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Philippine Journal of Science

151 (5): 1605-1621, October 2022

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: 20 Jan 2022

Occurrence and Distribution of Philippine Warty Pig

(Sus philippensis Nehring, 1886) in Mt. Banahaw
de Tayabas, Luzon Island, Philippines

Al John C. Cabanas1*, Anna Pauline O. de Guia2, Renato S.A. Vega3,

and Judeline C. Dimalibot2

1Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department,

Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines
2Animal Biology Division, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
College, Laguna, Philippines
3College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines
Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines

This study determined the occurrence and distribution of Philippine warty pig (Sus philippensis)
in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas using camera trapping and indirect signs. The Philippine warty pig is
an endemic species of wild pig in the Philippines and is currently listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN
Red List because of the presence of several threats such as hunting, habitat fragmentation, and
the current outbreak of African swine fever (ASF). Camera trap stations were established with
10 camera traps functioning 24 h for 17 d along different elevations. Different species distribution
models (BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, and MAXENT) were constructed using 19 bioclimatic predictors
to determine the potential distribution of the species in Mt. Banahaw. Results from three different
SDMs suggested that Philippine warty pigs prefer to occupy secondary growth forests, as a high
probability of occurrence was observed within 600–800 m above sea level (masl). Models also
predicted that Philippine warty pigs occupy large portions of Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas, although
sparsely in the extreme southern and northern sections of the mountain. The most reliable model
that predicted the distribution of the species was MAXENT, as it acquired the highest area under
curve (AUC) among the three SDMs. This study confirmed the presence of Philippine warty pigs
in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas and its preferred habitat. The data and information generated here
will be useful for the local community’s plans in conserving and managing this endemic species.
Additional recommendations also include investigating the population size within and outside
the protected area and establishing baseline data to assess the impact of ASF.

Keywords: camera traps, distribution, habitat, species distribution model

INTRODUCTION with divisions associated with the major faunal regions

of late Pleistocene aggregate island complexes (Oliver
The Philippines is home to four endemic species of wild 1995). The Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons) is found in
pigs, which is greater than any other country, next to the islands of Visayas that includes Panay, Negros, and
Indonesia. Their distribution follows predictable lines Cebu. Endemic to the islands of Mindoro is the Oliver's
warty pig (S. oliveri), whereas the Palawan bearded pig
*Corresponding author:
(S. ahoenobarbus) can only be found in the islands of

