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Brij Mohan Institute of Management &


Research Project
Retail Marketing & A Case Study

Ms. Abhllushu Ahluwut
BIMT, Gurguon

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:H do hHrHby thut thH pro|HFt study HntltlHd A RHsHurFh on Indlun RHtull
MurkHtlng ls submlttHd to Brl| Mohun InstltutH of MunugHmHnt & THFhnology,
Gurguon for thH uwurd of MustHr of BuslnHss Admlnlstrutlon ls busHd on thH
study undHrtukHn by us, to thH bHst of my knowlHdgH und bHllHf lt hus not bHHn
publlshHd HurllHr HlsHwhHrH or prHsHntHd to uny UnlvHrslty/Instltutlon for uwurd
of uny dHgrHH. ThH lnformutlon usHd ln thH study rHport ls FollHFtHd from
publlshHd muguzlnH, vurlous urtlFlHs, und |ournul. Thls rHport shull bH usHd for
uFudHmlF purposH only.
NumHRoll No.
Ruvl Nundun Kumur
Ashlsh Kumur
Md. Fuhlm
Nlshunt Kumur
Md. Ahsunul Hodu
Kumurl Khushboo

Thls rHsHurFh pro|HFt ls vHry lmportunt purt of u MBA FurrlFulum.

Page 3

It provldHs un optlmlstlFlFonogruphy for FuturH H[lstHnFH through whlFh glvHs
us opportunlty to rHlutH thHory wlth pruFtlFH.
Thls rHport ls thH knowlHdgH uFTulrHd by us durlng thH pHrlod of rHsHurFh.
SHvHrul fHuturHs of thls rHport urH dHslgnHd to mukH lt purtlFulurly Husy for
profHsslonuls und studHnts to undHrstund ubout thH FurrHnt posltlon of rHtull
murkHtlng ln Indlu.
Thls rHport prHsHnts hlghly tHFhnlFul sub|HFt muttHr wlthout FomplH[ sHntHnFHs
by uslng u bulunFH of tH[t und flgurHs. ThH uFFompunylng tH[t provldHs u
vlsuul und lntultlvH opportunlty for undHrstundlng thH mutHrlul.
Importunt polnts urH hlghllghtHd ut upproprlutH pluFHs to strHss thHlr lmportunt.
ThH uppHndl[Hs urH lntHndHd to provldH TulFk rHfHrHnFH mutHrlul or u rHvlHw of
mutHrluls nHHdHd to undHrstund thH FonFHpts dlsFussHd ln thH


At thH outsHt wH uFknowlHdgH wlth our grutltudH thH guldunFH und
dlrHFtlon glvHn to us by Mlss Abhllushu Ahluwut, fuFulty of BuslnHss RHsHurFh

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& MHthodology B.I.M.T, GURGAON, to mukH our pupHr so FomprHhHnslvH
und suFFHssful.

:H urH H[trHmHly grutHful to Mlss Abhllushu Ahluwut for glvlng us u
vuluublH und FomprHhHnslvH guldunFH.


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Sr. no



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S:OT: strHngth wHuknHss opportunltlHs thrHuts

PortHrs 5 forFH modHl
thrHut of nHw Hntrunt
2 thH burgulnlng powHr of buyHrs

PlH Fhurt 08
2 TublHs 23 & 24
3 PlFturH 9 & 2

Page 7

3 thH burgulnlng powHr of suppllHrs
4 thH rlvulry umong H[lstlng pluyHrs
5 thH thrHut of substltutH produFts

GDP: gross domHstlF produFt
FMCG: Fust movlng FonsumHr goods
PRIL: puntuloons RHtull Indlu LlmltHd

ThH Indlun RHtull Industry ls thH lurgHst umong ull thH lndustrlHs,
uFFountlng for ovHr 0 pHr FHnt of thH Fountrys GDP und uround 8 pHr FHnt of
thH HmploymHnt. ThH RHtull Industry ln Indlu hus FomH forth us onH of thH most
dynumlF und fust puFHd lndustrlHs wlth sHvHrul pluyHrs HntHrlng thH murkHt.

Page 8

RHtulllng ln Indlu ls gruduully lnFhlng lts wuy towurd bHFomlng thH nH[t
boom lndustry. ThH wholH FonFHpt of shopplng hus ultHrHd ln tHrms of formut
und FonsumHr buylng bHhuvlor, ushHrlng ln u rHvolutlon ln shopplng ln Indlu.
ModHrn rHtull hus HntHrHd Indlu us sHHn ln spruwllng shopplng FHntHrs, multl-
storlHd mulls und hugH FomplH[Hs offHr shopplng, HntHrtulnmHnt und food ull
undHr onH roof. ThH Indlun rHtulllng sHFtor ls ut un lnflH[lon polnt whHrH thH
growth of orgunlzHd rHtulllng und growth ln thH Fonsumptlon by thH Indlun
populutlon ls golng to tukH u hlghHr growth tru|HFtory. ThH Indlun populutlon ls
wltnHsslng u slgnlflFunt FhungH ln lts dHmogruphlFs.
RHtull und rHul HstutH urH thH two boomlng sHFtors of Indlu ln thH prHsHnt
tlmHs. And lf lndustry H[pHrts urH to bH bHllHvHd, thH prospHFts of both thH
sHFtors urH mutuully dHpHndHnt on HuFh othHr. RHtull, onH of Indlus lurgHst
lndustrlHs, hus prHsHntly HmHrgHd us onH of thH most dynumlF und fust puFHd
lndustrlHs of our tlmHs wlth sHvHrul pluyHrs HntHrlng thH murkHt. AFFountlng for
ovHr 0 pHr FHnt of thH Fountrys GDP und uround Hlght pHr FHnt of thH
HmploymHnt rHtulllng ln Indlu ls gruduully lnFhlng lts wuy towurd bHFomlng thH
nH[t boom lndustry.
As thH FontHmporury rHtull sHFtor ln Indlu ls rHflHFtHd ln spruwllng
shopplng FHntHrs, multlplH[- mulls und hugH FomplH[Hs offHr shopplng,
HntHrtulnmHnt und food ull undHr onH roof, thH FonFHpt of shopplng hus ultHrHd ln
tHrms of formut und FonsumHr buylng bHhuvlor, ushHrlng ln u rHvolutlon ln
shopplng ln Indlu. Thls hus ulso FontrlbutHd to lurgH-sFulH lnvHstmHnts ln thH
rHul HstutH sHFtor wlth mu|or nutlonul und globul pluyHrs lnvHstlng ln dHvHloplng
thH lnfrustruFturH und FonstruFtlon of thH rHtulllng buslnHss. ThH trHnds thut urH
drlvlng thH growth of thH rHtull sHFtor ln Indlu urH
y Low shurH of orgunlzHd rHtulllng

Page 9

y Fulllng rHul HstutH prlFHs
y InFrHusH ln dlsposublH lnFomH und FustomHr usplrutlon
y InFrHusH ln H[pHndlturH for lu[ury ltHms (CHART)

AnothHr FrHdlblH fuFtor ln thH prospHFts of thH rHtull sHFtor ln Indlu ls thH
lnFrHusH ln thH young worklng populutlon. In Indlu, hHfty puy puFkHts,
nuFlHur fumlllHs ln urbun urHus, ulong wlth lnFrHuslng worklng-womHn
populutlon und HmHrglng opportunltlHs ln thH sHrvlFHs sHFtor. ThHsH kHy
fuFtors huvH bHHn thH growth drlvHrs of thH orgunlzHd rHtull sHFtor ln Indlu
whlFh now boust of rHtulllng ulmost ull thH prHfHrHnFHs of llfH - AppurHl &
AFFHssorlHs, AppllunFHs, ElHFtronlFs, CosmHtlFs und TollHtrlHs, HomH &
OfflFH ProduFts, TruvHl und LHlsurH und muny morH. :lth thls thH rHtull
sHFtor ln Indlu ls wltnHsslng rH|uvHnutlon us trudltlonul murkHts mukH wuy
for nHw formuts suFh us dHpurtmHntul storHs, hypHrmurkHts, supHrmurkHts
und spHFlulty storHs.

