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Risk factors for Cervical cancer include the following except;

a) Multiple sexual partner
b) Early coitarche
c) High risk male partner
d) Family history
e) Smoking

2. The target age group for vaccination in the prevention of cervical cancer is;
a) 9 – 26 years
b) 10 – 12 years
c) 9 – 18 years
d) 6 – 9 years

3. Human papilloma virus vaccines approved by the FDA include the following except;
a) Cervarix
b) Gardasil-4
c) Gardasil-9
d) Pentavalent vaccine

4. All the following are screening methods for Cervical cancer except;
a) Papanicolau smear
b) Visual inspection with Lugol’s iodine
c) Visual inspection with 3-5% acetic acid
d) Visual inspection with magnification (VIM)
e) Endocervical curettage

5. All the following possible abnormalities once Pap smear result brought to the clinic by a 30year
old P4 (4A) with Pap smear screening
a) Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
b) High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
c) Atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance
d) Grade 1A1 Cervical cancer

6. Which of the following is the commonest histological type of Cervical cancer

a) Squamous cell carcinoma
b) Adenocarcinoma
c) Adenosquamous type
d) Small cell types

7. Common cause of death in Cervical cancer include the following except;

a) Uremia
b) Sepsis
c) Anaemia
d) Hydronephrosis

8. A 60year old P6 (6A), 10 years post-menopausal with suspected cervical cancer following
examination under anaesthesia, staging and biopsy, was noticed to be bleeding per vaginum. All
the following are methods of securing hemostasis except;
a) Adrenaline soaked gauze
b) Monsel paste
c) Silver nitrate paste
d) Hemostatic dose of radiotherapy
e) Use of diathermy

9. Digital examination is done before speculum examination in all the following except;
a) Cervical cancer
b) Gynaetresia
c) Vesicovaginal fistula
d) Preterm premature rupture of membrane

10. The following are likely to affect the latency period in Preterm premature rupture of membrane
a) Digital examination
b) Chorioamnionitis
c) Antibiotics
d) Dexamethasone

11. All the following are surgical options for the management of Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
a) Cone biopsy
b) Trachelectomy
c) Loop Electrosurgical Excision of the Transition zone (LEETZ)
d) Hysterectomy
e) Excisional biopsy

12. Ablative therapy is an option in the management of Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Some of
the conditions/criteria for its use include the following except;
a) The transformation zone must be visualized
b) No discrepancy between cytology and histology
c) No evidence of microinvasion of the cervix
d) Availability of colposcopy
e) Availability of a 24hours surgical services
13. A 65year old P5 (5A), 8years postmenopausal was referred to LAUTECH Teaching Hospital with
histology result of invasive squamous cell carcinoma of a sample obtained during examination
under anaesthesia and suspected Stage 3A cervical cancer. Which of the following is the
appropriate modality of management for her;
a) Chemotherapy
b) Radiotherapy
c) Total abdominal hysterectomy
d) Total abdominal hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingooophorectomy
e) Immunotherapy

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