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Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Malahayati

Skripsi, Maret 2018

Try Anita

Clinical Overview of Primary Osteoarthritis At Age 40-60 In Men And Women In RSUD
dr. H Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province

xvi + 39 halaman + 9 tabel + 1 gambar + lampiran


Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that generally affects one or more joints.
This disease is most common in the knee. Common causes of osteoarthritis are not known, and
are called primary osteoarthritis. Risk factors for primary osteoarthritis include age, weight, sex
and occupation. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical picture of patients in
view of age, sex and primary complaints of patients with primary osteoarthritis in hospitals dr. H
Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province period February-March in 2018.
Research Method: This research is descriptive observational research with perspective study
approach with cross sectional method. Based on the study found that the population in this study
were all patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis and came to the Orthopedic Orthopedic Clinic
RSUD dr.H Abdul Moelok Lampung Province with a sample of 25 people. The study was
conducted in February-March 2018 using primary data. The analysis used in the form of
univariate analysis.
Results: Of the 25 samples the results of this study were based on the age of the proportion of
primary osteoarthritis at most in the age group> 50 years with the number of patients 20 or equal
to 80.0%. Based on sex the proportion of primary osteoarthritis incidence was highest in the
female sex group with the number of patients 21 or equal to 84.0%. Based on the main complaint
the proportion of primary osteoarthritis incidence is the most with the main complaint of joint
pain with the number of patients 25 or equivalent to 100%. Based on the location of the
proportion of major osteoarthritis incidence at most is the knee joint with the number of paases
25 or equivalent to 100%.

Keywords: Primary Osteoarthritis, Age, Gender,Clinical Features

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