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Lecture 1.

Cognitive linguistics as a separate branch of science

The development of linguistic science at the present stage is characterized by the

depth of semantic research, which is characterized by an anthropocentric
orientation. The goal of anthropocentric linguistics is to study the manifestation of
the features of the worldview of the language subject at all levels of the language.
Therefore, the main goal of Modern Language Science is to develop a complex and
complex process of learning the secrets of language phenomena. In this regard, the
mysterious secrets of linguistics are recognized and revealed as a result of close
cooperation with other branches of science, such as psychology, philosophy, logic,
mythology, ethnography, etc. After all, it is not enough to know the nature of the
national language, which combines the concepts of national culture, existence,
knowledge, and religion only on the basis of the internal laws of the language
itself. The problem of the unity of the national language with the history, culture of
the people, the knowledge of thought, the teaching of the soul, accumulating and
storing all spiritual treasures, formed the basis for the emergence of
ethnolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology,
linguo-studies, which are reflected in linguistics. The close relationship between
these Sciences aims to identify complex models of the structural and functional
system of language. For example, in cognitive linguistics, language and cognition
are considered in unity. That is, the continuity of language and knowledge is
considered in unity with respect to a person. Treating a person as a whole leads to
the fact that the methods and tools of research of several branches of science
converge on one problem. In modern linguistics, research in this direction is
carried out in a complex anthropocentric direction and on the basis of the theory of
the linguistic picture of the universe of cognitive linguistics.

After all, the cognitive system of language research in accordance with the
principle of knowledge of the world in the language world is one of the most
pressing problems in linguistics. The relationship between language and cognitive
processes is based on the cognitive system of language use. The word cognitive is
derived from the English word education. The structure of the knowledge system
that controls the passage of mental processes is called the cognitive structure. The
relationship between language and thinking, language and knowledge determines
the role of values in the life of a person. Concepts that characterize the relationship
between language and cognition fall into a certain structure. It is very difficult to
classify and present this structure in detail. Cognitive linguistics can be said to be a
large branch of linguistics of the anthropocentric direction of cognitive linguistics
or the researcher of the cognitive nature of language. The main objects of research
of cognitive linguistics are cognition and reason, thought and consciousness,
language and cognition, language and thought. Cognitive Science defines a system
of ideas about information processing and information, as well as general
principles of managing the thinking process. There is a need not only to take into
account the physiological, psychological, psychophysiological characteristics of a
person, but also to systematize and analyze the world around him.

Cognitive linguistic research shows that different nationalities have a different

linguistic picture of the world. The main direction in the field of cognitive
linguistics is to consider language and human consciousness, language and
cognition in a single system. In cognitive linguistics, the reflection of the
surrounding environment in the human mind, its reflection in language, and the
cognitive nature of language are considered in depth. An important feature of
modern linguistic theory is that in cognitive linguistics thinking, language and
cognition are clearly expressed as a single whole, a single cognitive language
complex. A single cognitive language complex allows us to expand the scope of
language understanding in linguistics of the late XX and early XXI centuries.
Initially, there is an interpretation of cognitive processes as certain structures based
on modern computing techniques. However, there are many objections to this
view: cognitive science studies the structure of human knowledge by modeling it
using modern computer technology, of course, is relevant, and most importantly-
practically applied. However, human cognitive structures cannot be compared to
mechanical structures. This would lead to the fact that the study of human thinking
or cognition is the same as the study of a program for symbolic processing of
information. There would be no need to study the human cortex as a relationship
between the nervous systems, nor to study its mental state within the framework of
cognitive science (36,43). Confirming this view, V. Z. Demyankov argues that
because people think in meaningful things, they do not study the intentionality of
human actions, but only explain them in symbols (37,48).