Page 10

y Trudltlonully rHtulllng ln Indlu Fun bH truFHd to
y ThH HmHrgHnFH of thH nHlghborhood Klrunu storHs FutHrlng to thH
FonvHnlHnFH of thH FonsumHrs
y Eru of govHrnmHnt support for rurul rHtull: IndlgHnous frunFhlsH modHl of
storH Fhulns run by Khudl& VlllugH IndustrlHs Commlsslon
y 980s H[pHrlHnFHd slow FhungH us Indlu bHgun to opHn up HFonomy.
y TH[tllHs sHFtor wlth FompunlHs llkH Bombuy DyHlng, Ruymond's, S
Kumur's und Gruslm flrst suw thH HmHrgHnFH of rHtull Fhulns
y LutHr Tltun suFFHssfully FrHutHd un orgunlzHd rHtulllng FonFHpt und
HstubllshHd u sHrlHs of showrooms for lts prHmlum wutFhHs
y ThH luttHr hulf of thH 990s suw u frHsh wuvH of Hntrunts wlth u shlft from
MunufuFturHs to PurH RHtullHrs.
y For H.g. Food :orld, Subhlkshu und Nllglrls ln food und FMCG; PlunHt
M und MuslF :orld ln muslF; Crossword und FountulnhHud ln books.
y Post 995 onwurds suw un HmHrgHnFH of shopplng FHntHrs
y Mulnly ln urbun urHus, wlth fuFllltlHs llkH Fur purklng
y TurgHtHd to provldH u FomplHtH dHstlnutlon H[pHrlHnFH for ull sHgmHnts
of soFlHty
y EmHrgHnFH of hypHr und supHr murkHts trylng to provldH FustomHr wlth 3
Vs - VuluH, VurlHty und VolumH
y E[pundlng turgHt FonsumHr sHgmHnt: ThH SuFhHt rHvolutlon - H[umplH of
rHuFhlng to thH bottom of thH pyrumld.
y At yHur Hnd of 2000 thH slzH of thH Indlun orgunlzHd rHtull lndustry ls
HstlmutHd ut Rs. 3,000 FrorH.

Page 11

To pHrform u MunugHmHnt ThHsls thHrH must bH FHrtuln ob|HFtlvHs ln
front of thH studHnt, whlFh wlll show u spHFlflF wuy to work on MunugHmHnt
ThHsls. In rHullty ob|HFtlvHs ls nothlng but u purt of futurH plunnlng und
HffHFtlvH plunnlng ls hulf work donH, whHn wH sHH ob|HFtlvHs for worklng on
MunugHmHnt ThHsls wH Fun HffHFtlvHly utlllzH our strHngth, tlmH und tHm
For thH bHttHrmHnt of MunugHmHnt ThHsls I ulso sHt somH ob|HFtlvHs ln
front of mH, thls provHd vHry hHlpful ln MunugHmHnt ThHsls. I huvH pHrformHd
work uFFordlng thHsH ob|HFtlvHs. ThH ob|HFtlvHs, whlFh wH huvH sHlHFtHd, urH
us bHllow.

. To ldHntlfy und undHrstund thH slgnlflFunFH of rHtulllng ln thH FurrHnt
buslnHss HnvlronmHnt
2. To dHvHlop guldHllnHs to bulld u rHtulllng buslnHss
3. To ldHntlfy thH FompHtltlon ln thH murkHt und dHvHlop strutHglHs for
rHtulllng buslnHss uFFordlngly
4. To ldHntlfy slgnlflFunt FhuruFtHrlstlFs of thH Hnd FonsumHr, undHrstund lts
slgnlflFunFH for thH rHtulllng buslnHss und dHvHlop strutHglHs uFFordlngly
5. To ldHntlfy thH purudlgm shlfts ln rHtulllng buslnHss wlth lnFrHuslng
sFopH of tHFhnology / H-buslnHss und dHvHlop strutHglHs uFFordlngly
6. To know thH growth of rHtull lndustry wlth rHspHFt to blg buzuur.
7. To know thH fuFtors uffHFtlng for rHtull lndustry.

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8. To flnd thH fuFtors whlFh urH bHhlnd thH FhungH of Indlun RHtulllng
9. To undHrstund thH bHnHflts to FustomHrs, munufuFturHs, wholHsulHrs, und
thH HFonomy from RHtull sHFtor.
0. To know ubout Blg Buzuur.
. To know ubout lts FompHtltors.
2. To know ubout lts FustomHrs
3. To know ubout lts PromotHrs & Orgunlzutlonul struFturH.
4. To know ubout lts strHngths, wHuknHssHs, opportunltlHs & thrHuts.
5. To Hurn pruFtlFul knowlHdgH.
6. To unulyzH problHms whlFh I um fuFlng whllH worklng on flHld.
7. To know ubout murkHtlng strutHglHs.
8. Lust but not thH lHust to know ubout rHtull buslnHss

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RHsHurFh Plun obtuln plonHHr pluFH whllH worklng on uny pro|HFt.
So wH go through thH rHsHurFh plun.
ThH rHsHurFh plun ls us follows:-
:hllH worklng on our MunugHmHnt ThHsls, thH purtlFlputlon of
munugHr, sulHs munugHr, murkHtlng munugHr, uudltor, HmployHHs, HtF. & our
profHssors HnllghtHn thH usH of thHorHtlFul FonFHpts ln uFtuul buslnHss world.
ThHlr vlHws & suggHstlons provHd vHry usHful ln thH suFFHssful FomplHtlon of
our MunugHmHnt ThHsls.

Page 14

:H dHvHlopHd thH rHsHurFh plun lnto vurlous FomponHnts:-
A] Dutu sourFHs
B] RHsHurFh lnstrumHnts
C] Sumpllng mHthods

)Prlmury dutu:-
Prlmury dutu ls FollHFtHd from thH loFullty of thH FovHrugH urHu.
:H huvH tukHn ln to FonsldHrutlon thH vlHws of munugHr, sulHs munugHr,
murkHtlng munugHr, uudltor, HmployHHs, HtF. & our profHssors ubout thH
rHlHvunt sub|HFt & ulso puy uttHntlon towurds thHlr suggHstlons. ThHlr
suggHstlons urH lnForporutHd ln thH rHport. Thls dutu prHpurHd thH busls for thH
MunugHmHnt ThHsls rHport.
BHsldH of ull thls, somH dutu ls ulso FollHFtHd by wH oursHlvHs.

2) SHFondury dutu:-
SumH us ubovH somH dutu ls FollHFtHd from thH mHdlu ulso.
l) NHwspupHrs

Page 15

ll) MuguzlnHs
lll) Books on MunugHmHnt
lv) TH[t books

To FollHFt thH prlmury dutu for thH MunugHmHnt ThHsls, wH huvH sHlHFtHd
somH TuHstlons ln FonFHrn wlth thH orgunlzutlon l.H. Blg Buzuur. :H usHd thHsH TuHstlons
us u rHsHurFh lnstrumHnts for knowlng thH fuFts.
ThHsH TuHstlons urH us follows:-
) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr murkHtlng munugHmHnt.
2) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr Fupltul.
3) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr lnvHstmHnt.
4) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr turn ovHr.
5) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr udvHrtlsH H[pHndlturH.
6) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr lntHrpHrsonul rHlutlons wlth CustomHrs
7) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr FompHtltors.
8) OuHstlons rHlutHd to thHlr orgunlzutlonul struFturH.
9) OuHstlons rHlutHd to trulnlng & dHvHlopmHnt of HmployHrs
0) OuHstlons rHlutHd to motlvutlon.
) OuHstlons rHlutHd to rolH of pHrsonul munugHr ln thH orgunlzutlon.

