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Unit 2: Working with Text and Numbers Compiled by: Er. Krishna Khadka Text * When they are used in computer programs, pieces of text are called strings. * This is because they consist of individual items, combined together. * Strings can contain letters, numbers, punctuation, spaces, tabs or any other characters. * Some examples of strings are “It is too hot, what is your name?” Defining Text Strings * There are a few ways to indicate a string in PHP program. The simplest is to surround the string with single quotes: Print ‘It is too hot. Print ‘chicken’; Print ‘01234’; * Output of above line is: It is too hot.chicken01234 * “are delimiters, which tells the PHP engine where the start and end of the string is. * You can also delimit strings with double quotes. *The major difference between single quoted and double quoted strings is that when you include variable names inside a double quoted string, the value of the variable is substituted into the string, which doesn’t happen with single quoted strings. * For example: Suser holds the value students, then ‘hello Suser’ is just that: hello Suser. However, “hello Suser” is hello students. example "; hello students 3 echo"hello Suser"; ?> exam ple To combine two strings, use a . (period), the string concatenation operator. Here Z , are some combined strings: "; Print "It’s a beautiful day" . "in the neighborhood."; echo"
"; Print "The price is:" . '230'; Print ‘hi’. 'hello' . 'bye'; > o/p breadfruit It’s a beautiful dayin the neighborhood. The price is:230hihellobye Escape sequence/character. * If you want to include a single quote inside a string surrounded with single quotes, put a backslash (\) before the single quote inside the string. * The backslash tells the PHP engine to treat the following character as a literal single quote instead of the single quote that means “end of string.” * This is called escaping, and the backslash is called the escape character. * An escape character tells the system to do something special with the character that comes after it. * Inside a single-quoted string, a single quote usually means “end of string.” Preceding the single quote with a backslash changes its meaning to a literal single quote character. Defining strings with backslash o/p <2php, : eo We'll each have a bow! of soup. ‘Well each have a bowl of scup. Variables * Variables hold the data that your program manipulates while it runs, such as user information that you’ve loaded from a database or entries that have been typed into an HTML form. * In PHP, variables are denoted by a (dollar sign) $ followed by the variable’s name. * To assign a value to a variable, use an equals sign (=). This is known as the assignment operator. * Syntax of declaring a variable in PHP is given below: Svariablename=value; * Example Variable names may only include: * Uppercase or lowercase Basic Latin letters (A-Z and a-z) * Digits (0-9) * Underscore (_) * Any non-Basic Latin character (such as ¢ ), if you’re using a character encoding such as UTF-8 for your program file * Additionally, the first character of a variable name is not allowed to be a digit. Following Table lists some allowable variable names * Variable names are case-sensitive. * This means that variables named $dinner, $Dinner, and $DINNER are separate and distinct Sor) SdrinkSize $SUPER_BIG_DRINK a: a a Rs Te CoP STEVIA) 4 * earlier were the list of some allowed variable names: NUE Rar Tut iret Tih Lara $ RYT PT ior aoe iTS) Begins with a number Unacceptable character: - Unacceptable characters: @ and. Unacceptable character: ! Unacceptable character: + Krichna Khadka + Earlier were the list of some disallowed variable names and reason Manipulating Text * PHP has a number of built-in functions that are useful when working with strings. * The most useful two common tasks: validation & formatting. Validating Strings * Validation is the process of checking that input coming from an external source conforms to an expected format or meaning. * It’s making sure that a user really entered a zip code in the “zip code” box of a form or a reasonable email address in the appropriate place. * strlen()- which tells the length of a string, * rtrim()- Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from the right side of a string * Itrim() - Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from the left side of a string trim() - Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from both sides of a string Syntax: * trim(variable name or strings) * Itrim(variable name or strings) * rtrim(variable name or strings) * strlen(variable name or strings) *To compare strings without paying attention to case, use strcasecmp(). * It compares two strings while ignoring differences in capitalization. *lf the two strings you provide to strcasecmp() are the same independent of any differences between upper- and lowercase letters, it returns 0. * The strcmp() function is used to compare the strings without ignoring the differences in capitalization. * Syntax: * strcasecmp(string1, string2) * stremp(string1, string2) example: $zipcode=trim($_POST[‘zipcode’]); $zip_length=strlen(Szipcode); If(Szip_length !=5) { Print “please enter a zip code that is 5 character long.”; } //To compare two strings, use the equal operator (==),as shown below: If (S_POST[‘email’]==’’) { The print statement will run only if the submitted form parameter email is the all-lowercase When comparing string with ==, i} case is important. The string is not the same as or Print “welcome”; *To compare string without paying attention to case, use strcasecmp(). It returns 0 if both strings are same. if(strcasecmp($_POST[‘email’], ‘’)==0) { Print “welcome”; } * The ucwords() function uppercases the first letter of each word in a string. * This is useful when combined with strtolower() to produce nicely capitalized names when they are provided to you in all uppercase. * The strtoupper() converts the string into uppercase. * The substr() function, you can extract just part of a string. * The three arguments to substr() are the string to work with, the starting position of the substring to extract, and the number of bytes to extract. * The beginning of the string is position 0, not 1. * When you give substr() a negative number for a start position, it counts back from the end of the string to figure out where to start. * Astart position of -4 means “start four bytes from the end.” * The str_replace() function changes parts of a string. It looks for a substring and replaces the substring with a new string Syntax: * ucwords(string) * strtolower(string) * strtoupper(string) * substr(string,start,length) * str_replace(find,replace,string) Some examples > ofp Hello World ofp hello world. krishna Khadka 23 o/p HELLO WORLD! krishna Khadka > o/p "5 echo substr("Hello world",1)."
