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Mineral Oil (Oil, Petroleum) 145 441 petrleo lampante = petroleum 2 le faccién de gasoit m = gasoll component 48 [ee residvos ~ reine 4 clrefigeredor = condenser (cooler) 45 el compeesor = compressor 46 la unidad ce deeulturacion f ~ desulphurizing desulphurization, ‘Am. desulfuntcing, desulfersaton) plant «7 fa unidad de forma f ~ reformer (hydroformer, platformer) 48 letosalectén de cago m = caialyaeeracker (at eracker) 4 la colummna de destitacion ” ~ isillation column 30 la separacion de a parafina = dewaxing (wax separation) 51 Ia instlacign de vacio m (el canal de asprscién f) = racui equipinent 52-64 los productesderivados det etrbleo = out producte 52 el gis decombustion j ~ fuel gas 53 el gasliquido ~ liquefed peroleum gas tiguid gas) 54 legusolina normal la gasoling para autombvil; amértia nats) regular grade pettol(Amm. gascline) 455 la gosolina sper = sper grade petrol (Ara. gasoline} 56 el carburaate diesel (el combustible para motores m diesel) = diesel oil 57 Ia gasolina de aviacibn f(el ‘catburaate para reactores m) = ation et ‘58 f full igero (el aceite combustible igero) = Tight ful od $9 el fue-ol pesado = heany fuel it 60 fa parafina = Paraffin paraffin oil, kerosene) 61 llubrifcante para ejes mt, = spindle oft @ claccitelubsiticante ~ lubricating od Gi cl lubsifcante para ciliodros m = evinder oil 64 el bern bieumen “a efineia de petro me ‘olf refinery 65 eloleoducio = pipeline (ou pipeline) 66 las instlaciones de destilacion y ~ aistation plants G7 iene el sot bitcate = lubricating ol refinery (68 in recuperaciOn del arutre = desulphurzing (desulphurication, Am. desulferising, desulfurization) ‘leat (69 Ia instlncion de separacin fel as = gasseparating plant 79 el fractionador (raqueador m) cauleo ~ eaualyie cracking plant 71 el reformador catlitin (el hidroformadon) = catalytic reformer 72 el tanque de almacenamiento m ~ storage tank. 7B el tanqueesiérco = ‘spherical anie 14 el puero petrolera ~ taker terminal 4a 255 145 Petroieo ‘Mineral Oil (UH, Petroleum) ~ Baa he SF ae 28 39 » = 40 hh J 37 42 4 2 [' SM WP : 1.21 ol sondeo petvoifero = oll driting 1 Ia toree de perforacién f = arilng rig 2 Ia subectractura (el cimiento) © subsinacture ‘ase prom 4 las poiess cele Soon blocks 3 fa plaarorma decelosas fone piaratorma i = Son plot. an itemedione piavorm " 6 fos tos de prtoracion f 2 Ghilppe 7 eleabledeperforacioa 2 ing cable ring ie) 3 Spots et gure movil de poleas)) = Mrovelng hrm rareling) lock 9 elpancho detracston * fone 10 6 sslabémn giratoro (a union giraroria) — iret Af el mecanismo elevador, un tomo (amen Merid.’el guinche) = draw works hoist 12 la maquina motriz(e! motor) = engine 13 al tubo de extracci6n f del fango = standpipe and rorary hose 14 La vanilla de arrastre m = Kelly 15 el platito giatori ~ rovary tabie 254 16 la bomba de extracciin fel faigo 30 el depdsito del petro liquido : hsh pomp (ved pong) et conc fath tank) 17 Som Wndes m(el alas) 31 ctorsendor wel * ‘eater hearer 1g AYtubo vena de evestiniento m 32 faunidad de denaje m y de © asin ‘esminereasion F 18 favarila de petoracion f «= water and brine speraor ialing ope 135 In canalzaion def ogo folads 20 elenubado = a water pp (sl water one) bing 34 eps el petebicn rfinado i elputin (et tladro, a brocesia “> itt felenalsase-ourvena de” 35 Incanaliaciba de transporte foley av pevesco mtalro mds del perbeo reid (pera flict bareansacamvesrax reliberia opera transpote mr por = Gling bkinds ft ade) Camibn re Satna polo Sit rockon rl) bit, core it, Sieosucro mi} 224 ineximcninde perica't——~ srimepipelne orc ft the refinery el (rude of) production or inaport 8 tanker ory (am 23 Gesupoimpulsor de bombo m ‘nach, tanker, pene) penpeeent(nanp) |. 3664s tanaormacton del pelea 7 1 Gomboio base rade esquernal = ptenger = procesing of eae of [diagram 24 {opted elevadores 36 feaentador del pecoleo ning homo ubulag 2 fnvatla def bombs = bigmace pe si) = ctor rods (pumping rods 37 fa columna de deslcion 0a 26 elpreneaesttpa torre fracsionacers) com Sing ox Dlatafoonas/superpuestas 2 invanis potimentads ~ Frastionting cot dsiaion ! polish ipolshe) od totam) mth aye ; R35 el retina del prole crado 38 fos gases gets (acurmulados en 4] iesquemal Ineima de colons) ! «= Srestment of rude oil fagram] ~~" top gases (tops) 5 clseparavorde pus m 2 lnfeccion ce bencin figsre ; > gesnperair ® igh ciallaton produce i 29 fttubeinsconduccién) de 40 Ia frecton de bencina fpesada i mm * eaycallaonprodiee — Beppe (gs outer) es Tron and Steel Works 147 Planta siderirgica 147 Planta siderargica altos hornos 1 elaito horeo, ux horna de ccubiloe me = Blast furnace, a shaft femace 2 el montacargas inclitado, para et ‘mineral y fundentes m o coque m = furnace incline (ft for ore and tux 3 el carro corredizo = skip hose 4 [a plataforma del tragante (de carga) 5 parse plorm 5 In ovba de latolve = receiving hopper 6 cicono de corre m (la campans Gel tragante) = bell 7 laouba del ato horno = last fumace shaft 8 lazona de reduccion f = smelting section 9 elcato dela excoria 0 Slag escape ia daba