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Linking Sounds


Blending is when one sound moves into another smoothly. It works particularly
well for continuous consonants.

An example of this would be "this morning" where the "s" from "this" and the
"m" from morning blend together.

Overlapping sounds

When sounds next to each other overlap one another it can change the way
one or both of these sounds sound. Overlapping sounds are also called

One of the ways this happens is something called nasal aspiration. This is
where the flap in the back of the mouth is closed for "d" sounds but then opens
for an "n" sound but the tongue stays in the same place.

An example of this would be "the girl did nothing wrong."

This would allow the flap to stay closed for the d and open for the n. It would
stop air at the d but release it again at the d sound.

There is also something called lateral aspiration which links "d" and "l". The d
would be said normally but the l would release the tongue.

An example of this would be "red light".

Other examples include: good news → goodnews and bad luck → badluck
Changing sounds

Sometimes rather than sounds merging or altering due to different letters, this
linking sound merges sounds into a totally new sound. This happens when
either d or t come before y.

For example, "won't you", uses assimilation to make a different sound. The "t"
and the "y" create a "ch" sound, that makes the phrase sound like "wonchu".

Adding sounds

Sometimes an additional sound is placed between others. When trying to

pronounce vowels clearly, sometimes adding a "w" or a "y" sound can help.

For example, you might add a small y sound between two vowels such as "she
asked". This adds the y between a 'long e 'and 'a short' a so both vowel sounds
can be fully pronounced.

Double sounds

Double sounds happen when a word finishes with a consonant and the next
letter begins with the same one. These double consonants link by pronouncing
one single sound but extending how long it is said for.

For example, "spring garden" uses an elongated g that is then released going
into the word "garden".
Stopping holding and releasing signals the pronunciation of both sounds.

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