As for the science of cognitive linguistics, R. Shepard, saying that such a

description is not enough, for his part, gives a definition of the science of general
principles that govern mental processes in the human cerebral cortex in a certain
system. And the origin of these principles and their functioning, combined by the
scientist with the fact that the world as a whole relies on certain laws, find
similarities between the laws of thought and the laws of mechanics (35).Of course,
the breadth and complexity of the field of cognitive science requires a
comprehensive study of the nature of knowledge and cognition, which is the
subject of its research, the sources of knowledge, their systematization,
development of knowledge, all this requires a comprehensive study on the basis of
mutual relations between the sciences: psychology, anthropology, philosophy,
neurology, language, modeling of artificial intelligence, etc. There are times when
the opinions of scientists regarding such features of the science of cognitive
linguistics sometimes contradict each other. A. Islam believes that in our opinion,
ignoring the peculiarities of national culture in the knowledge of the environment
will inevitably lead to a pure structurization of consciousness. It is believed that
knowledge is characterized by its complexity (34,72). Let's focus on the place of
linguistics in the complex infrastructure of cognitive science. In the cognitive
model system, linguistics studies how language categories and units correlate with
the perception of the surrounding world and reflect its cognition. According to G.
Harman, language is the most important of the Cognitive Sciences. This is due to
the fact that language is the main means of transmitting thoughts. Language can
also influence cognition (8,43 the input of information into internal processing in
other words, the mental nature of a person, his internal thinking mechanisms, is the
object of modern cognitive science. This is due to the fact that the problems of the
environment in thinking, how it manifests itself in language, were considered by
well-known scientists V. Humboldt, A. A. Potebnya, N. Chomsky, N. Ya.Marr, G.
Gadamer, etc. As you know, their concepts are based on the interrelated study of
philosophy, psychology, culture and language.

Lecture 2. History of formation and development of cognitive linguistics.

It is known that today cognitive science has its origins in ancient times, because
cognition and reason, which are the object of cognitive science, are concepts
whose relationship has been debated since ancient times. This means that the most
important and fundamental problem of cognitive science is the classical problem -
language and thinking. Although the relationship between language and thinking in
a poetic text was the only problem that puzzled philosophers in the past, today it
can be seen that this problem is also on the agenda. This is evidenced by Plato's
first philosophical analysis of the fact that language is a cognitive tool. The basis
of Plato's translation of language is the absolute inaccuracy of names in the
knowledge of the environment. According to Plato, knowledge of the environment
through names is only the lower stage of the cognitive structure, and the highest
stage of this process is the ability to notice and understand meaning (7). We can
conclude that Plato's restriction of the cognitive function of language within such a
framework is due to the formation of an approach to consider language from the
point of view of a natural feature, rather than considering it as a symbolic feature
in that era

According to Hindu scholars, the ideas expressed by the Indian philosopher

Anandavardhani (IX BC) on the nature of semantic changes in the teaching, the
relationship between thinking and language (the relationship between the origin of
thought and the expression of words) have not lost their value even today (4).

If we look at the Confucian teaching of China, it is explained that in order to

understand the meaning of a thing, only a return to its original ideological essence,
its ideal meaning, its correct names opens the way for that thing to become known.
In the ancient Chinese concept of Yi ching (Book of changes), we can see on the
basis of cultural studies and philosophical Sciences that the process of human
thinking, cognition is characterized by two polar dimensions of Yang (positive)
and Yin (negative), which are opposite to each other (31). J. R. Tolkien According
to Lakoff, a similar position can be traced in modern cognitive researchers Ch.
Osgood and M. Richards (32).

In the X century, which is the period of the Muslim renaissance, Abu Hayan noted
the importance of any element of language, and the fact that there is no thinking
without language can be seen in the works of scholars studying the works of the
middle ages (33).

Over time, the problem of language and thinking is also mentioned in the works of
Leibniz (the role of form in the transfer of meaning), I. Kant and G. Frege. The
theory of meaning of the latter follows the semantic teaching of Anandavardkhani,
which was mentioned above.

Thus, the problems of language and thinking, the specific role of language in the
cognitive process, which were stopped by Plato in the distant past, are still
considered a form of cognitive science, which is a modern science. Of course, the
search for this problem is being expanded, supplemented by the concepts of
cognition, intentionality, language logic, etc., and is being studied on the basis of
new concepts and directions. Currently, many scientific researches of foreign
scientists have been published, especially in the cognitive direction, depending on
the object of their research.

The term cognitive linguistics in the science of linguistics was mentioned in the
work of M. Birvish in the 80s. However, the general trend of Cognitive Research
of language phenomena was expressed in the works of American Scientists
Chomsky, Lakoff, Kook, the 60-70s. The conclusion that this direction
originates from the research of W. Von Humboldt on linguistic philosophy is
widely used in the scientific circulation in the science of linguistics today.

The science of cognitive linguistics was originally studied within the framework of
the science of neuro-linguistics (artificial intelligence and computer science).

In the course of the study, scientists were convinced that it also considers the
worldview, intelligence, level of thinking, language image of the human race, and
then the discovery of human knowledge, knowledge, and various aspects of the
phenomena of thinking becomes an important aspect of this science. For the first
time, foreign scientists paid attention to the main features, forms, directions and
concepts of cognitive science. J. R. Tolkien In 1960, the American professor at
Harvard University, J. R. R. Tolkien, described cognitive science as a sipozium of
information theory born in the 50s of the twentieth century. Brunner J. Together
with Miller, he opens a Cognitive Research Center. This center makes a significant
contribution to the foundation of the science of cognitive linguistics.