dela esorta Slag ladle Hh el eato del hero crudo pig ion (rude rn, tron) nowt 13 Glealdere det hero cro = pig tom rade rn, rod ladle 13 El tubo desalida fdel gas cet teazaate = downiake 1 cheoleetor de polo m uae catcher a dus cllecting nechie 18 lealentador del sire fe bast stove 16 cl porn exter de combustion f extemal combustion chamber 7 igenttaca de aire m to 2 est mci 1 cl conto dot ens = gaspipe 19 Steonducto del age cliente © hoes pipe 20 fa tober tuyere 11-69 tain de acero > atetnorks 2130 el toren MartinSiemens Siemens urc ope-hesrth ‘famace 24 NGI et dl io = pig cide iron ro lade 22 Ia roquera del bovedero (el canal de alimentacin f) = feed inner 2 terme Bo > stationary farce 24 cthogar earth 25 lamiquina de carga f = charging machine 25 et motde (a ngoseray para ony = Serap iron chargng box 7 et conduct del gas = gas pipe 78 Tecdmara para calemtarl gas egos regenerator chamber 25 (tiuberia de limentacion de — ar feed pipe 230 fa Comat para calentar el ire ir regener chamber 258 31 el caldero del cere fundido, con Sierre mtapon m{descarga por el Tondo} ~ [bottom pouring} stect-astng ladle ‘with stopper 32 la lingotera ~ ingot mouid (Amn. mold) 33 elfingote de acero m (el tocho) = sve ingot 34-44 La maquina de colar tiagotes m ‘plgcasting machine 34 El recogedor de colada f = pouring end 36 Cleanal del hierro = metal runner 136 ia cinta de lingoters fla serie de ‘moldes m de toctos m] ~ series (strand) of moulds (Am, molds) 37 Ialingotera = mould (Am, mold) 38 Ia pasarela = catwalk 39 el dispositive de caida f = discharging ute 40 al Linge (el hierro crudo) Pe 4 la gria de corredera f ~ travelling (Am. traveling) crane 42 el caldera de hietro m erado con descarga Spor aria top-pouring pg iron (erude tron, iron) ladle 48 el pico del caldero de colada f = pouring tae lip i el dispositive basculante ~ tilting deve (tipping device, Aan dumping device) 48.50 of comertidor soplado por xigeno m (el convertidor L-D, a ‘convertidor Linz-Donawita) ~ oxygen-blowing coaverter; here: Line-Denavite (L-D) converter 48 ci sombrorete del convertidor = conical converter top 46 el anilio portador, = mantle el fondo del convertor ~ ‘oid conserer bottom 48 la mamposteriarefacearia ~ fseproof lining (refractory lining) #9 la ianza pare oxigeno m = oxygen lance ‘0 la piquers de colada / ~ sping hole (ap hale) 51-54 el homo electric de arco m ‘Siemens, un hore de cubilote m bajo. ~ Siamens electri low-shatt furnace 51 la boos de carga f feed 5 fos electrados (dispuestosen Srculo) = shcredesfarranged ina crcl 4 latubera create par pulse los gases del homeo = bustle pipe & lacolede 55.6) el convertider Thomas = “Thomas souverter (base Bessemer converter) 135 [a poscion de carga f pare el erro crud guido ~ haan potion formate i $6 la posicion de carga f paral cal = charging position jor ime Iron and Steel Works 57 la posicon para el soplada ~ blow postion 58 Ia posicion de descarga f = discharging psiion 159 €l dapositivo voleador = ting device (loping device, Am. ‘dumping device 60 elenldero movido por graf ~ crane-operated ladle 61 lacabrn auilar de a gria "= ausilary erane hoist @ lava delacal line bunker @ cltabo de caida f = downpipe 64 la vagoneta con chatara,ftigera dehiervo mt = ‘ipping car (Am. dump ruck) Izsalimontecion de chetarre fae = serap on feed _ 66 In mesa de control m ” control desk 67 la chimenea det convertidor 64 eubo de inyecd = Bast main @ el fondo de convertidor m = wind bx nf desire m 3 6 7 _ = melier 3 ° 0 148 Fundicién y laminado de hierro Iron Foundry and Rolling Mill 15 ef taller de fuadicin Eo. y Perisla factors) ion Fouadey 2 In fasion ieltig plane eTeublite un borne de festa ‘cupola furnace erpla a melting furnace conducto de sire m (i ruberia geairem) fat main (blast ine, Blast, el canal dela colada send tapping spout Sagutere de observacion fla mila) ‘pykole Lancecrislbascalane lng-oypehoemeta reelver cl caldero de tambor m movil mobile dram-ype ladle ehfundidor elvaciador founder (caster) Ta vanilla de colada / ‘ap bar (tapping bar) Ivana tepen me = ost sick (tm. bot stick) 1 ef hierro liquide = molten ron 2 el canal dela escoria = slag spout 13 la euadrifla de vaciadores m ~ casting team 14 el ealdero para horquila fel ealdero portti) — had shank 15 la horquila portacaldero = double handle erick) 260 16-teberra de wanspone m carrying bar 1 In varia de a escosia nse rd 16 in caja corada de motdeo mt = closed moulding (Atm. molding) box 19 lacaje superior = spper fame (spe) 29 teen infotor ~ lower frame (drag) 21 al bebeder (ia pavers) > runner ramen gate dovn-gat) 22 dlrespiradero = rier ser gate) 2 acaldero de mano f(a cuchara decolnda ) = hand late 24:29 "In colada cont = continuous cas 24 lamesa de colada descendente — sinking pouring floor 25 ellingote de metal msolidite- indose — soliyng ie 26 lataso se old stage 27 lafase guid fguid sage 28 Ja refrigeraciOn por agua f = ‘watercooling sytem 2 Inpared de a ngotera = mould (Ar. mold) wall 0.57 eh moldeo| moulding (A. rong) depariment routing shop) aw etmoldeador ~ moulder (Am. mlder) 31 atacedor de aie m compmide > pewmaile