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radiating-101 Friday 4-29-2022

1. Spending:

When treating yourself to indulgence such as: coffee, food and shopping sprees, you are subsequently developing and/or reinforcing a bad
spending habit without supporting it with the "adult resource'! Which will affect you financially in the long run. The earlier a person
starts saving and budgeting the more they are financially secured in the case of an unfortunate event.

2. Method of Payment:

Goda ÉgE••• Paying for things with physical dollar bills can make a person feel the

inroad f0•*-ˢ=- loss of something of value - as soon as it is taken from the individual-
unlike a credit or debt card - which is felt when they see their

¥@•$☒os statements. This is because when a person can visibly see the action of
losing the bills, a person's emotional response of loss is triggered.
However, a card hides the loss of economic worth.

3. Invest in Yourself: subsidized :
When considering taking out a loan for school, rent or auto loans, you •$s$D$8q•$s
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should always know what the loan will entail. Whether it is in the form of
interest, fees, requirements or length of the term. Paying back the money
can end up costing more than the initial loan itself. Subsidized federal
student loan means that while the person is enrolled in. school, they don't Unsubsidized :
pay interest. Unsubsidized federal student loan is where a person's
interest begins to grow as soon as they enroll in a school. The increase
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interest is then added to the overall amount when paying back the loan. B$§$a☒••¥☒FTf☆$BKoo

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The bad spending habit of spending money on indulgence without the proper "adult resources" will lead to financial troubles in the long run.
It is a better for a person to start saving and consider budgeting their indulgence in their financial planning. When purchasing things consider
the feeling of economic loss regardless of the method of payment. When considering a loan on anything, consider the pros and cons as well as
the hidden fees and clauses with all loans. Read the fine print and consider setting aside a monthly amount in order to pay back the loan.

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