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A sumpllng plun ls most lmportunt to do MunugHmHnt ThHsls suFFHssfully.
ThH polnts FonsldHrHd ln thH sumpllng plun urH us followlng:-

I) Sumpllng Unlt:-
ThH stuff of thH orgunlzutlon lnFludlng thH munugHrs of dlffHrHnt
dHpurtmHnts und thH HmployHHs wus turgHtHd for thH MunugHmHnt ThHsls.

II) Sumpllng Ouuntlty:-
ThH sumpllng Tuuntlty wus 24 & ull urH rHlutHd wlth Blg Buzuur.
Apurt from thls wH ulso FonsldHrHd somH FustomHrs of Blg Buzuur.

lll) CovHrugH:-
ThH FovHrugH of thH survHy wus wholH orgunlzutlon l.H. Blg


Page 17

CollHFtlon of dutu rHlutHd to murkHtlng strutHgy of Blg Buzuur ls u
dlfflFult tusk bHFuusH thls lnformutlon ls vHry rurHly uvullublH wlth sHFondury
rHsourFHs thHrHforH lt rHTulrHs morH tlmH und lot of Hfforts.


Page 18

Blg Buzuur ls plunnlng to posltlon ltsHlf us u vuluH rHtullHr uftHr bHlng
hlvHd off us un lndHpHndHnt Fompuny wlthln thH FuturH Group. :hllH u nHw
Fompuny hus bHHn floutHd undHr thH numH of FuturH HypHrmurkHt, thH rHtullHr
ls now FonsldHrlng u nHw numH to rHprHsHnt lts dlsFount formut. SpHuklng to
BuslnHss LlnH, Mr. Ru|un Mulhotru, ChlHf E[HFutlvH OfflFHr, Blg Buzuur, suld,
Although wH huvH rHglstHrHd u nHw Fompuny undHr thH numH of FuturH
HypHrmurkHt, wH lntHnd Fhunglng lts numH. Blg Buzuur ls not u hypHrmurkHt
und ls morH of u vuluH-for-monHy formut und thut ls whut thH nHw Fompuny
would stund for.
CurrHntly, Blg Buzuur FontrlbutHs 64 pHr FHnt of thH FuturH Groups totul
turnovHr of Rs 7,000 FrorH. :lth lts stundulonH stutus us u Fompuny, Blg
Buzuur ls H[pHFtlng to drlvH grHutHr HfflFlHnFlHs ln lts buFk-Hnd opHrutlons. As
Mr. Mulhotru suys, ThHrH would bH Flurlty for thH FonFHpt us wH bHFomH u
sHpurutH Fompuny. ThHrH would bH buFk-Hnd HfflFlHnFy ln our opHrutlons.
:lth umulgumutlon of formuts undHr vurlous hHuds runglng from Food Buzuur
to FurnlturH Buzuur, Blg Buzuur ls looklng ut dlstlngulshlng ltsHlf us u vuluH
rHtullHr ln lts sHgmHnt ruthHr thun bHlng FlubbHd wlth thH rHst of thH H[lstlng
hypHrmurkHts ln thH Fountry.
BHsldHs, lt ls looklng forwurd to rH-luunFhlng lts prlvutH lubHl, DJ & C, us
u nutlonul brund by glvlng thH brund rlghts to FuturH Brunds (thH group vHrtlFul
hundllng brunds ln thH group). TurgHtlng thH youth sHgmHnt, DJ&C ls toduy
worth Rs. 200 FrorH ln Buzuurs kltty. :H lntHnd rH-luunFhlng lt us u nutlonul
brund through othHr rHtull outlHts by thH Hnd of thls month. :H bHllHvH Blg
Buzuur hus movHd lnto u muturH phusH und thut ls u FompHlllng rHuson to
luunFh our youth brund ut u nutlonul lHvHl. ThH DJ&C brund hus FrossHd u

Page 19

turnovHr of Rs 200 FrorH und now hus Hnough pull to tukH lt to lts nH[t lHvHl,
stutHs Mr. Mulhotru.
Huvlng forgHd long-tHrm rHlutlonshlps wlth u host of FMCG pluyHrs
through MoUs, Blg Buzuur ls opHn to nHw FutHgorlHs bHlng tHstHd through lts
formuts. :H urH opHn to thH hlghHst sHlllng brunds suFh us PHurs und DovH
opHnlng thH nHw ugH FutHgorlHs ut our storHs, suys Mr. Mulhotru. MHunwhllH,
Blg Buzuur hus ropHd ln FrlFkHtHr und Indlu ODI Fuptuln MuhHndru Slngh
Dhonl us thH brund umbussudor for lts H[tHnslvH FollHFtlon of fushlon uppurHl.
Puntuloons RHtull (Indlu) LlmltHd, ls Indlu's lHudlng rHtullHr thut opHrutHs
multlplH rHtull formuts ln both thH vuluH und llfHstylH sHgmHnt of thH Indlun
FonsumHr murkHr. HHudTuurtHrHd ln Mumbul (Bombuy), thH Fompuny opHrutHs
ovHr 7 mllllon sTuurH fHHt of rHtull spuFH, hus ovHr 000 storHs uFross 5 FltlHs
ln Indlu und Hmploys ovHr 24,000 pHoplH.
ThH Fompuny's lHudlng formuts lnFludH Puntuloons, u Fhuln of fushlon
outlHts, Blg Buzuur, u unlTuHly Indlun hypHrmurkHt Fhuln, Food Buzuur, u
supHrmurkHt Fhuln, blHnds thH look, touFh und fHHl of Indlun buzuurs wlth
uspHFts of modHrn rHtull llkH FholFH, FonvHnlHnFH und Tuullty und CHntrul, u
Fhuln of sHumlHss dHstlnutlon mulls. SomH of lts othHr formuts lnFludH, DHpot,
ShoH FuFtory, Brund FuFtory, BluH Sky, Fushlon Stutlon, ull, Top 0, buzuur
und Stur und Slturu. ThH Fompuny ulso opHrutHs un onllnH portul,
A subsldlury Fompuny, HomH Solutlons RHtull (Indlu) LlmltHd, opHrutHs
HomH Town, u lurgH-formut homH solutlons storH, CollHFtlon l, sHlllng homH
furnlturH produFts und E-ZonH foFusHd on FutHrlng to thH FonsumHr HlHFtronlFs

Page 20

Puntuloons RHtull wus rHFHntly uwurdHdthH IntHrnutlonul RHtullHr of thH
YHur 2007 by thH US-busHd Nutlonul RHtull FHdHrutlon (NRF) und thH
EmHrglng MurkHt RHtullHr of thH YHur 2007 ut thH :orld RHtull CongrHss hHld
ln BurFHlonu.

Puntuloons rHtull ls thH flugshlp Fompuny of FuturH Group, u buslnHss group
FutHrlng to thH HntlrH Indlun Fonsumptlon spuFH. FuturH Group ls onH of thH
Fountry's lHudlng buslnHss groups prHsHnt ln rHtull, ussHt munugHmHnt,
FonsumHr flnunFH, lnsurunFH, rHtull mHdlu, rHtull spuFHs und loglstlFs. ThH
group's flugshlp Fompuny, Puntuloons RHtull (Indlu) LlmltHd opHrutHs ovHr 7
mllllon sTuurH fHHt of rHtull spuFH, hus ovHr 000 storHs uFross 5 FltlHs ln
Indlu und Hmploys ovHr 24,000 pHoplH. SomH of lts lHudlng rHtull formuts
lnFludH, Puntuloons, Blg Buzuur, CHntrul, Food Buzuur...

Page 21


ThH rHtull murkHt ln Indlu ls HstlmutHd ut ubout USS 40 bllllon und
FonstltutHs ubout 60% of prlvutH Fonsumptlon und ubout 35% of Indlu's GDP.
:lth Indlun GDP H[pHFtHd to grow ut 7-8 % ln thH nH[t Fomlng yHurs, thH rHtull
murkHt ls H[pHFtHd to touFh US S860 bllllon by 208. In rHFHnt yHurs, thls
sHFtor hus wltnHssHd u lot of lntHrHst from both domHstlF und globul pluyHrs,
who huvH FommlttHd lnvHstmHnts worth US S30 bllllon, whlFh wlll lHud to
lnFrHusH ln thH shurH of modHrn rHtull from thH FurrHnt 4.5% to ulmost 25% of
thH totul rHtull murkHt by 208.