rommer 32 el atacador de mano f Shand ammer le caja abierta de moldeado me open moulding (Am. moiding) 34 el mold (le itmpeesion det motde) = pattern 35 la arena de moldear = moulding (Ara. molding) sand 36 ei macto 37 la portads de macho m ~ cove print 38-45 el taller do rsbarbado m — cleaning shop (feting shop) 38 eltubo de alimentacion fe gravila f de acero mo de arena f ~ ‘Stee grit or sand delivery pipe 39 el soplote automitico de mesa mt siratoria — roxarynable shorblasting machine 40 Ia defensa dela piedra arenisca =. grit guard 41 Tarmess giratoria ~ revolving table # la picza de fundicion / ~ casing 48 el tebarbador ~ fettor 44 1a maquina afladoea de aire mt compaimida = pneumatic grinder 4521 eincel de are rt comprimida pneumatic chisel recente Fundicion y laminado de hierro Iron Foundry and Rolling Mill 148 “saga ‘ie ama i lingotes anaes 5 eras, 5 ee, che a taellece, 2 eee fe a ee, 61665 el dspustvedeajustem ~ adjusting equipeent 64 ia guaicion de bastdor = chock @ el tomilo de presion f clengranaje st indiador, para el ajustegrueso ~ indicator for rough and fine adjustmant 66-75 el tren de laminado m continuo ‘para manafacturar flees mde cero m (el tren de bandas) {esquema] ~ cantinuoas rolling mil train forthe ‘naautactare of sip (digram 668 cl aca det eooce semiaaaufacurds = procesing of em-finshed product 6 ci prodocic semimanufseztrado ~ ‘sem fished podact © Ienalain dear mawdgen0 gas cutting installation 68 le pis de laminas f acabadas ~ stack of finished tel sheets © ehhomo de empeje me ~ continous reheating Furnaces 70 eltron desbastador ~ blooming train 71 eltren de acabado ~ finishing train 72 el odio (la bobina para enzotar) = voller 13 elalmacin de jes (coronas) Daria vent «Collar baring for marketing 74 eicen de core nde Sum = Sm shering rate 15 alten ds cone mde 10mm * re shearing ain 109 Faprica de cemento Cement Works (Cement Factory) 1 las materias primas (caliza f. arcilla fy marga farcillosa) ~ raw materials (lirtestone, lay and, marl) Je trituradora de marillos m = hariner crusher hammer msl) 3 el almectn de las materias, primas = raw material store 4 el molino para la motienda y el seeado simultineos de les ‘materias primas mediante ef gas de escape m dela instalacion mtereambiadora de ~ raw mill for simultaneously ‘grinding and drying the raw ‘materiais with exhaust gas from the heat exchanger 5 los silos para las materias primas pulverizadas (los silos de homogeneizacian f) = raw meal silos 6 Ia instalacion intercambiadora de calor m (cl intercambiador de calor m de ciclén m) = heat exchanger, a cyclone heat exchanger 7 la instalacion de desempolva- siento (un electeofitro) para el gas de escape m del intercambiador de ealor m det molino de materia f eruda 280 ~ dust collector fan electrostatic ‘recipiacor fr the heat ‘exchanger exhaust from the raw lf 8 el homo rotatorio (harmo m gicaiorio) = rowary kita 9 cl reftigerador de clinker m ~ clinker cooler 19 ol almacén de-ctinker m ~ clinker store U1 el soplante (et fuelle) de aire m primario ~ primary air biower 17 Ia instalacion trituradora de ccemento ne ~ cement-grinding mill 13 ei almacen (el depésito) de yeso m = gypsum store 14 fa trituradora (sin sla uebrantadora, a machacedora) de yeso m = gypsum crusher 15 elsilo pare el cemento = cement silo 16 las maquinas envasadoras de ‘cemento men sacos m de papel m ~ cementpackng plant fr paper Sarena | sBihiitesasoeaastasisone Fabricacién de porcelana \ ol 2 [ducer Porcelain and China Manufacture 16 1 el molino de tambor m (imolino m de bolas f, para ia breparaciOn por via himeda de ia mezcla de materias / primas = grinding cylinder bal mil for the preparation ofthe raw ‘material in water 2 a cipsula refraceeria, con abertura f para la observacién de! proceso de coceiéa F ~ sample sagger (saggar, egy) with apertare fr observing the Jing process: 3 ‘el hoemo redondo (homo m discontinuo)fesquema} ~ bout kin (beehive kl) [diagram] 4 el molde de coccién ¢ = Firing mould (Ams. mad) 5 el homo de tinel rr = ure 6 econo Seger, para medic altas temperaturas / ~ Seger cone (pyrometric cone ‘Am. Orton cone) for measuring High temperatures 7 a prensa de vacfo muna prensa de extrasién 7 ~ decir pug mil (deriving pug ress) an extrsion press 8 fa barra de material m (de masa f) = clay column 9 el tornero, tomeando una pieza en bruto ~ thrower throwing a ball bat) of cla clay 10 Ia masa de arcilla f (la pieza en bruto) = shag of clay 1M el plato giatorio; andl tomo de elfareco m ‘artable; sia: pote’ wheel 1 alfitro-prensa ~ fier yess 13 la torta de masa fla toa det fltro-preasa} 5 filter cake ‘14 el torneado, con plantilia fde forest ~ fisgering, with a proftng tok: Simm. oping 15 ei molde, para echar baro pare el coiado) ~ plaster mould (Ara, mold) for sip tasting 16 la maquina de vidriar de mesa f circular ~ lumtable glaring machine 7 el pintor (el esmaltadon) de poreelans f ~ porcelain painter (china painter) 18 i jarron pintado a mano f = hand-painted vase 19 el modelador (retocador m) ~ repairer 20 Ia varilia (la espétula) de modelar = pales, a iodelling (Arm modeling) tool 21 Jos