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Palawan and associated islands. The two subspecies of the municipalities of Laguna and Quezon. Mt. Banahaw is a
Philippine warty pig (S. philippensis) are found in Luzon protected area for a vast number of Philippine endemics,
(S. philippensis philippensis) and Mindanao faunal regions making this an ideal site to conduct biodiversity studies.
(S. philippensis mindanensis). Data gathered in this study will serve as important baseline
information, which focuses on the distribution and ecology
Philippine warty pigs (S. philippensis) are large-sized of the Philippine warty pig (S. philippensis) in the region,
mammals that play an important role as ecosystem and will be beneficial in assessing current threats of ASF
engineers. According to Jones et al. (1997), ecosystem in the Philippine wild pig population, as all four known
engineering by organisms is the physical modification or species of Philippine wild pigs are at risk of ASF (Luskin
creation of habitat. Pigs control the growth of wild plants, et al. 2020).
act as seed dispersers, modify the structure of the soil,
and help establish pioneer plants. The feeding activities
of wild boars strongly influence the structure and function
of forested ecosystems (Focardi et al. 2008; Hone 2002).
Despite their ecological importance, little is known about
the ecology, behavior, and distribution of S. philippensis, Study Site
and their presence or absence on many islands in the Mt. Banahaw is an active volcano that rises steeply to 2,177
Philippines is still unsettled (Oliver and Heaney 2017). As m. The study was conducted at 500–1500 masl of Mt.
forest-associated species, one indicator used to infer their Banahaw de Tayabas. It is characterized as having a rough
presence is the extent of remaining forests where their terrain and moderate to steep slopes. Types of forest include
populations may still occur. The Philippine warty pig's lowland dipterocarp on the lower slopes, as well as montane
population is expected to be decreasing in most parts of and mossy types of forest above 900 masl. Occupying the
its range where it was formerly common (Meijaard et al. lower slopes are coconut plantations and inter-cropped fruit
2011). These drastic declines are mainly due to over-hunting trees, whereas cultivations are apparent in the surrounding
and poaching, threats of hybridization with free-ranging area (Birdlife Data Zone 2001). The sites were selected
domestic and feral pigs, and habitat loss and fragmentation during reconnaissance surveys in February and March
(Oliver and Heaney 2017; Scheffers et al. 2012; Meijaard et 2018. Local knowledge, particularly from former hunters,
al. 2011; Griffin and Griffin 2000; Oliver 1995). The topic was considered in determining locations where the species
of human-wildlife conflict, crop-raiding, and communities’ are usually observed. Anecdotal information from the local
attitudes towards pigs will be discussed elsewhere [Cabanas community was also obtained in selecting the study sites.
et al. (in prep.)]. The Philippine warty pig is currently The distance of the sampling site from the community was
listed as Vulnerable in the International Union for the approximately 5 km.
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List (Oliver and
Heaney 2017) and in the Department of Environment and
Camera Trapping
Natural Resources (DENR) administrative orders (DENR
In determining the occurrence of wild pigs in Mt. Banahaw
2019) of the Philippine Wildlife Act (DENR-BMB 2019).
de Tayabas, the study was conducted during the months of
The recent outbreaks of ASF also pose a significant threat
October and November 2018, which coincided with the
to endemic pig species in the country (Luskin et al. 2020).
wet or rainy season in Quezon Province (June–November)
ASF outbreak was first recorded in August 2019 in the
according to the Modified Corona's Classification of
Philippines (BAI 2019) and since then, ASF has been
Climate (Lantican 2001).
spreading throughout the country. Several mass mortalities
are likely to occur once ASF spreads among wild pig Camera stations (Figure 1a) were selected based on
populations, as reported for the Borneo population of reconnaissance information, accessibility of the terrain,
Sunda bearded pigs (Sus barbatus) (Ewers et al. 2021). and indigenous knowledge of former hunters. A total of 10
It is, therefore, essential to conduct regular monitoring of camera traps (Browning Dark Ops HD Pro) were deployed
Philippine wild pig populations. The Philippines has the for 17 days covering different elevations and forest types.
highest annual forest loss of all Southeast Asian countries Camera traps were set to function for 24 h. Deployed
with 2.8% forest loss per year, and most of the forests in camera traps functioned effectively and were able to
the Philippines are secondary and degraded (Stibig et al. capture different species of wildlife – including the target
2007). The objective of this study was to determine the species, the Philippine warty pig. A 20 m x 20 m plot was
occurrence and distribution, as well as infer the habitat established at each camera trap station, making the camera
preferences, of the Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw trap the center point of each plot. Used wallows and tracks
de Tayabas. With a total land area of 11,133 hectares, the (Figure 1b) identified by former hunters were noted and
Mt. Banahaw Protected Landscape covers a total of nine documented to plot the distribution of the species.

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Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 1a. Camera trap locations in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas. Heat map denotes the elevation of camera trap locations.

Figure 1b. Traces (used wallows and tracks) of Philippine warty pig identified by former hunters and gatherers.

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Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Habitat Assessment combined to come up with the model average. We