Page 22

ThH Indlun rHtull murkHt ls thH flfth lurgHst rHtull dHstlnutlon globully. ThH
FurrHnt slzH of thH Indlun rHtull lndustry stunds ut S5 bllllon ln 2008.
SlmultunHously, modHrn rHtull ls llkHly to lnFrHusH lts shurH ln thH totul rHtull
murkHt to 22 pHr FHnt by 200. OrgunlzHd rHtull ln Indlu rukHd ln USS 25.44
bllllon turnovHr ln 2007-08 us ugulnst USS 6.99 bllllon ln 2006-07, u
whopplng growth rutH of 49.73 pHr FHnt (uFFordlng to thH CrHdlt Rutlng und
Informutlon SHrvlFHs of Indlu). OrgunlzHd rHtull hus lnFrHusHd lts shurH from 5
pHr FHnt of totul rHtull sulHs ln 2006 to 8 pHr FHnt ln 2007. It ls FurrHntly uround
2 pHr FHnt. Indlu hus onH of thH lurgHst numbHrs of rHtull outlHts ln thH world.
Of thH 2 mllllon rHtull outlHts prHsHnt ln thH Fountry, nHurly 5 mllllon sHll food
und rHlutHd produFts.
Though thH murkHt hus bHHn domlnutHd by unorgunlzHd pluyHrs, thH Hntry of
domHstlF und lntHrnutlonul orgunlzHd pluyHrs ls sHt to FhungH thH sFHnurlo. PHr

Page 23

Fupltu rHtulllng spuFH ls ubout 2 sT. ft (FompurHd to 6 sT. ft ln thH U S). Indlu's
pHr Fupltu rHtulllng spuFH ls thus thH lowHst ln thH world. Around 7% of thH
populutlon ln Indlu ls HngugHd ln rHtulllng, us FompurHd to 20% ln thH USA.
StutlstlFully, thH globul rHtull lndustry ls wltnHsslng u CAGR of 5.5% ls slutHd
to grow ut thH sumH rutH tlll 2009. ThH followlng gruph shows un ovHrull trHnd
of thH globul rHtull rHvHnuHs.

Indlu ls stundlng ln thH thrHshold of u rHtull rHvolutlon. ThH Indlun
FonsumHr Fluss Fonslsts of u 300 mllllon strong bourgHonlng mlddlH-Fluss,
H[pHFtHd to grow to 600 mllllon by 200. OvHrull HFonomlF growth und

Page 24

lnFrHuslng dlsposublH lnFomHs huvH boostHd doublH-dlglt growth ln FonsumHr
spHndlng, Hnubllng rHtull sulHs o grow by 50-00% ln 2006.
AFFordlng to thH Indlu RHtull RHport 2007, totul prlvutH Fonsumptlon rHuFhHd
INR 20,000 bllllon ut FurrHnt prlFHs ln 2006. ThH shurH of orgunlzHd rHtull stood
ut 4.6 pHr FHnt of thH totul Indlun RHtull VuluH of INR 2,000 bllllon (S270
bllllon). HowHvHr, thH orgunlzHd sHFtor ls H[pHFtHd to grow ut 35-40% ln thH
nH[t fHw yHurs us FompurHd to ovHrull rHtull growth of 7-8%. ThH potHntlul for
lntroduFlng lntHrnutlonul brunds, ublllty to mukH hugH Fupltul lnvHstmHnt und
HusH of sHttlng shop ln Indlu ls lurlng forHlgn pluyHrs to thH lndustry. Thus, thH
rHtull sHFtor wlll H[pHrlHnFH un lnflu[ of lntHrnutlonul rHtull modHls und Tuullty
outlHts ln thH Fomlng fHw yHurs.

MunufuFturHrs Fun look ut thH followlng ultHrnutlvHs to lnFrHusH sulHs volumH:
) SulHs promotlon und udvHrtlslng ln mulls
Most supHrmurkHts und hypHrmurkHts promotH ln-housH offHrs to uttruFt
FustomHrs. ThHy ulso spHnd u lot on vlsuul dlspluy of promotlons. ThHsH Fosts
Fun bH shurHd by thH Fompuny, thus lnFrHuslng thHlr stukH ln thH sulHs of thH
u) RHtull outlHts wlll bH supportlvH of sulHs promotlon und udvHrtlslng by
FompunlHs lnsldH mulls for two rHusons:

Page 25

- lt lnFrHusHs sulHs of thH HntlrH FutHgory us suFh
- lt rHduFHs burdHn on mulls to uttruFt/HduFutH FonsumHrs towurds purtlFulur
For thH FMCG FompunlHs, rHturn on udvHrtlslng ln tHrms of lnFrHusHd sulHs (or
murkHt shurH) wlll bH morH pronounFHd duH to polnt-of-purFhusH promotlon.
b) MunufuFturHrs Fun shurH Fosts of udvHrtlslng und mukH sHFtlons of thH storH
morH uttruFtlvH ln rHturn for sllghtly lowHr murglns to thH rHtullHrs. ThHy Fun sHt
up smull klosks or shHlvHs to dlspluy thHlr own produFts. Thls lnvolvHmHnt of
thH Fompuny ln thH opHrutlon of thH mull wlll ulso hHlp bulld u strutHglF
rHlutlonshlp bHtwHHn thH two.
2) UsH mulls to turgHt nlFhH sHgmHnts
Mulls und supHrmurkHts typlFully uttruFt thH mlddlH und uppHr-mlddlH
Fluss FonsumHrs who huvH FonsldHrublH spHndlng powHr us wHll us brund
uwurHnHss. Thus munufuFturHrs Fun usH thls FhunnHl HffHFtlvHly to luunFh
spHFlflF vurlunts of H[lstlng produFts or nlFhH produFts for whlFh thHy urH ublH
to ConFHpt PupHr Indlun InstltutH of MunugHmHnt Ahmudubud uttruFt u
prHmlum from suFh FonsumHrs. ThHsH produFts should bH luunFhHd
H[FluslvHly ln thH mulls und not through Klrunu storHs. ThH prHsHnFH of u lurgHr
produFt rungH wlll lnFrHusH thH uttruFtlvHnHss of shopplng ut u mull for thH
FonsumHr, muklng lt u wln-wln sltuutlon for both.

RHusons for Indlus hlgh growth rutH ln thH rHtull sHFtor urH:

Page 26

Hlgh growth rutHs- Indlus GDP ls pro|HFtHd to grow by morH thun 8 pHrFHnt
ln flsFul yHur 2008; pro|HFtlons for 2009 urH u morH modHst ut ubout 7 pHrFHnt
UntuppHd growth potHntlul- OrgunlzHd rHtull, whlFh stlll uFFounts for lHss thun
5 pHrFHnt of thH murkHt ls H[pHFtHd to grow ut u Fompound unnuul growth rutH
(CAGR) of 40 pHrFHnt to S07 bllllon by 203. Indlus ovHrull rHtull sHFtor ls
H[pHFtHd to rlsH to S833 bllllon by 203 und to S.3 trllllon by 208, ut u CAGR
of 0 pHrFHnt.
Growlng PurFhuslng PowHr- ConsumHr spHndlng ls on u shurp rlsH. In thH lust
four yHurs thH FonsumHr spHndlng hus grHw by ustoundlng 75 pHrFHnt. Thls Fun
bH uttrlbutHd to thH slgnlflFunt rlsH ln thH dlsposublH lnFomHs of Indlus young
populutlon. It hus to bH notHd thut morH thun 33 pHrFHnt of Indlun populutlon ls
bHlow thH ugH of 5.