ations de poreeiana f(los trozos) ~ shards (sherds, potsherds) ad q wo sade ey fail an Bee tte bali ofthe toman oop” Come, Catia promecty ant ° et en ray tesited Romanization ani ext nr dep tieronga at tomes reagent ati wate tet earn catatonia Recettgy ayd ty erat a Gt wel peteie “Cc denier te Cour cena Steel ere eles : tt thet mare ee ances, i ve ‘Cutit alles have been four Hs to siting o€ coins, Use Mist that were pre™ a colunge of igre, eta). tn srenareeats i several wlices in central Europe a teh eg ist contutes cnr Kot in Donen oe emote font Liverice gong nas beachay the pletire of w bow oF sto nat Er merges eeqed in 1989) which hada. Sey en wren to the Bret hatt Se mary te ‘rome fond Cait ett OC th cult man n Aig Semon, an inthe ath ‘en oveeliea : tient, Couto ccc Ml Usp La te orne: taint deena 8 ‘rian, mt Vindelich totter aro meg eh he cle aprender Tar tow ned ety ae iy ‘ Conese . fF Hotter Europe, md splendid exe {ors will Jodlstnet pletures were'm rt Ck the caer : {ound tn silver at Guedentenp onde g biatetl howeds, cach of bait 3000 colts food 1 Sead? Cy dinteute to generale abo pigely near Zbiroh in the Rolycany region of sonheced all Uhology, beentse each trib se cults nid Focal delles. there Herein. Later on, aver coins came inceeastoely Wee he Of then, the Inlet Celis tal Coal Io ' {seen god ani heroes; the nares of sen Ecnteal Europe, ating Geom the secon halt of rate ‘Fatants, Youtnics, Usa, Lig) mntednte the Renee, Se 7 ne ound Steously Influenced by the Remon devant, butler they somelinies beennte nasucinued ain ing eg DME &F seuivine pois and tutes chiettar Wieck hae hroards of ‘tht eoln. were Wis, also occtrreg. covered inthe Dratislavn region ot Storskte? : te deter (a, Pee Te aay oF Me Cele was ese 2M 23 Cale Ctrledon aad tes Hes : creer tsi shile Caconsteis ety ssn Caa) a wan tel i sts AI Kids of grat to te, hep four vert at Lsrope, aml Refren ia AL | stout, and ra i ara fclemen (1986) on tho bert apse hen a , was loved Ik apectel pte inthe around ori Wein Gedivas by cntrat Braye eo te arhaea- | large vs. Oistug to the wide wnngien ft akg kn wo llc, cut] rang Was tore nortan Meee a igeg amon, The Le Tne Con i ektvtin 1d sone tess, The prevtence ot ook (eet ied aes OF met ale feta sponte pt of Cet oom hunts were fey al ot Pisin onoldey ot conitenal exits Ie Rome ars a arcuate wal Known i dy erent Iss rau sents Baty Coes if ithe see oe soe he Remon wvaies ow ee heel 18 Vase work on tenia se dey | ier hee Coan etna im foe sia i, neal he Seite eaes aoton, weve worm by Wine! Sy eg Thee te Suvoy ne aaa Gah tor oan fe e's Wl tals Aner del tir, iB Sinner bat» beh elt eeety eh nnae Med ves tthe nae s22ime al ou Ute tani, or shits wlth monk Celle lsh The Celis (093 is Erm ty fie hesn the moat widen cea 4 snl fonn getent ih Schone ell a5 wool was cuployed, wt BORK foloure were nop. Accord tp Proce we oF the Celis consisted af beat nd ia ee eet forted, ect, hone brewed fom beige, alt hk: the upper clsses nga use whe na souls The Cells were hosltabi, ond of feet rt coe ret egal of eos fea AEH he eo stig Ringel conceited action. At Cents burs sone thee, matt lence Sette neta: Ano and Eames aie Sagem ese wih a raine ssi e Sue lie ‘oniniiagn ons : Foret ie Celis Beaty xtand music and’ nanny {eta eat ofa wh La Ten buona ! orn ‘of oral literary composition, fe H 7 il forts, “Th eal Cells hed Cotedstronghelds Saline residence it fos apy war ee roentle concenttation o€ popuiaten cid pronteton, Cement i Lescol Cin Zadeh werd erat evn do hang substances, Sonat taf oC ane emer a ee tee ech Met wa ceamentan, whic mica soa te WL fe eed in Cases tos Gx sao See meth, Lal co © Horan aorta, not Cen Handa et Gn toushimey in etna elt a wae is general snae heart : Ey at "1 Me wl ach the fat ede cy A i rel lie y Sento i fete purpose, bul more commonly Ridges he yee i of the Ito Hata eso! Lumet, Gerry fyoane de La Tene fn eile SORFIOY, Le srt othe tnmout rare nt Vix com te lil fort vacied fn consrvetion nnd size, Bibuacte, materials used in building and elit engincetg oon Mesits of the Aedul woot 2.625 eet (OUD ieetcg) ee ala ue constructional cements, witty wh oot Woy aleve and coving anatene€abour sayretes, eon, Ther ‘water, ace often ened hydewutte coe Alls most thoroughly excavated hil tory recs) Bunt, Ms most hapertie of the poland conan reat covedel an nen of 20 crs, Gergovta (Slee) lie slog-containing cenents aut high alain ne wage, Novlodwiuy about 99 serene aoe hen is article covers coustivellonal cements, Act, ‘ i igi bo nt Manchin ene Ingold bee oe ncten ta J4OPcss Of oxenvation: W covets wi aren oe DG tetra tna enageatertnent wn Tal fort with waits Gnas Me, uti ts Pte inline Siceliiydaiacaizntt ht nine kt Safronen Conan any eae de man NTR | ple tafe mec Sets pein he eal ls ar and | style described by Cuesan ny asl Intpe, wie Ti it Whittenberg compra al ingest Neroun, hart te chee finds ntcoge fame! aetentte. Mortae is coment silzed with said logan ares oF about 203 acre F exused stone Jess than fe fet 8 ullimcttesy I | I 1 1 Poritand een tie, Concrete ature af cur suo ote no fauregate, nil 8 coarse