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‘Do not judge a book by its cover’. Describe an experience when this was true for you.

I live in a five-storey walk-up flat. Since it is nut a self-contained area, I used to go to the
supermarket every Saturday to get all my provisions for a week. As my Proton Wira was just
slightly over two months old. I would wait until late in the evening when the rush-hour traffic
would dwindle. Then, driving along the roads and highways would actually be a pleasure.

It way on one of these Saturday evenings while I was cruising along the Federal Highway, that I
found my car suddenly veering to the left. I pulled over by the side of the road to inspect my
vehicle. I discovered that I had a flat tyre. I did not have the slightest idea of how to change a
punctured tyre. Gosh, I am stranded, I thought. 1 felt vulnerable and terribly alone. I had been fed
with all kinds of facts and fiction about what an unsafe place the city was, with all sorts of shady
characters wailing to prey and pounce on isolated targets especially ladies.

A number of vehicles whizzed past me, nobody stopped to find out if I needed any help. Night was
creeping in. All of a sudden, a grey jalopy pulled over just behind my car. A heavy-set man in
overalls alighted from the car. I took in his shabby appearance – stained overalls, unkempt hair
and his stubble of grey and white.

‘What’s wrong?’ he asked. ‘A flat tyre.’ was the only retort I could manage. He asked me to step
aside, while he went about remedying matters. I was terrified and I did not dare take my eyes off
what he was doing. Was he going to rob me of my cash and jewelry or was he going to drive off in
my brand new car? I occasionally stole surreptitious glances at what he was doing. With deft
movements, he changed the punctured tyre.

‘O.K. Madam, here’s your car. Have a nice journey,’ he said with a big grin. He fished out a
handkerchief from his pocket and started to wipe out the grime and dirt from his hands. I thanked
him profusely. He just nodded and sauntered past me. As I turned the key in the ignition, I saw
him looking over his shoulder to make sure that everything was all right. As I made my way to my
destination. I told myself that I will never again judge a book by its cover.

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