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ICT-101 Big History

We are always wondering, how we got here, what is happening, is life real? Even then, things happen
around us and they keep coming without us knowing. We try to become one with the Earth, nature, and
the solar system but without knowing the consequences we tend to destroy and transform the world to
our liking, just to feel satisfaction. A selfish and irrational being we are. But with that, we preserve
ourselves to who we are now because that’s our human condition.


Color inside the body – it’s our emotions that overtake our actions. Selfishness, arrogance,
dissatisfaction, love, sadness, happiness, etc. It’s also the human conditions.

Human looking at the Earth - represents how we learn and acknowledge the world and it’s the
representation of human curiosity living in a vast universe.

Holding Earth - it represents on how we try to destroy and transform the Earth to our liking.

Standing in the middle of solar system – it represents that humans are self-centered being. Humans
only think that the universe revolves around humans and sometimes we don’t even recognize other
living things.

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