aggregate ttl for most purposes Ep to 4a or I inch (15°25 sent}uetres) tn sine buh Mint may also be as large as 6 facies (15 eentloetces) for concrete placed in large masses, ha fe dams. Mortage nee used for bing yicks, blocks, and stone in walle o¢ fw surface renderings. Concrste fe eg for 8 laege vatity at constvetional purpdace (ace Conenart). Mixtures of ‘und portland ‘eement are used as bose for Tends Poutan soi used fn the sianufacturs of sabes. riper, tasks, wad other goods, “ive IOV ectory’ ata supplled eeady for bullng. from 9 calesteoss sa material and the otter exides fom aw aegillaccous (clayey) niateral, the lwo aie ths require proportions. Adalanal raw niateiake ag sa sani iron oxitp, and bauxite muy bo used inane ‘watts 1 got ie sited compostons ‘The caumna ee Salcareous sno ipletials Are estons ned chet eat thera, auch as cota} oF shell doposta, are sige ne Clays, shales, alates, and extarine tas are the cones aupillnccous caw wslerals. Matt, q compact ealenee, slay, and cement fuck contaln both the galeurcces eet augillaccous components ia proportions thal sonellogs, spproxlinaie cement compositions, Another ray baleral Dlas-Lurnace slag which eovsite tatty of te a fals today, the anuwfaeture of cement ia of high line couteut, Kaolin, which eowtains Wille Ife shag ‘ges (youn several liuxlreit kilogrants fo industialized Iudustrial wastes, such ag fly ash aud a Feesble enw mater be nna a ter neta - ie it : ; fee cise fae ate Rome. ‘The materials used were lime and a Siog ae isd = f volennic ash that slowly reseted with it Ia the presence of water to form a hard imass. This Formed the cementing niaterial of the Romaa mortars and concretes of 2,000 yebrs ago nud of subsequent construction work ln weste ern Europe. Porttaud cement is a sticcessor lo hydraulic 1756 whei he tine first developed by Jolin Suieaton ‘vas called iu fo ereet the Kuilystone Ligh coast of Devon, Haglan. 1800 in England nnd France, was a water burping nodules of clayey tihesione and later fa the US. ol. what was called “cement rock,” ‘These materials be: foug to class known as nical seven, allied to ports w cement but more lighily burned nid not of vats led goupositon, ‘The laveation of portland cement usually Ts attributed to Joseph Acpdin of Leeds, York alive, who in 1824 took oul a patent for a suaterlal pron duced from 1 syuthetic mixture of Jimestonc nad caf, Ho ealfed the product portland cement because of a fa, led! resémblanee of the material, when set, {0 portland stons, 0 liptestone used for building in England. Aspdle's product olay well have been too lightly burned to be a {rus portland concn, ud the real prototype waa perhaps that produced by Isuse Charles Johnson in southeast England shout 1950, The manutnctsee of portland es. ment rapidly spread to other European counteies and, about 1870, to the US. MAW MATERIALS Portland with silica, a it consists of compounds of Hi ina, aud iron oxide, The Hi 0 raed ele obtained ‘ying in the case of hard rocks auch ns lmestones, cates, xl souse shales, wilh the aid of blasting whelt necessary, Some deposits te mined. Softer rocks such ys chalk aud lay can be dug divecty by excavalors, The excavated inaterials are transported (othe crushing playt by tucks, liway freight eacs, conveyor belis, or rupeways, ot int ‘wet state oF alusry'by pipellas, In regions where lime Hones of aullcienily high line content are not available, owe process of bestefliation can be used. Froth flotation will temove excess silica or aluuing and 60 upgrade the Hovestovis, but I is costly and used only when Woavold- able, : There ace four stapes In the manufactur of port sent: (1) etushing and grinding the raw sdteriylsy (2) Disnidingg the materials in the correct propottions; @) buruing the prepared mix ine kilo; aud (4) grinding the buried product knowa gs esnient clinker together with sons 5 percent of gypsuin (Io eoutral the Cute Of sel of the cement). ‘The three processes of miwitifacture are known as the wet, dry, and semidey processes and are so fermedl when the raw materials ace ground wel\ and fed fo the Kiln as a slurty, ground diy sad fed as a d1y pave lex, oF ground dry and then moistened to forwy odules tat ave fed to de ilu, . Crushing and grinding of raw materials.” Alt except soft materials are drst enushed, often tn &wo el3ges, and ten ground, usually in rotating, eylindical ball, oF lube bn wore ns maton inl containing» charge ot steel Binding is dove wel or dry aceon ies bu foe dey aunding th easy ma | to be chied tn eytndicl rotary ato Late broken down by vigerous stirring. mills, producing a fe auiny, which le passed ‘rent fo remote ora mice, Blending.” A Dist ayerosiation of the req ken compostion fs otiained by selecting quariyine eal ntol ofthe av halen fe fo the erushfey td Control iy obtniaed by. desing 0 oF more ley coutniiug raw ine stihly In composifon in the dry proces toa row alc tanks inthe wet procees, Tretoust nis, jing ofthe raw matrits nthe slo tn Gisured by nellaion and vigorous culation imivcad Wy Sompiesre sit. In the wet proces, the slurry sted by