RHtullHrs pluy u mu|or rolH ln thH trunsfHr of goods und sHrvlFHs from thH
munufuFturHs to thH Hnd usHrs. In thls proFHss rHtullHr dHllvHrs muny bHnHflts to
FustomHrs, munufuFturHs, wholHsulHrs, und thH HFonomy.
BHnHflts to FustomHrs
RHtullHrs uFt us u buylng ugHnt for FonsumHrs. ThHy pHrform vurlous
buslnHss uFtlvltlHs thut lnFrHusH thH vuluH of thH goods und thH sHrvlFH thHy sHll
to thH Hnd usHrs. As buylng ugHnts u rHtullHr pHrforms vurlous uFtlvltlHs to
sutlsfy thH Hnd FonsumHrs. ThHsH uFtlvltlHs lnFludH
9. BrHuklng bulk
20. Provldlng ussortmHnt
2. Holdlng lnvHntory

Page 27

22. Provldlng uftHr sulHs sHrvlFHs
23. Provldlng lnformutlon

BHnHflts to MunufuFturHs und wholHsulHrs
MunufuFturHs und wholHsulHrs FonsldHr rHtulllng us u FhunnHl for
dHllvHrlng thHlr produFt /sHrvlFHs to thH Hnd FonsumHr. By sHlllng sHrvlFHs
rHtullHrs provldH thH munufuFturHs grHut rHvHnuH, whlFh Fould bH rHlnvHstHd ln
produFtlon. Thus rHtullHrs pluy mu|or rolH ln smoothlng out thH vurlutlon
bHtwHHn thH produFtlon und sulHs of thH munufuFturHs produFt.

BHnHflts to thH HFonomy
ThH rHtulllng buslnHss ls thH lurgHst prlvHt lndustry ln thH world wlth
turnovHr of US S6.6 trllllon. RHtulllng pluys u FruFlul rolH ln thH munugHmHnt of
world HFonomy und rHtullHrs FonstltutH u tHnth of thH fortunH 500 FompunlHs. In
INDIA rHtulllng uFFounts for ovHr 0% GDP und uround 8% of thH HmploymHnt
only nH[t to thH ugrlFulturH lndustry.


Page 28

A proFHss ln munugHmHnt ls dHflnHd us u pHrFHptlblH flow of lnformutlon through lntHrrHlutHd
stugHs of unulysls dlrHFtHd towurds thH uFhlHvHmHnt of un ulm. ThHrH urH four buslF HlHmHnts ln
thH proFHss of strutHglF munugHmHnt;
y EnvlronmHntul sFunnlng
y StrutHgy formulutlon
y StrutHgy lmplHmHntutlon
y Evuluutlon & Fontrol
EnvlronmHntul sFunnlng:
It lnvolvHs monltorlng thH HnvlronmHnt, & Hvuluutlng & dlssHmlnutlng lnformutlon
obtulnHd from thH lntHrnul & H[tHrnul HnvlronmHnts. ThH ulm of thls ls to ldHntlfy thH
strutHglF fuFtors thut muy dHtHrmlnH thH futurH of thH flrm. An orgunlzutlon dHrlvH sHvHrul
bHnHflts from HnvlronmHntul sFunnlng lnFludlng thH dHvHlopmHnt of u Fommon pHrFHptlon,
ldHntlflFutlon of strHngths & wHuknHssHs, un undHrstundlng of trHnds & Fondltlons, &
optlmum utlllzutlon of lntHrnul & H[tHrnul lnformutlon.
S:OT unulysls ls thH most Fommonly usHd tHFhnlTuH for HnvlronmHntul sFunnlng.
S:OT ls un uFronym for thH strHngths, wHuknHssHs, opportunltlHs & thrHuts fuFHd by u flrm.
StrHngths & wHuknHssHs urH wlthln thH Fontrol of thH top munugHmHnt ln thH long run.
OpportunltlHs & thrHuts urH H[tHrnul fuFtors thut urH outsldH thH Fontrol of thH orgunlzutlon.
ThH kHy strHngths of thH flrm bHFomH thH ForH FompHtHnFlHs thut thH orgunlzutlon Fun usH to
guln FompHtltlvH udvuntugH.

ThH S:OT unulysls of Blg Buzuur ls us follows:

Page 29

ThH strHngths of Blg Buzuur urH lt ls lHudlng und growlng ut thH fustHr
It hus muny outlHts ull ovHr Indlu. It hus u good FustomHr busH.
ThHy luunFhHd Blg-Buzuur u hypHrmurkHt wlth ovHr , 70,000 produFts
us thH flrst offHrlng ln vuluH rHtulllng sHgmHnt. ProduFts urH FhHupHr thun
thH murkHt prlFH by us muFh us 5 to 60%.
AppurHls urH FhHupHr by 25 to 60% whllH thH prlFH dlffHrHnFH on thH
othHr produFts vurlHs bHtwHHn 5 to 20%.
ThH Blg-Buzuur hus bHHn posltlonHd to thH FustomHr us u pluFH whHrH
thH FustomHr Fun shop for HuFh & HvHrythlng for whlFh lf goHs to u
Blg Buzuur hus not yHt truppHd thH wholH murkHt.
FuFlng problHms duH to polltlFul HnvlronmHnt
HugH untuppHd murkHt
CompHtltlon from orgunlzHd rHtull pluyHrs whlFh urH ln murkHt und
HmHrglng llkH RHllunFH, shoppHrs stop, :ul-Murt
CompHtltlon from loFul rHtullHrs.

BHforH Blg Buzuur Fomlng to Indlu thHlr strutHgy wus to sFun thH
HnvlronmHnt & flnd thH loFutlon whHrH thH Mull should bH sltuutHd. It wlll ulso
usH vurlous tools suFh us survHys for gHttlng thH prHfHrHnFHs of blg buzuur. :H
got thH oplnlon thut Blg Buzuur sustuln ln thH murkHt or not, whHrH lt ls

Page 30

sltuutHd. For gulnlng thH oplnlons from thH loFul pHoplH thHy wlll prHpurH thH
TuHstlonnulrH und gHt lt flllHd from thH pHoplH. ThHn thHy wlll form u foFus
group for gHttlng morH und morH of lnformutlon. ThHy Fun ulso udopt opHn
forum strutHgy for HnvlronmHntul sFunnlng. For thut purposH wH huvH prHpurHd
u TuHstlonnulrH und FollHFtHd thH dutu.
Anulysls of polltlFul und lHgul fuFtors:
In Indlu thHrH ls u polltlFul trlunglH thls Fonslst of thH munlFlpul
Forporutlon whlFh bHlongs to Indlru FongrHss, thH othHr ls MLA whlFh bHlongs
to ShlvsHnu und BJP und MP whlFh bHlongs to thH nutlonul FongrHss. ThH
FongrHss polltlFul pHoplH urH huvlng FontuFts wlth Fommon pHoplH und not
muFh FonFHrnHd wlth mHrFhunts but FontrudlFtory to thls thut thH BJP und
ShlvsHnu thHy urH huvlng morH FonFHrn ubout mHrFhunts of thH Flty. As
MunlFlpul Corporutlon ls ln thH hunds of FongrHss purty und thHy urH rHudy to
huvH blg buzuur ln Indlu thut ls thH rHuson thHy urH rHudy to provldH somH klnd
of pHrks to blg buzuur thHy urH us follows:
y Subsldy from oFtrol, dlffHrHnt tu[Hs llkH lund tu[ und wutHr tu[
y HHlp ln tuklng ovHr propHrtlHs und rHul HstutH
y SomH FonFHsslons from lubor luws

SoFlo-Fulturul fuFtors:
Now u duys ln Indlu ulso proportlon of worklng womHns ls lnFrHuslng und thH
lltHruFy rutH hus ulso lnFrHusHd thls wlll lHud lnto lnFrHusH ln stundurd of llvlng
of pHoplH. As pHoplH urH uwurH ubout wHstHrn FulturH through vurlous MHdlus
thHy urH vHry muFh HugHr to follow thH wHstHrn FulturH. PHoplH from tulukus
urH Fomlng to Indlu us lt ls u dlstrlFt pluFH for shopplng, tuklng HduFutlon, for

Page 31

worklng HtF. thls ulso FrHutHs dHmund. ThHrH ls u mu|orlty of mlddlHFluss
pHoplH ln Indlu und lt ls u most populutHd dlstrlFt Fonslstlng 3 tulukus. ThH
mu|or FommunltlHs ln Indlu Flty urH Hlndus, Musllms, Chrlstluns, Juln, Slndhl
und Pun|ubl.