In the mid-twentieth century, cognitive linguistics is considered at the level of

basic teaching in the modern anthropocentric paradigm. A lot of research is being
done in this direction. As a result, by the end of the XX century, the theoretical
directions of cognitive science in Europe had matured, developed, and expanded.
In this case, J. R. R. TolkienLakoff, R. Langaker, T. Van Dyck, J. R. R.
Tolkien.Heyman, H. I. Schmidt, M. Johnson, M. Wittenstein, G. N. St. published
research papers related to the field of cognitology by foreign scientists. Within the
framework of Cognitive Sciences, researchers pay special attention to the function
of language in describing the linguistic picture of the world. 1975 J. R. R.
TolkienIn 1985, Foconnier's work "mental space" was published in Volume 1 of R.
Langaker's study on the basics of cognitive grammar, and in 1991-in Volume 2.
Among the studies that came to cognitive problems with their own bias were the
scientists J. R. R. Tolkien.He also notes Lakoff's books on women, Fire, and
dangerous things, and M. Johnson's on the subject of characteristic thinking. In the
late 80's, a large-scale series of articles on the problems of cognitive linguistics
was also published by the Benjamin publishing house under the direction of B.
Rudzki-Ostyn. As you know, any of these scientific studies have made a
significant contribution to the definition of theoretical bases and units of cognitive
linguistics, the study of the peculiarities of the functioning and implementation of
cognitive elements in human consciousness. In the same way, Cheeff's program in
the field of cognition was called the theory of organizing memory activity and was
aimed at studying the types and features of memory in relation to certain situations.
In this regard, the scientist defined three different types of memory: primary, short-
term and long-term memory. R. Schenk and his students developed a complex
theory and a language of conceptual connections that sorted human thinking and
actions, on the basis of which there were two types of transitions: P-trans-physical
transition; M-Trans-intellectual transition. This teaching, which did not fully
accept the relationship between language and cognition, had its own achievements
in creating specific cognitive models, describing the importance of cognitive
expectations in the process of understanding. It can be seen that the scientist
presented the first sequence of cognitive theoretical units, cognitive operations, or
laws of conceptual results, based on such categories as interest, explanation,
memory, and expectation. J. R. TolkienLakoff's program includes such problems
as cognitive models, semantics, linguistic gestalt, semantic prototype theory,
metaphor theory, and cognitive processes that are carried out at the creative level
independent of consciousness. The general rules for registering morphemes in the
composition of phrases and sentences laid down by N. Chomsky were evaluated in
a series of valuable statements that brought significant changes to linguistics and
were called universal, sometimes generative grammar. We can say that the
scientist's research has become a landmark for many researchers of this direction.
The mental space of J. Foconnier is caused by the connection of the cognitive
direction with the problems of traditional logic-pragmatic.

Until the 1990s, cognitive linguistics formed separate research programs, a set of
scientific approaches that did not overlap. In addition to the above-mentioned
works, the journalists made important cognitive conclusions of T. van Dyck, J.He
also attributed the scientific views of Heyman and T. Givon. Cognitive scientists
believed that only those works that were born in the 1980s and 1990s initiated a
new type of Cognitive Research (26).

The secret secrets of the existence, existence, culture, and knowledge of the people
are reflected through language, which is a mirror of national life. The study of
language in cognitive terms is one of the new areas that is developing today. In this
cognitive linguistics, questions about how humanity recognizes the image of the
world around itself, and how mentality cognition arises on the basis of the nation's
attitude to the world are considered. The first ideas of cognitive linguistics in
general originate from the work of such scientists as Humboldt, Worf, Sepir and
are considered in Kazakh linguistics in the works of A. Kaidar, E. Zhanpeisov, M.
M. Kopylenko, zh.Mankeeva, N. Ualiyev, K. Zhamanbayeva, B. Akberdieva, B.
Dina, G. Snasapova. Scientists who conducted research on cognitive linguistics in
Russian linguistics – N. D. Arutyunova, V. N. Telia, N. N. Boldyrev.Karaulov Yu.
N., Maslova V. A., etc.
Cognitive linguistics began to develop rapidly by the middle of the twentieth
century. Many scientific research papers have been published in this direction. The
researchers paid special attention to the function of language to form a linguistic
picture of the universe. The basis of the conceptual principles of this new linguistic
theory has been intensively studied in recent years.

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