inechnneal meas and/or conipreseed ait Te slurry, which contains 35 te 45 percent Water, I some: Urs tered, seducing ite mater content lo-20 to 30 fon, Seal the ier eakeie te fed to the il hi es Auces ie fuel consumption for burn. wring.) Tho eatlest kil ia which cement wae bure 0 bates were boi Lil, fellow hy ch Mins anf thon continuous shaft kiss "The shat sd Tor ts al sed in sou counlriey but the ant mena of toni isthe rotary kil. These His Fit {200 eres (66 feet) Tong and 7 meteos (3 feet) In diameter in wet proces plnuts bot shorter for Us dry procsie-—covslt of a sl, eplindtien thll fd Fil sefractory wintry they rotate slowiy on an ais 1 few degrees lo the horizontal. The raw balls, ‘This process In fps (eerie von 7 inl feed, Introduced atthe upper end, roves slowly {ie kilt to he lower oc fing et. ‘Tike fel for lee ected tenyernite. at the burning end to. 1,300" C (nbout 2,400" to accordivg tothe ray ainterials belng burned, Soe form of heat exchanger Is courmonly incorporated at the back end of the kn te lnerease heat teanstr to te aletinls and s0 reduce the heat Tost In He Lutved product emerges fide the ules of clinker that pss nto coolers where incoming al fe tested aud the product cooled. In the semidey process the rw tnntrials in the form souules, containing 10 (015 percent water, ate fed onto 4 traveling chain gine before psstig to n shorter totn ‘iin, Hot gases coming from ie kl nce sucked theough, the raw nodules om the grate, preheating the nodules. ‘Dust emission from cement Kile ent bem aetious nak sauce; ancl fn populated aren ite ual end often con pulsoty to fit cyclone ncestors,bugfter systems, or eee- teostate dust peecipitatoré betwee the kiln eal andthe chitoney strc ‘Modern cement plants ace equiped with elaborate In- teomentall 8 Proces. Raw matesials fa some pants we sampled autora nod computer calles a sane the tn mk calton, ‘The lucgest folay lin have outputs Up to Sv0"tons per day the liter my be tmedntl ‘Broun (0 cement oF sored fn slockples for Inter use. Grinding. Tv tn nl Ge ruled amount ot si re ground to a Ge poveer it ortzontel sail Shifr to noe ued for gn thst? materi. Ths jing may be pulverized coal, oil, or natural gos rough a pipe. Th Closet sieeuit rindlog Resistance outs tye sill Copeweet aut tay be seuented fron Une isrluaing) Bowls pioduet ing (elosest of w privding a ror ccnteaining esinenty (aiocussed clove) the add: tion of un nr-nteeoigogeut fa shailarly sna, Hulse fcoment iy pusnped. pneumatically 10 stavage silos [vom twitch iis deawa for packing Datel ia Uulk eottalners, paper bags oF for dis Foriiwd cement Portland censeut is mads ap of four main compounds: (riealciuin silicate (SCAO + SiO), calcium silicate CaO SiO), tricalcium alan GCAO = ALO.) sued tetea-calehtun atari + ALOsPe\0). Is wn abbreviated nota {ie hormal ulomie syinbols, these eo esi nated as CS, Co, GA and GAAP, where C stands for eal- aide (ime), 3 Cor sl de. Saal meats. The composition of port hin the range of G0 to 67 perccut Te, 19 to 25 percent silfea, 3 to 8 percent alumina, and Go {leon oxide iogether with £ to 3 percent sulfae \ioside, derived mainly trom the added gypsum, 0.5 percent magnesin, ned 0.3 to 1.3 percent alknbies, Tltani- Unt oxide is wivolly present to the eatet of 0.1 10.04 per- cent. Mangoness oxide is usually present ouly fi sinall mounts except when bkotfurnace slag is used af a raw ‘material; thes i ory rise to L percent, giving the cettent a brownish tinge rather than the normal gray colour. ‘The sivength develoved ly portland cement depeids on lis composition und the fuvene it is ground. ‘The CS Is mainly tespousible for the steength developed in the first week of haedening, and the G,S Cor the subse- quit inerease le seongth, Pounds that are preseat lc dicect contribstion to strength, Set cement crete can suller deterioration fron atinek by sou ural or nsticial clement agents, The al (Gua) ina conipourul the most vulnerable to chemieal attack ja acils to hing sulfate salle or in seawater, while the ive henseal (C\AR) aad the two enleluen allienles ave slleck mors resistant. Calcium hydroxide is released ducing the liyuention of the calli silicates, and ts fe also vulner- able to attack, Cement liberates feat when 1 hydrates; fal consequently concrete placad In Large tase, dass, can cause the temperature inside the vase To sis twp 10 40° C (72° F) above the outside tempersiure. Sub- sequent cooling can be a cause of cracking, ‘The highest hheat of hysdcation Is shown by C.A, Collowed fa descend Ing otder by G5, CAP, and CS. Miva types of portlan cement are standaedized fp the US# ordinary (Type 1), muifed (Fype 1), high-endy. Hleanglll (yp6 1M), low-boat (Type IV), aad aulfater feskting (Type V). To ather sousteies Type Hts omlted, Jt Cype 1 ts eaiedeapit-hardening. ype V 38 kno Iw some Rsiropess counivien ns Fereact eouient. Typical compositions are shovn in Tabs 3. These varlovs types are dilfercutiated boll by requizonients as to thei compo: sivion wad by various tests, Thus in Type V, Use content of CoA Ts limited 10 3.5 to $ percent in different