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Name: Dwi Rezkiana Sari

Nim: 181014201622
Class: Keperawatan 6B


Do the task based on your module page 16

A. Read Nursing Note 1 and 2, then write the answers of the following

1. Why is it important to position the patient correctly?

Because, correct positioning of patients is essential for maintaining

proper alignment.

2. Mention some causes that make the patients need help for repositioning.

Many patients need assistance with repositioning due to injury,

disease, helplessness or therapeutic devices

3. How often does the patient’s position need to be changed?

Change the position of the patient at least every two hours.

4. Mention and explain three basic positions for the patients.

There are three basic positions for the patient : supine, side-lying, and

5. What factors that determine the variations of patient’s positioning?

Depending on what kind of intervention, procedures, examination, or

therapeitoc treatment the nurse will do for the patient

6. What are the benefits of changing the patient’s position?

It provide comfort, it relieves pressure on bony prominences and

other parts, it helps preventing the contractures, deformities and
respiratory problems and it improves circulation
B. Write the correct meaning of each word in vocabulary section
based on the context of patient’s positioning.

Vocabulary Items Meaning

Alignment Kesejajaran
Accomplish Menyelesaikan
Sideways Ke Samping
Lean Kurus
Up-Right Tegak Lurus
Downwards Ke Bawah
Forward Meneruskan
Elevate Mengangkat
Lower Menurunkan
Decubitus Penekanan Yang Lama Pada
Kulit Karena Berbaring Terus-
Tummy Perut Yang Menonjol Di
Bagian Depan

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