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Digital Marketing

What type of Digital Marketing does your shop use?

( examples: Social Media Profiles, Website, Images and Video Content, Blog Posts
and eBooks, Reviews and Customer Testimonials, BrandLogos, Images, or Icons)

Does Digital Marketing prove to be more effective than Offline/ Traditional Marketing? Why
do you think so? Or How?

Sales Performance
Does your shop consistently met your sales goals? / Does this shop consistently met its sales
goals? Why/ Why not?

What motivates you the most in doing your job?

How would your colleagues describe you?

What makes you a good salesperson?

What do you see as the most difficult challenges for your sales team/ staffs?

Extra (if combined)

What type of Digital Marketing does your shop use? How does it benefit your sales

Does Digital Marketing prove to be more effective than Offline/ Traditional Marketing?
What is difference between the two, relating to/ base off the outcome of your sales performance?

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