countries aul ta ‘Typ= LV tos lightly higher value. ‘The content ot CS say frown about 10 fo G5 percent except for Type arta Gani af Porn Cone TS Was ggasi sar Sey a peep bee eee as een mis. 8 Bog Poot ef we at gg Mae GB fg bt Ay, were ic wavy below 30 perce U5 Mantes me of les eral to tae Sohole ns Lo pescont in planes thigh 03 6 etcent In foysead cement the CoA cone iat wsvaly fails betyech @ mat 15 percent in yen font diy wd that o€ CAG betwen 3 nn 10 pevesee types 1 nnd Vy the CAF conten usually highee ‘a ty exceed 13 pereen ‘here also are vaviows other special types 0€ porttand cement, Colodbed cetientsaré ade Ly grinding $ to 1D yercent of suitable plnens wit wile or cxlney grey Poriland cement, Al-enralning coments ave male Uy he $dition om grinding ofa spat nowt, aroun 003 pers ent of organ ageot that equsce the enteainnent of ‘ery fine nie bubbles fam conercte Tle iorences the to- Fistnce of the concrete to (reding nnd to the nellon Of Salcium chloride or commen snl opremd ‘ conces Torus Co melt snow and ice The airentyaling agente or died nsw segura hngrsient (othe we onerat. Low kat es and Hsing Og porcont These ae wed in eonste moe wth cota {open o€ nggcegstes tht cons» form fail tt 1ehete wth ales casing on expanson that can dsugt ‘ couerete. Magonry cements are teed primarily fot mote ters "Theyconelt of mise of porined eeaent and found fesestone oF arte togetnerh na lens Tring agent orm watorcepelentaditive, Walerproot Centeat fe the. mame given Ion povtland cobient to Sn waterrepeltentsyent has been net Liye Phobic cement i obtained by grinding portland cement Sinker with mafring auton sch nol ned in order to tec th rte of deterioration when the ce teat i alored uedze walavourae eowaltlons, Ole mente ace vc for cenetingwatk nthe ding fol lls where thay are sje resus, They tausly const ot portand or porzlane Ecinent (aoa blow) wi spec ganic tear ders te re ‘eat tho cement fon slg ton quel Sing cements. ‘The gaansid lag nod by the rap chilfog of aultable moten sna fenn blest uvonecs dhcing pig from, forts the bm of tot Slvacttoual cenouts, A ature of pot grate slg aang 6 psoas Frown in the. Cagllrspentiag eonuley aa. pov UisatCuciae {aay ceten, The Gorman dlzenpordent ement and Hochofencemcat contain up 40-40: a #3 percent slag, feapectvly. Misturcs In other propor tre foun in Fronelspeaiing counter net such nam ts Chnent Portland de ber, Clnent mtialargique tl Ciment de hawt fournean, snd Chncnt tater ee er. Propertlan of thas lg eaten are brdadly sia fo itote of portiaud cement, bur tey bave 8 lower ae coulcot and a highs sles an elowlnn conten Those ‘rth the higher sng esutent hare an Ineronsed askance UG chensiat attack eer ‘Another type of slag contslong cewent fy a super {ited cement coniaiogo genus nlned a 1 {0°15 pereent hurd burned gypsuin o nbligate (raul sty dvous calcu alta) aa feoy parce Ot pout Tan eenient the areagihpropectes ut auperulate ct ‘ent nve sella to those of portland cantnt, but has tet fnerensedrestanee to nny fori of lize! tacks Poueolanie semeuls ara mites of gotta’ ce ‘went aula possolone meter tant say be lela 3 otal Seal or area. Tho nated! poazelinna are {crinio of yolenuie origin bt ince sone dlalonnccoes tnvths, Actifclal material hclude fy oahy bitded las, fn shales, Porzoluona ace insterats that, thowah, not id aon) Spy line tn the pes cnco of water (fo form conipounds with ecmentiions fropertien Mixtures of line abi poszolone were used by Rowan enginosrs 2,000 years ago asl nd some ay ication but Torgsly bare buen superseded by The modern fworzolanic.cemant” Uydration of the portland eemeat Ihetion felegses the Eno tenivd to comtbiug wit te wzoluna. pee : Inn ronctive forsn able to combla Sha todas as nets sedetingn noriabsene pr el sr tay ‘ntndcemente conn levees que e deur (0 piesa enon: ser p-Coneherad cuir dels dan Aitioefones, na Tas 4 partes es lent cat pede cu to a tla ps correspond le ene ‘mete, por Toque el lain arte, lev, ls ‘je, siete em ttle feeree) ee cece ane ce re tortor 1 Salsas sn nic be eee nee. das pic cons ane co eer sein yeutensdanene ect tbo Seip asteo gee cela pstone merc ey pct Vina steconee ferelorGe ommeapit col Steep te CaSabontheose — Presenci Seeye see GS —Lexmayorinds los menlese encwosira exon ra conenteceea 'eoaotatce, come éxios,mintas qe algunas vanes deessisacl—-Petcpalmente lo ne pera, pot ego windecole ye don el eveuio 9 ef plomo-— spncera ene sul Paso cob ts Slo mee jecot lox mele Hobie y de ‘eros enel cdo, seach (ver aia pera) — 2 ence stad mete, y Eo st for eles es Inetesulnicarte S fli le remcridad «gine ex precteonote Fe Tos hace ile para Scuftcén de nse a proce de Joys ae nese eetocn ee Algo metal wo se eneveneen Hb en Ie tate le pingona annem, or FON Uistvgey ae han desconpacsn po complete (erp. 49). El tececi y tas Ie lenient de tiimete! ainden nis) ae que piano (a. 94 ver tabla poiéien) sn Taba poe Metso tabla pericope ea de ta salina madera dts reaires 9 acc thes moctcaes (ver pe 3K, 39 y MOA05), tents geo remeten aparece em cantader ia eon provet de in exten ‘el ae. De fos elenenor mir pesndon ton sles