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Possible ideas for FYP (Rhythm Game)

1. A real-time multiplayer rhythm game.

2. Use Procedural Content Generation technique.
3. A script that reads the beatmap file and generate the notes based on the beatmap file.

Real-time multiplayer rhythm game

1. Network architecture needs to be optimized to minimize latency and avoid synchronization

2. Client-server
3. Need to learn either Phyton or Node.js for server framework.
4. Django? It says it is for helping in streamline development.
5. Need to set up server on AWS, Google Cloud and firewalls.

Procedural Content Generation

1. Use an algorithm to automatically generate.
2. Thumper, crypt of the necro dancer
3. Genetic algorithm, Markov chains, Neural Network, Cellular Automata
4. Basically use an algorithm to generate notes based on a given data set.

Beatmap reader and editor

1. To let the game to read the beatmap(a map that contains the data for the note to generate),
I will need a editor first(maybe use other beatmap editor), and use a script that will read and
synchronize the song with the beat.

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