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The Giver – Chapter 12 and 13 Worksheet

By Lois Lowry
p.p. 72-87

Chapter 12

1. Vocabulary:

Admonition: _____________________________________________________

Fretful: _________________________________________________________

Exhilarating: _____________________________________________________

2. Why does Jonas not really find it a problem to avoid discussing his training?



3. What was Fiona’s experience of her first day of training?



4. What do you think about the use of a wand as punishment in the house of the Old?



5. First the apple, now Jonas sees it in the sled and Fiona’s hair. What is he

beginning to see, specifically?



6. How does this society make everyone the same? What does the Giver say that

must frustrate them?



7. What does Jonas learn about all of the colours? When was colour lost?



8. In creating “Sameness”, why take out colour? Suggest a few reasons, particularly

to with what is mentioned in the chapter.



Chapter 13

1. Vocabulary:

Vibrance: ______________________________________________________

Sinuous: _______________________________________________________

2. What does Jonas mean when he says it isn’t fair that there are no colours?



3. What is the reasoning behind not letting people make choices of their own?

Do you agree? Explain.



4. Jonas said that it would be scary to have people choose their own jobs, yet

feels frustrated that his peers are quite happy ‘settling’ with their roles. What
is Jonas’ problem?



5. What things upset Jonas about the elephant memory? what would be hardest

part about receiving these memories? Why do this?



6. On two occasions Jonas tried to convey memories or images to others, but

fails. Why do you think this is?



7. What happens to parents when their children are fully grown?



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