ina obteniaalgones sour ent ven sow itireament adosetives. BI descubrimiento y a extraccién de los [in lemcnios aliicaes, evidenemete, se Ian deseo en fs eos mente, ese Ingenio gta Iie, El desi niente jor ee de lor ines etter lambige ex nmprnnmente reset: con ox epi del ene plato yw i de ret fet eooci desl Mahdi, tan oe me takes ha ido desebientn despise 1735. ns sim ates ene ca ted sa alr plore to, lst, of mer aryl pi, Dees reales rf ele sandle el hice el orf desu pe thor fea del once fe aoeror qe aad Chive es Dine a oree eres paTE teem ott tee ate —— forge [re eae ee Ne ae delta Lanta dectines eet fst tl ener de sm meals We esque om {tov en olen del once “mene er {ie -apcesnrel ier te wena Se ere qe el desenrinfeo del code Te acide: igen de In en dl te iia on Iorngses legion ver onan dia cot onboard ee so ‘neal Daca ts mn prove Ainieto, en condiciones. coviotae. G ice lr ato one aces (cp 3 ‘Gta de lor cies de Tabi peréea {Ger tga), dese el mangancsn (Ma bi et ‘Sn Cx), pen enced std {fox com cine semper de I oct 100°C oprsinadment ened ls melesmsligeresy fee: lives pueden ratcrse vee eon 3 tenperstras fats, ge ewe en tnd Turton elm enn vec Aipsevereneteiay Eso maar enn homtail (ver pp 8 477 0 por fn yece fess cones Conon mids ztlvn Por emp, fa edverion ti de alumni con crbnorequere nae pera superior abe AOTC: pf a. Ze Ui In lil def eet de ido de Sno a mela dein reo tie de lumii ia oor dels er 950% Poa pnt ain envied x ga cor qe ere 3 nativacin cen wdlo 0 magnesia lene {ser rect. ses mets ean es fe earn, pr se jie or ll de Inca ben eres jf ex gee Conductibitidad Uacindcign de exo y elec ose 925 YM}? ae caacteria ls tle se dei de etn de eolace die, Lae mele Sidon se node com sera comymesi de on ent de fones ews psiirsment, eo ‘estrone Tre ora tnverse ange def Irvcirn evan cel etal (Ger ajo), Fla el procdinint Resemer saeco ‘contrac con algo de cron 9 svt ds ‘re tid eltnande cl monde de ca Sono y li de none Tambien soo thier, que evionces se comin lmao pr frm te ig IS ios env ‘stv yrs centenaces de tela de Wer, Fraverd enero gir sobre wl, coo ‘rigs; ar eter lac fan la deh dé 186, tn grap de ngeieros Ince ut proceso mci mise monn wie: el proven de nn de solr Tin eae procedineet te in ge de esha tej concentra por extent hie fr {ho en va pre roa combos {gies ne sbenne ge eevee Teseer, eco el proven level vente Jade que Se ete aera de ieee esl Comet mld en wea ce. "aten preface cera qe pee con muy ett de empty fn! {Acualnen, ato el prcedinieno Bessemer 1 gel poceisient de sora bo si mt. joc en fs yor pte de Ine per por we [acevo qe enmhinn a ventas dls dos. Eh |S prcetinemin 1D taste de Uy [Doman se nstan eheo degen es | para tenes de ons ln sobre i pike Met hiewo fad. El preceo ex py puss Sheer nn 20 fe chatray re ‘woe wn seer de ry lin ea. a fin deca al ostgene ptt converter oe te leno coa rm ayer concie o fon feline prcediint se enc fome sede igen, Par cen aos, i ae lec nes To sero noisier ian hor Ae mee lecce vee federal) Ecler fo ‘repel resected de econ ino Treles enna mel de eats ee fo epee dete ppl de eases. ‘ice el manganese y el fsfoa seen ome escor el enon selfish tn poco emir Be hiro, ue resco rkadeidimcs ss ‘exaciamene gt qe enum al ovr, Ne ‘cho de que ts fn de aco elrco pod ‘Srese comands cn sv tein por rset prom wont cn fo pes de. trolled el acer teil representa ts gra vel prec (7 recta ‘Tipos de acero 1 me vee et ot de pans Toa {hs evolnd en iin, aon brs ta claves, vals ysarbre oc vga (ota Edieon, ponies 9 sre iasenes penpae fe Incoateein). Las earaeterses del ce fa se pen modifica com citer proce Iie, ese el Watiento po ele 9 Tas escones Fn de te rene eed pat tos expectioge. El fcr ie pane en “ealqer ce exel conor de exrnn 1 “Toes dace Conde Une babies cine adr accor on alto conte de emo son mks “Tver y fre, pe tna haan nose pen sok. Peace la baad {cece conte de bons debe ser Inferioe ol 0.6, Las erates precisa de ‘ter ipo de ses dependent dl Irtaien prea, qe deters ev ‘sctira. Et acer pode endccerse eae Fania tranvivo en toro or 850°C y 315 HWIERRO Y ACERO piel crlomees cot Ene, (GY eae ae fb Fesposite com yet eo ill selinte wpa cei re ml baja —-une MPC, sr ‘inion de scenes temperann ete Fiucaccmteibcel nomi le rv mpl tale del aero bs eects ae: ‘nel caoao tania cx pest. Fc ttvgae contene ob de aor, por eet, egos Ste cc extricate sy sana para men” el dena y fe teen spss pow Sr“ este asec que comienen fasta Mas le Ronen wanes een bores nay en tn se ciple porn hice eeleninae + Geum iga see since comm Ts excoeadnsy teas. freee ran Etre te wlen com alge acres oe Aedact mfg, ox evan dade, {pe cnlenonen tots nn de cern yo ees tae ail nose raha dei Ia en st supicle he um eapm imp FRE Te a eta ese aero fist may enplendo pe raisein ds Feet gato de rin atm ay] Eta oo a ghd 8dr Pago i lek ipbiaadd ABS 4 ell ete ng as He rab Roreenafiemmarepr nyse arr Ce ERE SR ite oes had tara eccsar E aac oly an is Ree a ca tc oa pads ‘cltencn Eat prepay ives da scar vu pork aca AERA ‘Fenner qe Sera ie feqero Po sr part fo ear ssid sea foe reeeeae eR TB be ERR

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