 3B, CLO 3 A3: Demonstrate effective communication and social skills in handling enquiries and complaints amicably and professionally, GENERAL INSTRUCTION: 1. The lecturer will decide on the method of your oral presentation: Q) Live presentation- students present using web conference applications like Ms Team, Google Meet, and other suitable platforms b) Recorded/ video presentation- students submit video via application Ii YouTube and other suitable platforms 2. Reading from the smartphone or any electronic devices is strictly PROHIBITED. 3. Evaluation of this presentation is based on individual performance. Hence every member should have equal roles. Ms Teams, 4. Tardiness and unkempt appearance will not be tolerated. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This assignment should be done in groups of 3-4 members. 2. Role play is to be recorded and edited into a short drama. Length of the role play presentation should be about 10-15 minutes (Including introduction) 4, Task: Select a product or service that interests you. * Make enquiries about the product/ service by using Wh, Yes/No and tag questions before buying or using the product or service. «Having found problems in the product or faults with the service, make complaint and find a solution to your problem, “Please refer to the checklist attached. ue30022 ‘$1 2022/23 RP (30%) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Gomes Sear mortem 1. You will be assessed following these criteria: © Contents - 20 marks Language = 10 marks © Delivery — 10 marks Prepared by: KARE. Susan S. Magallanes Checked by: Verified by: Abdul Latiff Bin Hydros Masniza bili. Mansor Pegawal Pendidikan Pengalian Tings (PPP) DHSS Politik Por Dickson ENQUIRIES @ Product of choice @ Medium of transaction Appropriate language forms and functions in making / handling enquiries Interaction between the salesperson and customer gblem/ issue/ conflict ediufnof complaint Appropriate choice of words @ Clear pronunciation Appropriate tone of voice @ Inte ‘ion: name, matric number, role. @ Subtitle @ Logical story and neat video editing ® Voice projection, hand gestures, facial expressions

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