For this study, we used the habitat description data sheet utilized three models to arrive at more conclusive results
for the Southeast Asian Mammal Project by Heaney and compare the outputs of the single different models
(1986) to assess the habitat of each camera trap location using AUC. AUC is a threshold independent measure of
(N = 10). Using a 20 m x 20 m plot, we gathered predictive accuracy. It is construed as the probability that a
information on leaf litter cover, humus cover, presence of randomly selected presence location is ranked higher than
moss, height of emergent trees, diameter at breast height a randomly chosen background point (Merow et al. 2013).
(DBH) of canopy trees, distance to the nearest water,
presence of Pandan, canopy cover, distance to clearing, Nineteen (19) bioclimatic variables in raster format
presence of Ficus, presence of other fruit trees, presence of were downloaded from WorldClim–Global Climate
disturbance, and presence of Musa. Results obtained were Database ( These data are
used to determine the occurrence of the Philippine warty a set of climate layers representing information related
pig in the area and to characterize each habitat of camera to temperature and precipitation (Hijmans and Graham
trap stations using principal component analysis (PCA). 2006). Using the boundary shapefile of Mt. Banahaw as
mask, the data layers from the WorldClim v.2.0 raster file
were then clipped to cover only the area of interest, as
Data Analysis these layers are presented on a global scale.
In order to examine whether environmental factors predict
the occurrence of the Philippine warty pig, we selected All prepared climatic and location files were then entered
variables to construct a plot from the habitat data. PCA in the machine algorithm – BIOCLIM, DOMAIN,
examines associations between variables, summarizing and MAXENT (v.3.4.1) – along with landcover data.
them into components (Vernes 2003). A total of 13 The resulting raster (ASC) file containing the modeled
variables (Heaney 1986) were recorded to characterize distribution for S. philippensis was projected in QGIS
the habitat on each camera trap station. (v.3.0 Girona), along with a shapefile from ArcGIS
containing habitat types identified in Mt. Banahaw and a
To examine how the different habitat variables relate to shapefile of the broad habitat types.
the occurrence of warty pigs (camera trap captures, foot
tracks, and wallows), we used a generalized linear model
(GLM) function. Following the method of Burnham
and Anderson (2002), the “best” model was selected by RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
comparing the full models with null models that dropped
one or more predictor variables with the selection criteria
Habitat Characterization
based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC).
The PCA (Figure 2) presented different environmental
To determine the potential distribution of S. philippensis, variables that characterized the different habitat types of
three SDMs were constructed using all signs of pigs the camera trap locations. High leaf litter, for instance,
– which include camera trap photos, tracks, and used can be found in the upper montane forest (UP), which
wallows identified by local hunters. Distribution models also recorded significant number of mosses. Habitat
have become a significant tool for reserve selection, as characteristics of UP are related to the mid-montane
well as survey design and management of rare species forest (MM) variables, which was further characterized
(Carpenter et al. 1993). by having greater DBH of trees, presence of Pandanus,
and closed canopy cover. PCA also showed that secondary
SDMs, also known as ecological niche models, use growth (SG) and plantation (P) are relatively related to
environment data for sites of occurrence or presence of each other in terms of habitat types. This was confirmed
a species to predict a response variable for a site where by the presence of fruit trees (e.g. Ficus, Musa) and
the environmental circumstances are appropriate for significant distance to anthropological clearings being
that species to continue thriving or most likely to occur present in both types of forests.
(Araujo and Peterson 2012). Models that determine
species population distribution range and abundance are Wetter conditions provide an abundance of food, whereas
a substantial tools in ecology by offering key evidence hot and dry climates hinder such abundance (Klein
for decision-making practices on conservation and 1965; Mattson 1980; Guthrie 1984). The most important
biodiversity management (Guisan and Zimmermann factors shaping wild boar density and distribution in the
2000). This study utilized three ecological niche models environment are food, shelter, and water (Fernández-
– namely, BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, and MAXENT. These Llario et al. 2003). Following the results of the study, we
three SDMs are widely used in academic research and suspect that the effects of precipitation and temperature on
species conservation. The results of these models were the availability of root crops are probably the key factors

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Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 2. Principal components of habitat on different elevations (MM – mid-montane, P – plantation, SG – secondary growth, TF – tropical
forest, and UP – upper montane).

in determining the potential distribution of Philippine pairs of warts and gonial hair tufts (Meijaard et al. 2011).
warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas. In the study of
Caruso et al. (2018), habitat use of wild boar in Argentina
Habitat Preferences of Philippine Warty Pig in Mt.
was mainly confined to forest or forest edges and they
Banahaw de Tayabas
frequently occurred near natural habitats. While wild boars
Box plots (Figure 4) show the occurrence (n = 8) of
often use forests and shrublands, Fonseca (2007) reported
Philippine warty pigs based on their camera trap captures
that the species is able to use open areas but prefer trees
and indirect signs such as foot tracks and used wallows
or bush covers for shelter. Wild boars are more abundant
located within the 20 m x 20 m plots. Box plots for canopy
in old mature deciduous forests and locations where high
cover (A) show that they were mostly present in an open
food and landscape diversity is accessible (Acevedo et al.
canopy than a closed one. Moreover, traces revealed
2006). The availability of water restricts its density and
that they were found to thrive in areas that were in close
scope in hot dry climates (Abaigar et al. 1994; Massei
proximity to clearings such as plantations (B). For the
et al. 1997).
height of emergence (C), the species were mostly present
where emergents were shorter (D). Philippine warty pigs
Occurrence of Philippine Warty Pigs in Mt. also moved in areas where the trees have smaller DBH.
Banahaw de Tayabas They were also found to exist in areas abundant with fruit
After 17 camera trap days, only one camera trap station trees (E). Traces of the species indicate they occupy areas
was able to capture the target species (Figure 3). A total of Musa sp. plantation (F). The last box plot shows that
of three captures of S. philippensis representing five the species prefer habitats with easy access to water since
individuals was recorded: two solitary adults and an most of the tracks were observed in areas near streams (G).
adult female with two young. These captures are the first
photo records of Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw.
Generalized Linear Model
Sus philippensis’ unique morphological characteristics
The AIC (Akaike 1973) is presented on Table 1. Based
consist of usually black with grey-colored fur and a pale
on the AIC values, Model 5 (full model) is the “best‟
snout band. A long full crown tuft and nuchal mane extend
model for pig presence prediction. The logistic regression
along the back male S. philippensis. Males also have two
coefficients gave the change in the log odds of the outcome

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 3. Philippine warty pig (S. philippensis) caught by camera trapping in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas.

