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Michael Cortez 21st Century Mythology 12 December 2010 Summary/Expansion of Shimmer

In the novel, Shimmer by Dallas Reed, Justin, the party's host, doesn't know that the box in his dad's study contains a shimmering dust that has the power to transform all it touches. Emma, the new girl, doesn't know she will spend the next twenty-four hours running for her life through a freezing blizzard. Russ, a local snowboarder, doesn't know that the person he loves most is about to betray him. And Tess, the queen of the school, only knows she wants to see what's in that box. At the end of the book, the box is returned to whence it came and just idles to be found again.

Chapter 37 After several years of the box being sealed off, Leif kerstedt , an independently wealthy Swedish Archaeologist /Anthropologist, found the box symbolic to that of Pandora and it was about to be reopened. As Leif ventured into a seemingly man-made cave, he came across something unexpected. He and his assistant discovered what seemed to resemble a stone box. Leif, said his assistant, John degrd. What do you suppose this is? Im not yet sureit looks as if it is an ancient box similar to that of Albanian construction based on the markings. said Leif Surveying the area then turning to John.

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Well, from where Im standing, it seems to have some sort of phosphoric dust particles which aid in the shimmering, replied John. John brushes some of the dust off and reveals it is made from stone. Its made of stone. How old you suppose it is? questioned John Its too soon to tell. This phosphoric dust may be an advanced form of radiation for all we know, said Leif. Perhaps, maybe we should open it? said John. I think not JohnId rather have it shipped overnight to my lab in Stockholm for further analysis. But Leif, it may contain an important find from the Jastorf culture! That is highly unlikely due to the Jastorf culture being a material culture to the Scandinavian Iron Age in what is now North Germany spanning form the 6th and 1st centuries BC . said Leif Quite correct, however, it is still plausible. said John Later on Leif had John go to have the box shipped to his lab. I must determine what this box contains! said John. As John opens the box, he is surrounded by the contents in the box. As this happens, Leif catches John and quickly closes the box. No! What have you done? This is not to be opened again! commanded Leif I-I-I was justI wanted to see what was in the box myself... John said with some apprehension. As your boss, I should fire you for taking initiative, however, besides the phosphoric dust, what did you find in the box? Leif asked. It-it was empty, replied John.

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As John said that, Leif observed Johns demeanor and tone; trying to determine if is the truth or if he were hiding something more. Well that seems likely...Given the condition of the box and the location, I am not surprised that whatever was in there simply deteriorated. said Leif Pardon, but that would have taken thousands of years. said John As Leif is about to answer John, Emma walks by the lab and notices the gentlemen having a discussion. Hello, you must be the researchers from Sweden, is that correct? Emma asked. Why, yes, we are from Sweden replied Leif. As the two gentlemen replied, Emma looked around. Wow, you have a very nice lab here Emma remarks. It is actually rented; my actual lab is in Stockholm. said Leif. Very interestingOh! Im sorry, my name is Emma. Im Leif kerstedt and this is my assistant John degrd Well, nice to meet you both. said Emma Have you found anything interesting? Actually we have, it was hiding in a cave in the mountains. said Leif. Oh neat, what is it? said Emma in an intrigued tone. It was a gray, stone box with some foreign markings on it which, have yet to be analyzed. said Leif. Oh, well congratulations on your find! Oh, and Welcome to Winter, Colorado Det var ett nje att trffa bde av er Hej d said Emma in a articulate tone. Hej d Wow, a very nice andcosmopolitan girl indeed Said Leif As Emma left their lab, Leif seemed a bit suspicious Get that box to Sweden commanded Leif.

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Right away said John. They said they cant do overnight delivery due to hiemal conditions, however, they can ship it in a few days and will send someone to pick up the box...a courier of some sort. Is that OK? asked John That is fine...just get that box to my lab. said Leif Chapter 38 Emma became a bit concerned and decided to call Russ, a guy who was her friend in high school and was living in Winter at the time of the chaos due to Tess and the box.Emma is at home and decides to call Russ who is at home. Hello? answered Russ. Its Emma, you know those researchers from Europe? As Emma mention them Russ contemplated and remembered that they arrived in the Summer. Yeah, I think ive heard about them. Why? What did they do? asked Russ. I think they found that box. said Emma nervously. What? What box? said Russ. Dont you remember when the people of Winter were under mass chaos because of the box from Justins party? asked Emma You mean when all that animosity and confusion happend because of Tess? said Russ. Yes! She was taken over by whatever was in that box and now, those researchers have found it again. said Emma. Oh man! Oh man! Should we call Justin? said Russ.