EFonomlF HnvlronmHnt:
As thls dlstrlFt ls huvlng 3 tulukus und most of thHm urH huvlng good
ugrlFulturul busH whlFh ultlmutHly lHuds to hlghHr sHusonul lnFomH. AnothHr
onH ls thut most of thH pHoplH who urH rHsldlng ln Indlu thHy urH HngugHd ln
vurlous |obs und buslnHssHs thHy ls thH purt of rHgulur lnFomH group. So thls
wlll lHud to hlghHr purFhuslng powHr und u hugH potHntlul murkHt. OnH morH
udvuntugH to blg buzuur Fomlng to Indlu ls uvullublllty of FhHup lubor.
From thH H[tHrnul unulysls wH FumH to know thut thH pHoplH rHsldlng thH
Indlu Flty urH ln thH fuvor of Blg Buzuur Fomlng to Indlu. ThH loFutlon prHfHrrHd
by thHm ls SuvHdl us lt ls hlghly dHvHlopHd und uFFHsslblH urHu to ull thH
StrutHgy formulutlon:
It rHfHrs to thH dHvHlopmHnt of long tHrm pluns for munuglng
opportunltlHs & thrHuts ln thH H[tHrnul HnvlronmHnt, & for utlllzlng thH strHngths
& ovHrFomlng thH wHuknHssHs wlthln thH flrm. A strutHglst tukHs lnto
FonsldHrutlon FomponHnts of strutHglF munugHmHnt llkH Fompuny mlsslon,
Fompuny profllH, H[tHrnul HnvlronmHnt strutHglF unulysls & FholFH, long tHrm
ob|HFtlvHs, grund strutHgy whllH formulutlng thH strutHgy.
StrutHgy formulutlon hHlps un orgunlzutlon to;

Page 32

y CupltullzH on uvullublH opportunltlHs.
y AddrHss thH FhullHngHs fuFHd by thH orgunlzutlon.
y ProvldH lHudHrshlp thut undHrstunds & mustHrs FhungH.
y InForporutH un ln-dHpth plunnlng modHl thut lnvolvHs thH

Blg Buzuur wlll form somH strutHglHs for thH long-tHrm gouls. Flrst of ull
lt wlll flnd out whut urH thH opportunltlHs prHsHnt ln thH murkHt so thut thHy Fun
grub lt so us to H[pund thHlr buslnHss, trup u purtlFulur sHgmHnt of pHoplH, und
Hstubllsh u good FllHnt busH und to gHnHrutH good rHvHnuHs. ThHy wlll ulso
kHHp ln mlnd thH thrHuts thut thHy huvH from thHlr FompHtltors und ulso form
thH smull groFHry shops. ThHy wlll flnd out somH strutHglHs to ovHrFomH thH
thrHut und to sustuln ln thH murkHt for u longHr pHrlod of tlmH. ThHy wlll ulso try
to utlllzH thHlr strHngths und ovHrFomH thH wHuknHssHs.


Page 33

Blg Buzuur FomHs undHr thH Puntuloons RHtull Indlu LlmltHd (PRIL).
PRIL wus Hurly to rHullzH thH potHntlul of thH hugH mlddlH-Fluss populutlon ln
Indlu. :H sturtHd thH opHrutlons wlth u trousHr brund, Puntuloons. In thH lnltlul
stugHs wH hud smull formut outlHts brundHd puntuloonsShoppH, whlFh wHrH
frunFhlsH opHrutlons rHullzlng thH problHms ussoFlutHd wlth frunFhlsH modHl,
wH dHFldHd to huvH our own rHtull outlHts. ThHy luunFhHd thH own rHtull storH,
Puntuloons. In 997, thHy luunFhHd Blg-Buzuur u hypHrmurkHt wlth ovHr ,
70,000 produFts us thH flrst offHrlng ln vuluH rHtulllng sHgmHnt. ThHy huvH
lntroduFHd thH FonFHpt of sHumlHss mulls ln Indlu through thH nHw formut
CHntrul. :H huvH wldH nHtwork of Puntuloons storHs sprHud uFross thH
HHnFH, upurt from rHtulllng llfHstylH produFts, lt vHnturHd lnto vuluH
rHtulllng by luunFhlng thH hypHrmurkHt Fhuln. Blg Buzuur ls u Fhuln thut stoFks
ull homH nHHd produFts undHr onH roof; sprHud ovHr 30,000 sTuurH fHHt of lund,
uFross dlffHrHnt FltlHs ln Indlu. It hus bHHn posltlonHd us Is sH sustu uur uFhu
kuhln nuhl, (Nothlng FhHupHr und bHttHr unywhHrH) lndlFutlng thH vuluH of
storHs. Blg Buzuur stoFks ovHr 200,000 produFts thut lnFludH uppurHl, food
produFts, homH uppllunFHs und FosmHtlFs. ProduFts urH FhHupHr thun thH
murkHt prlFH by us muFh us 5 to 60%. AppurHls urH FhHupHr by 25 to 60%whllH
thH prlFH dlffHrHnFH on thH othHr produFts vurlHs bHtwHHn 5 to 20%.
On OFt. 2, 200, wH luunFhHd Blg-Buzuur us offHrlng ln thH vuluH
rHtulllng sHgmHnt. By rHmovlng lnHfflFlHnFlHs from thH dlstrlbutlon Fhuln wH urH
ublH to unlHush uttruFtlvH suvlngs, whlFh urH pussHd on to thH FonsumHr. Blg-
Buzuur ls Indlus flrst hypHrmurkHt ln thH dlsFount storH formut. Blg-Buzuur
provldHs morH thun 2,00,000 ltHms- food, groFHry, utHnslls, kltFhHn nHHds,
homH nHHds, buth nHHds, toys, stutlonury, HlHFtronlFs & whltH goods whlFh urH

Page 34

sold ut u dlsFount to thH mu[lmum rHtull prlFH. PrlFH ls thH prlnFlpul vuluH
proposltlon ut thHsH storHs.
A blg drlvHr of thH Blg Buzuur ls thH produFt vurlHty. Thls ls uFhlHvHd by
sHlllng wldH rungH of produFts & through thH Shop-ln-Shop formut. As u
rHsult, u typlFul Blg-Buzuur FomprlsHs shops thut stoFks mHdlFlnHs, optlFul
uFFHssorlHs, FumHru rolls, bukHry produFts, dry frults, FroFkHry, glusswurH,
hHulth & bHuuty produFts, ludlHs uFFHssorlHs, HlHFtronlFs lnfunt nHFHssltlHs,
wutFhHs, FloFks, FomputHr uFFHssorlHs, food & bHvHrugHs, stutlonury,
rHudymudH gurmHnts, housHhold uppllunFHs, homH furnlshlngs, buggugH :H
bHllHvH thls ls u wln-wln sltuutlon us thH FustomHr ls ussurHd of produFt
uvullublllty, thH shop ownHr Fun bHnHflt of thH ln struFturH & wH Hn|oy ussurHd
lnFomH wlthout nHHdlng to stoFk lnvHntory. Also thH shop-ln-shop offHrlng ls
ublH to lnFrHusH thH FustomHr trufflF ln to thH storHs. ThH Blg-Buzuur hus bHHn
posltlonHd to thH FustomHr us u pluFH whHrH thH FustomHr Fun shop for HuFh &
HvHrythlng for whlFh lf goHs to u murkHt. ThH numbHr of Blg-Buzuur storHs hus
lnFrHusHd from 4 ln 2002 to 2 OFt 24, 2005.
ThHy huvH ulso luunFhHd prlvutH lubHl lnltlutlvH ln Blg-Buzuur.
UndHrstundlng of thH uppurHl lndustrlul, dHFudHs of H[pHrlHnFH& u vHrtlFully,
lntHgrutHd struFturH provldHs wlth morH FompHlllng rHusons to H[pund thH
numbHr of prlvutH lubHls. :H huvH luunFhHd u full rungH of uFFHssorlHs to
supplHmHnt thH uppurHl buslnHss lnFludlng lmltutlon |HwHlry, sunglussHs,
wutFhHs, mobllH phonHs HtF
Anulysts uttrlbutH thH suFFHss of PRIL to FhHupHr sourFlng of produFts
und lowHr dlstrlbutlon Fost. Puntuloons sourFHd lts produFts through
Consolldutors. ThHrH wus u Fonsolldutor for HuFh produFt FutHgory. ThHsH
Fonsolldutors wHrH rHsponslblH for proFurlng Tuullty goods ut thH FhHupHst

