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Cool Mantras

1. Money is an idea. More money doesnt guarantee success. 2. Wealth is not the currency. Money represents the technical know how, reputation in the market, positive habits, strong motivation, life enhancing habits etc. 3. Positive thoughts are important, more so positive incantation are important, more so

association with people of positive mind set is important for success. 4. However intimate the relationship you have developed, it cant create or break you; you mind

set, principals and habits break or make you. 5. Happiness is an Art. JIM ROAN Motivational Speaker


Disassociate with negative minded people; they sow weeds that destroy the beautiful garden

of your brain chemistry; though however important or intimate people they are in your life.


Limited association with the people of wrong traits and destroying habits, however important

they are in you daily lives. 8. Expanded association with positive mindset people and with positive traits and look and

search for them. 9. Destroy the guilt with positive incantation.

10. Its great that someone left me; I can make room for someone else. 11. The relationship is wrong that drains your energy; however intimate it is. 12. Meditation, exercise, reading books gives you greater benefit in long run though it might not

look comfortable initially. 13. Model the successful people and you will become the one. Model their internal patterns and physiology. 14. Successful Physiology guides you to the success. 15. 16. Action is important not the knowledge. Pain and pleasure principal can be used to change the internal patterns that guides us for

certain action and behaviour. 17. 18. 19. People are not wrong, its their behavioural traits. Respond intelligently even to an unintelligent treatment. You are not right always.

20. Take the criticism positively. 21. Show the friendly attitude rather than criticising. 22. 23. Avoid needless worry over trifling matters. Do not talk when you are listening.

24. 25. 26. 27.

Keep your words soft and arguments hard. Remember the power of prayer. Be the most honest person you know. We dont laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh.

28. 29.

Sleep less, spend less. Read a book of your choice.

30. Express emotions. 31. Give time to yourself. 32. Lower down the volume of unhelpful taking inside mind and see the pictures fade away of unhelpful imagination. 33. increase the volume of positive self talk, saying I am genius. Inside you mind and make motion picture of the confident you.

34. Take 100% responsibility of your present. 35. Do little things of kindness. 36. Feel good. 37. Have gratitude mindset for the life your are living. 38. Avoid instant gratification. 39. Be selfish for your improvement. 40. Dream big.

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