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Sharif Ahmadzai


October 22, 2020

The Necklace” Short Story & Final Project

Mme Loisel is a pretty lady who is highly dissatisfied with her life. She believes that she is

born for all the luxuries of the world while she actually lives a shabby life in a poor apartment

and she is always unhappy.

Her husband is completely different from her. He is satisfied with his life and tries to find

happiness and satisfaction in the smallest of occasions.

Mme Loisel is disturbed as she has no jewel to wear in the party.

Mme Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from her friend. Mme forestier, to wear in the


When Mme Loisel discovers that the necklace is missing, she and her husband search

every place to find it. They even put advertisements in newspapers but cannot find it. Finally,

they decide to buy an identical necklace to return to Mme Forestier.

They replace the necklace by buying an identical necklace and giving it to Mme


Matilda, a pretty girl, married an economical clerk. She was highly dissatisfied with her

life and believed that she was born for all the luxuries of the world. When her husband showed

her invitation card for the ball (party) at the minister’s residence, she was unhappy. She showed

her unwillingness for the ball, as she had no proper jewels to wear in the ball. Her husband

suggested she borrow some nice lewels from her friend, Mme forestier. She wore her new dress
and the diamond necklace, which her friend had lent to her. She looked beautiful and was

limelight at the ball. When they returned home, she noticed that her necklace was missing.

Loisels were shocked. From this point onwards their time got ruined. They bought another

identical necklace and returned it to her friend. Which cost them thirty six thousand francs, They

had to get loan to pay the price of the necklace. Now Loisels, had to work hard to repay the debt.

Matilda did all the household work. This affected her health. Happiness for a night took away all

the colours of her life. The whole course of her life changed due to a necklace.

5 weeks fitness plan!

1. Push-ups bicep curls. Hammer curls. Tricep dips. Upright standing row. Reverse fly.

2. Lateral raise. Shoulder and press. Chest press. Kettlebell renegades. Kettlebell sumo high.
3. Pulsing squats. Plie squats to calf raise. Wall squats. Goblet squats. Reverse lunges. Walking


4. Russian twist. V sit ups. Bicycle crunches. Leg lift crunches. Suermans.

5. High knees. Side lunges. Jump lunges. Speed skaters. Froggers. Tuck jumps.

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