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Li] techarea Be COR caer ST Rcienn ERM EN oe ie Sn eu CRU Cored Company Profile We are Techarea Indonesi We provide not only servic solutions of your digital challenges in your business. EE] techarea IE] techarea About Our Techarea Captain "The key is when a customer walks away, “Your talent determines what you can da. Your thinking, ‘Wow, | love doing business with them, motivation deter much you're willing to and | want to tell others about the experience." do, Your attitude 1es how well you do it” ‘Shep Hyken (Connor J. Wilson) Lou Holtz perusshean besr cat hinge aiuncurka How We Work oP i ial techarea Our Values Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together TE (fel So Ketja ker if] techarea iB] techarea Alfadhylla Rosalina Lissa Risqya Marcellinus Dinendra Contant Water Our Team 2 UNLX Designer Graphic Dasigner (Orang-orang kreatif dan berbakat di balik kreasi digital inovatif yang mengubsh dunia. Kami merancang, mengembangkan, dan menghadirkan produk dan layanan digital untuk membantu bisnis go digital Roziq Bahtiar Andre Harrera Izza Lutfi ute Oficer Chiat Customer otticer Tech Lead Nurul Hidayah Ahmad Muzaki Akbar Lintang Vieb Developer Web Developer Web Developer Dedi Santoso Rohmatul Khasanah Aji Setiawan Adm. Operation ‘ontent Weiter Digital Marketing Specialist Alvin Aprianto bile Developer “Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” TRANSmart CARFix Indofood OQanass comntaet is] techarea iB] techarea Our Projects JOBILE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: 02 CJIBF MOBILE APPS ‘Client by DPMPTSP Jawa Tengah uP 03 RUMAROOF Client by Utame Karye Bala Silvi Medika 04 INDOFOOD WASTE APP (Glent by Bictari KLINIK SILVI MEDIKA CLIENT BY SILVI MEDIKA Sebuah klinik kesehatan yang berlokasi di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat ingin membuat sebuah sistem berbasis Apps untuk mengakomodir 05 WEB HOME ORDER ‘Gliont by Citraindo Khariema Mustika pelanggan / customer mereka yang ingin berkunjung / periksa kesehatan ke klinik Silvi Medika. FOR MORE PROJECTS, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE. is] techarea iB] techarea 02 WEBSITE PROFILE USAHA ‘Client by Lares Indah Our Projects Il. WEB DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS el 03 WEBSITE PROFILE SEKOLAH ‘Client by SMN 1 Pati 04 WEBSITE LANDING PAGE ‘Glient by Sivi Skincare 05 WEBSITE TOKO ONLINE ‘Gliont by Raina Signature CJIP - CENTRAL JAVA INVESTMENT PLATFORM CLIENT BY DPMPTSP JAWA TENGAH CJIP adalah sebuah website informatif milik DPMPTSP (Dinasa Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu provinsi Jawa FOR MORE PROJECTS, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE. Tengah yang ditujukan untuk calon Investor yang akan menanamkan modalnya di Jawa Tengah, ¥ ° is] techarea ial techarea Our Projects Our Projects Il, (OT DEVELOPMENT IV, DIGITAL MARKETIN' t GCK Interior CHARGING STATION ELECTRIC VEHICLE CLIENT BY ELNUSA Sebush charging station yang dikembangkan oleh PT Einusa yang diperuntukan bagi siapa saja yang mempunyai motor listik untuk dapat mengisi daya di titik yang telah tersedia, Dalam project ini Techarea mengembangkan hardware & softwarenya FOR MORE PROJECTS, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE. FOR MORE PROJECTS, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE. Let’s Collaborate

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