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Create a dashboard project with below layout using ReactJS, NodeJS. ExpressJS, Typescript %
REST API design pattern. You may use any database to store your data. Preferably
PostgreSQL. You may also consider using library e.g chart.js for rendering of the chart based
on the data.

1. When user sign into the system, it should display welcome message.
2. The system shall allow user to logout from the system.
3. The filter shall allow user to choose any filtering item and once the apply button is
clicked, the system shall retrieve the data from the database based on the selected
4. You may design how the data should be render based on the data pulled from DB.
However, whenever the filtering item change and apply, then the data on the
dashboard shall refresh to reflect the selected accordingly.
5. Once you have completed the assignment, you are require to walkthrough the code
with us.

Instructions: - Kindly upload the assignment in GitHub and send us the link for review

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