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Mya Dhayanara Garrido

12 Bible

Mr. Sawyer


Seekers of Christ

To be a Christian means to believe that God is the father of Jesus, who is the son that

came to earth and died for us. He felt the need to take our place in the cross, so we didn't have to

pay for it. With that we received salvation which was gifted to us. Now, salvation is the work of

the trinity; that it is made up of the son (Jesus), the Father (God) and the Holy Spirit. Each part of

the trinity has a role: The Father, who is God, is the creator of all things in the universe. The son

who is Jesus is the son of God, but he is also a sacrifice and a divine being. Lastly, the Holy

Spirit is the third part, which means the counselor. Lastly, we have the difference between angels

and demons. Demons at first were angels that used to follow and serve God; Suddenly a few of

the angels rebelled against God because of sin and became demons. Now we have both angels

and demons around us.

I believe that some people have a bad perspective about Christians. Even some Christians

think that to be one it's only about going to church on Sundays, or a Bible study or simply just

believing that there is a God, but no. This is a special trait about seekers of Christ. Seekers of

Christ are people whose actions reflect God’s, and they can show and let people see Jesus Christ

through them. I believe and understand that seekers of Christ can know the difference between
the biblical and worldly view, and they sit on their beliefs based on God's word. This person will

show God's truth and doesn't give up through all the obstacles.

On this note, I would like to point out that I grew up, and I still am growing, in a

non-Christian family. This has been a huge obstacle for me, but it has helped me grow in my

character, personality and to identify the lies and truths. Having the opportunity to have my

mom by my side and only my mom, she has been able to see me grow to the young adult I am

now. The influence I’ve had in my life is definitely not by my blood family. I've had the privilege

to have another family formed by my class and some other people in school. Among those

people, I would like to point out Susana. Susana is my spiritual mom, but she is also my

counselor and has become my mom’s friend. She has helped me have a relationship with God

and has given me some tips to stay close to him. I pray before going to bed, right after I wake up,

read the Bible and talk to her about questions or things I'm concerned about. All of this has

helped me grow closer to him and bring others closer.

I've learned throughout the years that God has given me a big role in my mom’s life and

has gifted me with some talent. I believe that my biggest talent is to be a leader and that I can

identify and easily relate with people's feelings and things that they go through. With my talents I

haven’t sought to be praised or celebrated because of them, but I look to help people find

solutions and at least feel that they aren't alone, and they can have someone that they can relate

to them. Lastly, through this paper was to set out there some biblical truths and how I've been

shaped by myself and by others in my life. It hasn't been an easy road walking along God and I

know he's not done, but for sure I've learned to be a Seeker of Christ.

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