"; echo substr(“Hello world”,3)."
"3 echo substr(“Hello world",7)."
"; echo “
"5 // Negative numbers: echo substr("Hello world”,-1)."
"5 echo substr(“Hello world™,-10) echo substr("Hello world",-8). echo substr("Hello world" ,-4)."
> krishna Khadka ofp llo w ello world lo world orld d ello world lo world orld Formatting text * The printf() function give more control compared to print(), how the output looks. * Example ofp The dish costs $110,000 * The format string rules begin with % and then have some optional modifiers that affect what the rule does: * A padding character: If the string that is replacing the format rule is too short, this is used to pad it. * A sign: For numbers, a plus sign (+) makes printf() put a + before positive numbers(normally, they are printed without a sign) * Aminimum width: This specifies the minimum size that the value replacing the format rule should be. * Period & a precision number: -For floating point number this controls how many digits go after the decimal point. Zero-padding with printf() $zip = '6520'; $month = 2; $day = 6; $year = 2007; printf("ZIP is ¥05d and the date is 482d/%02d/%d", $zip, $month, $day, Syear); It prints: ZIP is 06520 and the date is 02/06/2007 Displaying signs with printf() o/p the computer can operate between +40 and -40 degree celsius ‘ More formatting: * Strtolower() * Strtoupper() * Ucwords() function uppercase the first letter of each word in a string. Print ucwords(strtolower(‘COLLEGE OF APPLIED BUSINESS’); 2. strpos() function: This function takes two string arguments and if the second string is present in the first one, it will return the starting position of the string otherwise returns FALSE. Example:The strpos() function is used to search for character Example:- 1 <2php |2 echo strpos("Hello world!", "world"; ES output- 6 Krichna Khadka aa a)strrev() function: This function is used to reverse a string. i Output Idirow olleH krishna Khadka Numbers * Example "; 3638 Print 56.33 0.777433 print "
"; 0 Print 56.383 i print "
"; s Print 0.777433; print “
"; Print 0; print “
"5 Print -324; print "
"; Print 0.00; 2> Krishna Khadka | Using different kinds of Numbers -floating point number -integer number PHP Operators Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. PHP divides the operators in the following groups: = Arithmetic operators = Assignment operators = Comparison operators = Logical operators krishna Khadka Arithmetic Operators * + addition * -Subtraction + / division * *multiplication * ** Exponentiation (for older version use, pow() function) * % modulus division Operating on variable "; Print ‘The total cost is *.$total_cost; Print "
" Print $email_ Address; > Comparison Operators Operand <= >= Example $variable1 == $variable2 $variable1 != $variable2 Svariable1 < Svariable2 Svariable1 > Svariable2 $variable1 <= $variable2 $variable1 >= $variable2 Meaning Has the same value as Is NOT the same value as Less Than Greater Than Less than or equals to Greater than or equals to krishna Khadka : Assignment operators x+=y x=xt+y K-=y x*=y x=x*y x/=y x=x/y x %=y x=x%y peeeaa nm The left operand gets set to the value of the expression on the right Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus. Logical Operators Operand Example aa $variable1 && Svariable2 I $variable1 | | Svariable2 AND $variable1 AND Svariable2 XOR $variable1 XOR $variable2 OR $variable1 OR $variable2 ! !$variable1 Meaning Are both values true? Is at least one value true? Are both values true? Is at least one value true, but NOT both? Is at least one value true? Is NOT something krishna Khadka * End of unit 2

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