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What are the most important things we need to do to

make and keep friends?
In this essay I intend to examine the most important aspects to take into account about
an important part of our lives: friendship.

Firstly, to find a real friend is a difficult adventure. Even though there are a lot of people
around you, you have to distinguish between friends and acquaitances. In addition, that's
a difficult point because every friend starts as a person you don't know. Consequently,
telling apart the ones that are reliable from the ones that aren't makes a difference
between getting friends or an annoyance.

Secondly, you have to be a trustworthy person. It's necessary to keep in mind that if
you're not a realiable person, other people won't trust you, so try to tell them always the
truth, keep their secrets...

Last but not least, an important fact to keep your friends is to take care of them: your
relationship is like a plant, it needs to look for it regularly, so don't forget to call or meet
them habitually, at least once a month.

To sum up, I consider making and keeping friends is hard, but without pain there's no
gain, so make an effort.

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