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The Best Day of My Life

Which is important? Health or wealth? Why?

If you had magical powers, what would you do?
Is taking revenge a best solution, why or why not?
Importance of sports and physical exercise
Tell us about your favorite teacher
Movies and books, which is better and why?

If I were invisible for a day, ....

Will technology save or destroy the world? Give reasons.

What does the word “happiness” mean to you?
There is no gain without pain
What are some tips to succeed in life?
How can we preserve our culture and traditions?
Should students who bully others be expelled from the school? Why or Why
Give a speech on waste management

1. When you go shopping, which one is more important for you, price or quality?
Why is child obesity a common issue today?

1. Can we reach our goals without working hard?

What would you do if the world is filled with zombies?
Who is your role model? Why?
My Favourite Animal
Life in town or life in village? Which is better? Why?
If I could be a famous person, who would it be and why?
Importance of Kindness.
How can we protect our nature?
Boarding school or Day school? Which is better? Why?
TikTok, Facebook and Wechat should be banned or should not be banned?
Disadvantages of Substance Abuse.
Love and Compassion is more powerful than Hate
How to celebrate World Environment Day
Disadvantage of overpopulation/increase in population

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