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Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 4. Box plots of occurrence of Philippine warty pig with each habitat variable in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas: [A] canopy
cover, [B] distance to clearing, [C] height of emergence, [D] DBH of trees, [E] presence of fruit trees, [F] presence
of Musa, and [G] distance to nearest water source.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Table 1. AIC, model selection based on AIC (summary of values based on the outputs).
Model Intercept VegPL VegSG VegTF VegUP Musa Canopy Dist. Dist. Null de- Residual AIC
Water clearing viance deviance
PigPres -20.24086 13.36451 16.86753 -1.1378 -23.833 0.09088 -0.0748 -0.03164 0.0573 209.09 138.08 156.08
~ Veg +
Musa +
cover +
+ Clear.

PigPres -24.26971 16.52108 17.50483 -0.8071 -22.883 0.10084 -0.03132 0.0541 209.09 140.50 156.5
~ Veg +
+ Musa +

PigPres -13.977816 2.827558 8.288746 2.21297 -7.8936 0.13159 0.0210 209.09 145.25 159.25
~ Veg +
+ Musa

PigPres -3.46574 -5.25144 0.84512 2.21297 2.61844 0.10756 209.09 152.21 164.21
~ Veg +

PigPres ~ -1.78165 0.02469 209.09 188.54 192.54


for a one unit increase in the predictor variable. The table results concur with this study and further indicate that the
shows that for every one-unit change in Musa, the log combined presence of food, water, and cover encapsulated
odds of pig presence increase by 0.09088 and for a one as elements of habitat had a positive relationship with the
unit increase in canopy cover, the log odds of pig presence distribution of wild pigs in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas. In the
decrease by 0.07482. study of Danilov and Pachenko (2012), results showed that
wild boar and feral pigs in Russia used a range of natural
For categorical variables, results show that plantation (VegP) and anthropogenic habitats to access either food or cover.
and secondary growth (VegSG) (positive coefficients) are Moreover, in terms of distance to the nearest water, the
more likely to have a higher presence/occurrence of warty probability of pig occurrence decreased with an increasing
pigs than mid-montane (VegMM), whereas tropical forest average distance to water (McClure et al. 2015).
(VegTF) and upper montane (VegUP) are less likely to
have a higher presence/occurrence of pigs than mid- Our data show that as the elevation increases, the indices
montane (VegMM) (negative coefficients). The individual of presence of the species decreases (Figure 5). Plots of
components of habitat types had different influences on the Camera Station 1 up to Camera Station 5 recorded the
occurrence of the warty pigs. lowest number of tracks of Philippine warty pigs. The
elevations that recorded the greatest number of tracks were
Wild boars are much more active under moist conditions. within 600–800 masl. Numerous tracks were also recorded
Grounds are easier to root, given the right amount of in the plantation area. Results of this research follow the
moisture (Lemel et al. 2003; Welander 2000). Nest sites, previous study of Blouch (1984), wherein he discovered
therefore, are constantly situated in close proximity to the pockets of Javan warty pig (S. verrucosus) at 600–800
water (Dardaillon 1986; Fernández-Llario 2004). Water masl at Mt. Penanggungan in Indonesia. In Mt. Argapura
availability and temperature are two significant features in Surabaya, S. verrucosus was found thriving at 500–800
that can play an important role in the abundance and masl. The preferred habitat for S. verrucosus was found
distribution of wild boar (Cuevas et al. 2013). to be extensive areas of lowland secondary vegetation,
Studies in other countries found that Sulawesi warty particularly teak (Tectona grandis) plantations and stretch
pigs (S. celebensis) (NRC 1983; Mustari 2009) feed on a of Imperata cylindrica grassland, both scattered with
wide range of diet, which includes roots, foliage, fallen brush and forest clumps.
fruits (Corypha sp., Arenga pinata, Ficus sp.) as they
visit these plantation areas during fruiting season. Our Modeling the Distribution of Philippine Warty Pig

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution of
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 5. Distribution of traces such as footprints and wallows of Philippine warty pig plotted on different habitat gradients in Mt. Banahaw
de Tayabas.