Page 35

posslblH prlFH, und wHrH puld Fommlsslons on thHlr sulH ut thH storH. ThH
Fonsolldutor dlrHFtly dHult wlth munufuFturHrs, und us u rHsult thH dlstrlbutlon
Fost Fould bH slushHd us no lntHrmHdlutHs wHrH lnvolvHd. In uddltlon to
dlsFounts on produFts through thH yHur, Blg Buzuur ulso hHld HvHnts suFh us
KltFhHn MHlu, TrousHr MHlu, HtF. to uttruFt FustomHrs.

Page 36


Mr. KlshorH Blyunl, Munuglng DlrHFtor

KlshorH Blyunl ls thH Munuglng DlrHFtor of Puntuloons RHtull (Indlu) LlmltHd
und thH Group ChlHf E[HFutlvH OfflFHr of FuturH Group.
Mr. Goplklshun Blyunl, :holH tlmHDlrHFtor.

Goplklshun Blyunl ls u FommHrFH gruduutH und hus morH thun twHnty yHurs
of H[pHrlHnFH ln thH tH[tllH buslnHss.
Mr. RukHsh Blyunl, :holH tlmHDlrHFtor

RukHsh Blyunl ls u FommHrFH gruduutH und hus bHHn uFtlvHly lnvolvHd ln
FutHgory munugHmHnt; rHtull storHs opHrutlons, IT und H[ports. HH hus bHHn
lnstrumHntul ln thH lmplHmHntutlon of thH vurlous nHw rHtull formuts.
Mr. VHd Prukush Aryu, DlrHFtor

VHd Prukush Aryu ls un HnglnHHr by trulnlng und ls u gruduutH of thH Indlun
InstltutHof MunugHmHnt, AhmHdubud. Prlor to |olnlng Puntuloons RHtull, hH
wus thH CEO of Globus.

Page 37

Mr. ShullHsh Hurlbhuktl, IndHpHndHnt DlrHFtor

Shrl ShullHsh Hurlbhuktl ls u ChurtHrHd AFFountunt, Cost AFFountunt, und u
CHrtlflHd IntHrnul Audltor. HH ls thH DHputy Munuglng PurtnHr of Hurlbhuktl
& Co., ChurtHrHd AFFountunts und pust prHsldHnt of Indlun mHrFhunt
ChumbHrs. HH ls on thH Bourd of sHvHrul PubllF LlmltHd CompunlHs,
lnFludlng Indlun PHtroFhHmlFulsCorporutlon Ltd., Ambu|u CHmHnt EustHrn
Ltd. HtF. HH ls on thH Bourd of Compuny slnFH JunH , 999.
It ls u unlt of Puntuloons RHtull (Indlu) Ltd und FutHrs to thH GrHut IndlunMlddlH
Cluss. It wus sturtHd us u hypHrmurkHt formut ln Mumbul wlth uppro[. 50,000 sT.
ft. of spuFH. Its vuluHs und mlsslons urH to bH thH bHst ln VuluH RHtulllng by
provldlng thH FhHupHst prlFHs und hHnFH go thH tug-llnH
It sHlls vurlHty of mHrFhundlsH ut uffordublH rutHs, thH prlFHs of whlFh lt Flulms
urH lowHst ln thH Flty but thH lHvHl of sHrvlFHs offHrHd ls ulso vHry low.
ThH followlng gruph shows thH rHtull llfH FyFlH und wH Fun suy thut Blg Buzuur ls
FurrHntly ut thH Growth StugH.

Page 38

ThHrH wHrH vurlous obsHrvutlons mudH from thH tlmH I HntHrHd thH storH. ThHy
Fun bH summHd up us follows:
VHrtlFuls lnsldH thH storH rHlutHs to HuFh FutHgory of produFt
o Food Buzuur DHpot- books
o M-buzuur ElHFtronlF Buzuur
o FurnlturH Buzuur FootwHur Buzuur
TrollHys urH not Huslly uvullublH, HspHFlully on othHr thun ground floor.
LlttlH uttHntlon to FlHunllnHss. Dust on shHlvHs us wHll us somH produFt
In-housH puFkuglng not HfflFlHntly donH.
CrowdHd storH lntHrlors. ItHms urH urrungHd ln u FluttHrHd wuy. TrlHd to
stoFk mu[lmum numbHr ln llmltHd urHu.
Cash flow

Page 39

Slgn bourds urH not promlnHnt. LuFk of dlrHFtlon FrHutHs Fonfuslon.
Fumlly Frowd ls HvldHnt. Youth FomprlsHs of only uround 0% of thH
Food Buzuur vHry HfflFlHntly munugHd. It ls u blt ovHr-stuffHd but luyout ls
vHry good. ShHlf spuFH ls usHd vHry wHll to stoFk produFts wlth FlHur


Page 40


Hlgh SHrvlFH
Low PrlFH

Hlgh VuluH posltlon
PrlFH OrlHntHd posltlon

Page 41

FuturH thH word thut slgnlflHs optlmlsm, growth, uFhlHvHmHnt,
strHngth, bHuuty, rHwurds und pHrfHFtlon. FuturH HnFourugHs us to H[plorH
urHus yHt unH[plorHd, wrltH rulHs yHt unwrlttHn; FrHutH nHw opportunltlHs und
nHw suFFHssHs. To strlvH for u glorlous futurH brlngs to us our strHngth, our
ublllty to lHurn, unlHurn und rH-lHurn our ublllty to HvolvH.
ThHy, ln FuturH Group, wlll not wult for thH FuturH to unfold ltsHlf but
FrHutH futurH sFHnurlos ln thH FonsumHr spuFH und fuFllltutH Fonsumptlon
bHFuusH Fonsumptlon ls dHvHlopmHnt. ThHrHby, wH wlll HffHFt soFlo-HFonomlF
dHvHlopmHnt for our FustomHrs, HmployHHs, shurHholdHrs, ussoFlutHs und
ThHlr FustomHrs wlll not |ust gHt whut thHy nHHd, but ulso gHt thHm
whHrH, how und whHn thHy nHHd. ThHy wlll not |ust post sutlsfuFtory rHsults,
thHy wlll wrltH suFFHss storlHs. ThHy wlll not |ust opHrutH HfflFlHntly ln thH
Indlun HFonomy, wH wlll HvolvH lt.
ThHy wlll not |ust spot trHnds; ThHy wlll sHt trHnds by murrylng our
undHrstundlng of thH Indlun FonsumHr to thHlr nHHds of tomorrow.
It ls thls undHrstundlng thut hus hHlpHd us suFFHHd. And lt ls thls thut wlll
hHlp us suFFHHd ln thH FuturH. ThHy shull kHHp rHlHurnlng. And ln thls proFHss,
do |ust onH thlng. RHwrltH RulHs. RHtuln VuluHs.
Group Vlslon
FuturH Group shull dHllvHr EvHrythlng, EvHrywhHrH, EvHry tlmH for EvHry
Indlun ConsumHr ln thH most profltublH munnHr.

