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Prophet Biographical Summary - Daniel Read the prophets’ biography. Answer the Biographical Data Worksheet as you learn about the prophet. Daniel Famous as, ‘One of the Four Great Prophets (to Christians) Born in Jerusalem Nationality Israel Works & Daniel is regarded as one of the most influential prophets in Judaism. He is one of the main figures in the Biblical Book of Daniel. Achievements Background Daniel is the subject of the Book of Daniel. Christians consider Daniel to be one of the four great prophets, whose life and prophecies line the Book of Daniel although he is not once spoken of in the Old Testament as a prophet. Judaism does not consider Daniel to be a prophet. In the Christian Old ‘Testament Daniel appears in "Prophets" but in the Jewish Tanach he appears in "Writings." There are ‘two reasons Jews do not consider Daniel to be a prophet. ‘A. Daniel never spoke directly to God. Jewish prophets (navis) speak to God, not to intermediaries like angels. Daniel saw angels and never spoke to God. This is the primary reason Daniel is not considered a prophet. B. In Judaism a prophet (navi) speaks to his or her generation, not to future generations. The Prophets in the Jewish Tanach (e.g, Isaiah, Ezekiel) spoke primarily to their generation, but their message was also pertinent to the future. Daniel's visions were for the future, not for his generation. Daniel's Story The history of Daniel is discussed through the Book of Daniel. This article describes him within the setting of the history that the Bible describes. Daniel was descended from one of the noble families of the kingdom of Judah (Dan. 1:3), and was probably born in Jerusalem about 8.C. 623, during the reign of Josiah. _At the first deportation of the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (the kingdom of israel had come to an end nearly a century before), or immediately after his victory over the Egyptians at the second battle of Carchemish, in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (B.C. 606), Daniel and three other noble youths were carried off to Babylon, along with part of the vessels of the ‘temple, having been chosen for their intellect and beauty. There he was obliged to enter into the service of the king of Babylon, and in accordance with the custom of the age received the Chaldean name of Belteshazzar, Le., prince of Bel, or Bel protect the king! His residence in Babylon was very probably in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. His training in the schools of the wise men in Babylon (Dan. 1:4) was to fit him for service to the empire. He was distinguished during this period for his piety and his strict observance of the Mosaic Law (1:8-16), and gained the confidence and esteem of those who were over him. At the close of his three years of discipline and training in the royal schools, Daniel was distinguished for his proficiency in the "wisdom" of his day, and was brought out into public life. He soon became known for in the interpretation of dreams (1:17; 2:14), and rose to the rank of governor of the province of Babylon, and became "chief of the governors" (Chald. Rab-signin) over all the wise men of Babylon. He made known and also interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream; and many years afterwards, when he was now an old man, amid the alarm and consternation of the terrible night of Belshazzar’s impious feast, he was called in at the instance of the queen- mother (perhaps Nitocris, the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar) to interpret the mysterious handwriting, on the wall. He was rewarded with a purple robe and elevation to the rank of "third ruler." Belshazzar held the place of “second ruler” as associated with his father, Nabonidus, on the throne (5:16). Daniel interpreted the handwriting, and “in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.” The Lion’s Den His fidelity to God exposed him to persecution, and he was cast into a den of lions, but was miraculously delivered; after which Darius issued a decree enjoining reverence for "the God of Daniel" (6:26). He” prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian," whom he probably ‘greatly influenced in the matter of the decree, which put an end to the Captivity (B.C. 536). The time and circumstances of his death are not recorded. He possibly died at Susa, at about eighty-five years of age, where a tomb presumed to be his is also located, the site of which is known as Shush- Daniel. Ezekiel, with whom he was contemporary, mentions him as a pattern of righteousness (14:14, 20) and wisdom (28:3). Those scholars that consider the Daniel of the Book of Daniel as unhistorical, usually contend that Ezekiel meant another figure that is now forgotten, and that the author of the Book of Daniel took up this clue from Ezekiel to name his alleged prophet, to bind him to the older books of the Bible. [3] Biographical Data Worksheet My Prophet is: Background (biographical) information on this Prophet: How God called this prophet: How God used this prophet: What we can learn from this prophet: ‘Something from this reading we want to know more about:

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