in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas scattered than the model output of BIOCLIM (Figure
SDMs. This study utilized three ecological niche models 7). The yellow markings also imply the potential species
– namely, BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, and MAXENT. These distribution of S. philippensis in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas.
three SDMs are widely used in academic research and Main difference between BIOCLIM and DOMAIN is
species conservation. The results of these models were that the latter considered other portions of the mountain,
combined to come up with the model average. whereas the former did not. Figure also indicates that areas
with high probability of occurrence can be found in the
BIOCLIM. The distribution model ran in BIOCLIM cultivated area. This may be due to considerable presence
generated a mean training AUC of 0.9946. The resulting of food resources such as coconut and root crops.
heat map below shows the probability of the presence of
Philippine warty pig along different habitat types. Yellow MAXENT. The distribution model ran in MAXENT
markings indicate the predicted presence of the species generated a mean training AUC of 0.9962 [maximum
(Figure 6). It shows that S. philippensis is widely present of 1; relevant starting at 0.75, as per Fielding and Bell
in the mixed-secondary agro-forest. Results also show (1997)]. MAXENT predicts that the Philippine warty pigs
that as elevation increases, the possible presence of the occur throughout the Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas, although
Philippine warty pig decreases. sparsely in the extreme southern and northern portions of
the mountain (Figure 8). A relatively high probability of
DOMAIN. The distribution model ran in DOMAIN occurrence was observed at 600–800 masl. The habitat
generated a mean training AUC of 0.9937. It analyzes in the area was characterized as secondary growth forest.
a continuous similarity function for all candidate sites. MAXENT acquired the highest AUC value among the
DOMAIN measures the environmental similarity to the three SDMs, which implies that MAXENT is the better
most similar training position. model for predicting the distribution of the Philippine
The distribution was found to be dispersed and more warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 6. Distribution of Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas using BIOCLIM.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution of
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 7. Distribution of Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas using DOMAIN.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
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Figure 8. Distribution of Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas using MAXENT.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution of
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

Model Average Other Species Recorded

The three SDMs tested generated different distribution Other than Philippine warty pig, camera traps were also
maps using the same 19 bioclimatic variables. The model able to capture photos of other wildlife species (Figure
shown below presents the model average of the three 10). This includes common palm civet (Paradoxurus
SDMs used in the study (Figure 9). philippinensis) (three independent photos). This species
is abundant in the mountain based on the species’ indirect
Among the three ecological niche models used, MAXENT signs along trails (scats) consisting of undigested seeds,
provides the most reliable result and more dependable which they deposit on the ground along the trail. Photos
predictive model. The result agrees well with other of feral cats were also captured in one of the camera trap
studies. In the study of Reiss et al. (2011), results showed stations (two independent photos). Within the elevation of
that MAXENT had better predictive performance, and 1500 masl, this is the first information about their presence
its AUC values are significantly higher than BIOCLIM. in this part of Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas. This poses threats
Elith et al. (2006) also confirmed that MAXENT to many populations of small-medium-sized wildlife of
has significantly higher predictive performance than Mt. Banahaw. Feral cats are known wildlife predators.
BIOCLIM and DOMAIN. Giovanelli et al. (2010) confirm Camera traps deployed at 500-900 masl captured the
that MAXENT is the most precise among four prediction greatest number of species. Captured species also
models (BIOCLIM, SVM, DOMAIN, and MAXENT). include the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis)
Together, these studies stipulate the superior predictive (one independent photo), the southern Luzon cloudrat
precision of MAXENT over other models, and these (Phloeomys cumingii) (one independent photo), and the
include the BIOCLIM and DOMAIN. wild jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) (one independent photo).

Figure 9. Model average on the distribution of Philippine warty pig in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas using the three SDMs.

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 of Philippine Warty Pig

Figure 10. Other wildlife species captured through the camera traps in Mt. Banahaw de
Tayabas: [A] feral cat Felis catus, [B] unidentified owl, [C] wild jungle fowl Gallus gallus, [D] long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis,
[E] unidentified rodent, and [F] common palm civet Paradoxurus philippinensis.

CONCLUSIONS AND and areas near water sources such as streams, areas
RECOMMENDATIONS with fruit trees such as Musa, and area that is closer to
an anthropological clearing. The average from the three
Camera trapping, foot tracks, and wallows verified SDMs predicts that Philippine warty pigs occur throughout
the presence of S. philippensis in Mt. Banahaw with Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas, although sparsely in the extreme
individuals captured at 700 masl. This study also southern and northern portions of the mountain. Hunting
confirmed the species’ preference of secondary growth pressure can often modulate the occurrence of pig species.
forest (600–800 masl). The GLM generated from the Farmers resort to hunting and poaching wild pigs in order
results suggest that S. philippensis prefer plantations to reduce the crop-raiding behavior of the pigs. Hunting

Philippine Journal of Science Cabanas et al.: Occurence and Distribution of
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 Philippine Warty Pig

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