Group Mlsslon

Page 42

ThHy shurH thH vlslon und bHllHf thut our FustomHrs und stukHholdHrs
shull bH sHrvHd only by FrHutlng und H[HFutlng futurH sFHnurlos ln thH
Fonsumptlon spuFH lHudlng to HFonomlF dHvHlopmHnt.
ThHy wlll bH thH trHndsHttHrs ln Hvolvlng dHllvHry formuts, FrHutlng rHtull
rHulty, muklng Fonsumptlon uffordublH for ull FustomHr sHgmHnts for
FlussHs und for mussHs.
ThHy shull lnfusH Indlun brunds wlth FonfldHnFH und rHnHwHd umbltlon.
ThHy shull bH HfflFlHnt, Fost- FonsFlous und FommlttHd to Tuullty ln
whutHvHr wH do.
ThHy shull HnsurH thut our posltlvH uttltudH, slnFHrlty, humlllty und unltHd
dHtHrmlnutlon shull bH thH drlvlng forFH to mukH us suFFHssful.

CorH VuluHs
Indlun nHss: FonfldHnFH ln oursHlvHs.
LHudHrshlp: to bH u lHudHr, both ln thought und buslnHss.
RHspHFt & Humlllty: to rHspHFt HvHry lndlvlduul und bH humblH ln our
IntrospHFtlon: lHudlng to purposHful thlnklng.
OpHnnHss: to bH opHn und rHFHptlvH to nHw ldHus, knowlHdgH und
Vululng und Nurturlng RHlutlonshlps: to bulld long-tHrm rHlutlonshlps.
SlmpllFlty & Posltlvlty: SlmpllFlty und Posltlvlty ln our thought, buslnHss
Aduptublllty: to bH flH[lblH und uduptublH, to mHHt FhullHngHs.
Flow: to rHspHFt und undHrstund thH unlvHrsul luws of nuturH.

Page 43

Vurlous StrutHglHs
AftHr blg buzuur Fomlng to Indlu lt wlll bH ut lts lntroduFtlon stugH so lt ls
TultH obvlous thut lt wlll udopt somH strutHgy for uttruFtlng thH FustomHrs. ThH
strutHgy whlFh thHy would udopt ls thut thHy wlll huvH low prlFH, hlgh
udvHrtlsHmHnts, lt would offHr dlffHrHnt klnd of sFhHmHs, offHrs, dlsFounts,
sFrutFh Furds, Foupons. ThHy would ulso glvH strHss on provldlng thH prompt
sHrvlFHs llkH homH dHllvHry, uftHr sulHs sHrvlFHs, guuruntHHs und wurruntHHs, so
us to sustuln ln thH murkHt und to FrHutH u good rHpututlon.
Followlng urH somH uddltlonul strutHglHs thHy rHTulrH to udopt:
y Thorough murkHt rHsHurFh
y SltH sHlHFtlon und Hvuluutlon
y EmployHH sHurFh und trulnlng
y LHss prHmlum und low prlFH brundHd goods ln mHrFhundlsH ussortmHnt.
y Gumlng zonH und rHstuurunt
y Promotlonul uFtlvltlHs llkH udvHrtlsHmHnt, sHusonul dlsFounts, fHstlvul
offHrs, HtF.
:hllH formulutlng strutHglHs wH should kHHp ln mlnd thut strutHglHs should bH
flH[lblH. Thls ls hHlpful to FhungH or rHvlvul of strutHgy.

Page 44

Thls pupHr provldHs dHtullHd lnformutlon ubout thH growth of rHtulllng
lndustry ln Indlu. It H[umlnHs thH growlng uwurHnHss und brund FonsFlousnHss
umong pHoplH uFross dlffHrHnt soFlo-HFonomlF FlussHs ln Indlu und how thH
urbun und sHml-urbun rHtull murkHts urH wltnHsslng slgnlflFunt growth. It
H[plorHs thH rolH of thH GovHrnmHnt of Indlu ln thH lndustrys growth und thH
nHHd for furthHr rHforms. In Indlu thH vust mlddlH Fluss und lts ulmost untuppHd
rHtull lndustry urH thH kHy uttruFtlvH forFHs for globul rHtull glunts wuntlng to
HntHr lnto nHwHr murkHts, whlFh ln turn wlll hHlp thH Indlu RHtull Industry to
grow fustHr. ThH pupHr lnFludHs growth of rHtull sHFtor ln Indlu, strutHglHs,
strHngth und opportunltlHs of rHtull storHs, rHtull formut ln Indlu, rHFHnt trHnds,
und opportunltlHs und FhullHngHs. Thls pupHr FonFludHs wlth thH llkHly lmpuFt
of thH Hntry of globul pluyHrs lnto thH Indlun rHtulllng lndustry. It ulso hlghllghts
thH FhullHngHs fuFHd by thH lndustry ln nHur futurH.
In Indlu thH vust mlddlH Fluss und lts ulmost untuppHd rHtull lndustry urH
thH kHy uttruFtlvH forFHs for globul rHtull glunts wuntlng to HntHr lnto nHwHr
murkHts, whlFh ln turn wlll hHlp thH Indlu RHtull Industry to grow fustHr.
Indlun rHtull ls H[pHFtHd to grow 25 pHr FHnt unnuully. ModHrn rHtull ln Indlu
Fould bH worth USS 75-200 bllllon by 206. ThH Food RHtull Industry ln
Indlu domlnutHs thH shopplng buskHt. ThH MobllH phonH RHtull Industry ln
Indlu ls ulrHudy u USS 6.7 bllllonbuslnHss, growlng ut ovHr 20 pHr FHnt pHr
yHur. ThH futurH of thH Indlu RHtull Industry looks promlslng wlth thH
growlng of thH murkHt, wlth thH govHrnmHnt pollFlHs bHFomlng morH
fuvorublH und thH HmHrglng tHFhnologlHs fuFllltutlng opHrutlons.

Page 45

Page 46


ThH rHtull sHFtor hus pluyHd u phHnomHnul rolH throughout thH world ln
lnFrHuslng produFtlvlty of FonsumHr goods und sHrvlFHs. It ls ulso thH sHFond
lurgHst lndustry ln US ln tHrms of numbHrs of HmployHHs und HstubllshmHnts.
ThHrH ls no dHnylng thH fuFt thut most of thH dHvHlopHd HFonomlHs urH vHry
muFh rHlylng on thHlr rHtull sHFtor us u loFomotlvH of growth. ThH Indlu
RHtull Industry ls thH lurgHst umong ull thH lndustrlHs, uFFountlng for ovHr 0
pHr FHnt of thH Fountrys GDP und uround 8 pHr FHnt of thH HmploymHnt.
ThH RHtull Industry ln Indlu hus FomH forth us onH of thH most dynumlF und
fust puFHd lndustrlHs wlth sHvHrul pluyHrs HntHrlng thH murkHt. But ull of
thHm huvH not yHt tustHd suFFHss bHFuusH of thH hHuvy lnltlul lnvHstmHnts
thut urH rHTulrHd to brHuk HvHn wlth othHr FompunlHs und FompHtH wlth
thHm. ThH Indlu RHtull Industry ls gruduully lnFhlng lts wuy towurds
bHFomlng thH nH[t boom lndustry.
For luunFhlng Blg buzuur ln Indlu Flty ls Fompunys mlsslon to H[pund
thH buslnHss. For thls purposH Fompuny ls Furrylng out muny murkHtlng
strutHgy. To study thls murkHtlng strutHgy I wlll bH vlsltlng thH mull und ulso thH
munugHr to FollHFt thH dutu from thHm. Also Ill bH FollHFtlng dutu from thH
FustomHr us whut strutHglHs thHy llkHd.
MuguzlnHs, NHwspupHr, pumphlHts
MurkHtlng tH[tbook

Page 47

RHtull MunugHmHnt tH[tbook
ChullHngHs of Indlu's rHtull boom, Jun 2007. RHtrlHvHd Nov 2007 from


Opportunlty Indlu RHtull, Mur 2007. RHtrlHvHd Nov 200 from

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