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Format and content of the research proposal The format of the research proposal is set out below.

Diagrams and charts may be added to clarify and illustrate points. a) Background to the problem/issue Explanation of the problem/issue and justification of why it is important, both from an organisational and an academic perspective. b) Research objectives or questions Precisely written and to include observable outcomes which will lead to an analytical piece of research. c) Literature review Demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature by identifying key debates, concepts and theories within the topic area. Discuss how the proposed research relates to the existing literature and how the literature will be utilised to inform the primary research. d) Methodology Justification of research strategy (e.g. qualitative or quantitative) and data collection methods (e.g. use of a questionnaire survey or semi-structured interviews) and why these are suitable to address the students research objectives/questions. Outline of proposed approach to: gaining access to the organisation; sampling; the development of the research instrument (e.g. questionnaire); conducting the survey, interviews etc; data analysis; relevant ethical issues. Students should cite relevant academic sources to show that their choice of method and the detail of their proposed research follow good practice. A list of recommended reading on research methods is at Appendix 2. e) Timescale and resources Action plan that outlines the viability of the proposal. This can take the form of a chart or table setting out the key stages of the research and corresponding target dates. Overall coherence and structure of proposal The proposal should present a coherent account of the proposed research in a report format, with clear links between the problem/issue to be addressed, the research objectives or questions, the literature review and the proposed research method. The proposal should be properly referenced, using the Harvard referencing style in both the text and bibliography. 1

Different institutions apply the Harvard referencing system in slightly different ways; students should follow the University of Wales approach for all assignments, including the research proposal and dissertation.

Length and layout Including quotations, but exclusive of the bibliography and appendices, the assignment must not exceed 3,000 words in length this is an absolute maximum. You are required to state the word count on the front page. You will be penalised if you are over this limit. Appendix 3 sets out the requirements for the layout of the research proposal. Appendix 3. Layout requirements General Text
y Text should be double-spaced using one side of the page only. Font selected should be Times New Roman, Print size 12. Margins at least 3.5cm on the left margin, 2.0 cm on the right margin, 3.0 cm on the top margin, and 2.5 cm on the bottom margin. y Page numbers: Centred at the bottom of the page. Roman Numbers (i, ii.) should be used from the first page (excluding the title page) until the main body of the text where the Introduction commences on page 1. y Justified: both left and right. y Paragraphs: no indentation. Start new paragraph after two returns. y In-text emphasis: Use italics or bold typeface.

y Chapter Headings. Print size 16 in bold typeface, left justified at the top of a new page. All other headings justified and followed by a single line space. y Sub-headings. Print size 14 in bold typeface. Use sub-headings together with a numbering system to giving structure to the work. Ensure that the material below any sub-heading is actually relevant to that sub-heading. If necessary, use a hierarchy of sub-headings to indicate parts within a sub-section.

Quotations: Single line spacing Indented left and right, and justified left and right. Must include author name, date and page number referring to the parent text. Must be preceded and followed by a line space. Tables, figures, etc. Must be numbered according to the chapter (e.g. Table 5.1 means that it is located in Chapter 5 and that it is the first table presented and discussed in this chapter). Must have a title at the top and key (legend) underneath.

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