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Regional Mathematical Olympiad: Time: 3 hours Instructions: Calculators (in any form) and protractors are not allowed. ¢ Rulers and compasses are allowed. e Answer all the questions. e All questions carry equal marks. Maximum marks: 102. Let ABC be a triangle. Let M and N be the points in which the median and the angle bisector, respectively, at A meet the side BC. Let Q and P be the points in which the perpendicular at NV to NA meets MA and BA, respectively, and O the point in which the perpendicular at P to BA meets AN produced. Prove that QO is perpendicular to BC. There are real numbers a, 6 and c and a positive number A such that (x)= 2° +ax? + bx +c has three real roots x; , x2 and x3 satisfying OQ) a2—-27, =A, (2) 23 > son +22). 2a? +27¢—9ab Find the maximum value of 7B Let ABCD be a quadrilateral such that all sides have equal length and ZABC = 60. Let k be a line through D and not intersecting the quadrilateral. Let E and F be the intersection of k with lines AB and BC respectively. Let M be the point of intersection of CE and AF. Prove that CA* =CM -CE. Problem 5. Let n be a positive integer. A pair of n-tuples (a1,...,@n) and (bi,...,bn) vith integer entries is called an exquisite pair if |ayby ++ +++ aybp| <1. Determine the maximum number of distinct n-tuples with integer entries such that any two of them form an exquisite pair. Let pbe a prime, and let a, ... , a, be integers. Show that there exists an integer # such that the numbers 0 + kyay + 2k... ay + pk produce at least 4p distinct remainders upen division by p. Prove that for each prime p > 7, there exists a positive integer n and integers %1,...,2n,Y1,---,Yn not divisible by p such that | 8 8 6 a 3 = 2 waht TW 2442 mTy = I hy iy

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