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No, no remember after the whole ordeal he and his family moved to Connecticut so, it wouldnt matter to him. Actually, many of the residents of Winter left...It was one weird and very cold winter. said Emma. As Emma waited for a reply she went over to get her yearbook which was when she was in high school her senior year. Alright. You call Betina and ill figure something out. said Russ Ok, but what do i do afterwards? said Emma. Just call her and then I will call you as soon as I figure something out said Russ. Alright said Emma. Emma receives a phone call later on. From looking at the photo ID she answers it. Hey, the only thing that ive come up with is we need to steal the box from the researchers. said Russ. They will eventually figure out that the box is missing! yelled Emma hysterically Its alright! I know a friend who is very good at replicating art and well, anything really. said Russ How can he do that if we dont have a picture let alone, the actual box? said Emma. Well, then I guess we need to get that box. Didnt you take a Swedish class in college? said Russ. Yeah, but only a semester. said Emma. That will do. said Russ. What does my knowing Swedish have to do with anything? said Emma. Foreigners cant resist when they hear their native language said Russ. So? said Emma.

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So, they will be distracted! Just speak some Swedish when we visit their lab so I can take the box. Okay? said Russ. Oh! I get it. But, do you really think they will leave the box sitting out in the open? Oh my gosh! screamed Emma What?! What is it? replied Russ with a confused expression on his face When I called Betina, she said that they were going to have the boxed shipped to Sweden. replied Emma What? How does she know? and why Sweden? Questioned Russ She said she had her friend who works in the same department of the Institute spy on them and thats what she heard them say. Theyre probably shipping it to Sweden because Leif has his lab in Stockholm. replied Emma I dont like this one bit...we cant let that box leave the country let alone Winter! Who knows what they would do with it. said Russ Alright...I will call you in the morning and we will get with the plan. said Emma do that while I Google this guy and create a dossier. said Russ frantically OK! Bye remarked Emma Early next morning, Emmas phone rings. Hello, this is Emma. Ok, so I figured out who this Leif guy is and apparently he is one of the most wealthy and powerful men of Sweden said Russ Ok, so? Sweden is a small country...being affluent and having influence doesnt go very far in a small country like Sweden. replied Emma

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He has like trillions in the bank plus, he has very good relations with our political icons. replied Russ. I know who he is.. replied Emma sharply Then, if we mess with a guy like that he would probably sue us and declare us terrorist to lets say to the SecDef! said Russ Perhaps... Im going to the lab to see what theyre up to. replied Emma hastley Then im coming too! said Russ No! Because then they may figure something is up! replied Emma cogently Alright... Just be careful...I dont trust them one bit. said Russ

Chapter 39 Mr. kerstedt and Mr. degrd, my boss sent me all the way down here to see if you need any assistance said Emma cunningly Why yes, but have you had any experience inspecting Bones? asked Leif Bones are what Emma fearedsince she was a Law student she had no prior experience. Afraid not replied Emma seeming sad Very well. Then, I dont need you. Another question, what do you do here? asked Leif What do I do? I-I work in the Biological Warfare department. replied Emma hoping they would believe her and not see right through her Ah, then perhaps you can assist Mr. degrd in examining our new find to determine if it is radioactivity? asked Leif Emma with a shocked expression replied W-w-why, yes of course!

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Go get the box from the valt! commanded Leif Right away! replied John so thats where they keep it! Thought Emma Here it is said John There it isStill looked the same as it did when I first saw it at that partyand it has that shimmering dust on it Thought Emma What is that shiny stuff on it? asked Emma who already knew the answer Were not yet surewe were hoping you could tell us. said John Why would I be able to tell you? asked Emma You are the biological warfare studentare you not? asked John Yes, its just Ive never seen any chemical or powder that is shiny. Said Emma Ah, yes, even our scientist were puzzled. said John jokingly How did they analyze it? asked Emma Knowing the possibilities to her question but was just attempting to distract and stall. We had a conference with them over the webcam on the computer and we also sent them samples. replied John Oh, very interesting. So, what do you think is in the box? asked Emma already know what was in there We dont yet know. Replied John Emma about to open the box was quickly stopped by John Do not open the box! Just analyze the exterior! yelled John Ok said Emma frightened As Emma just analyzed the outside of the box, John observed her.

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I dont believe youre what you say you are said John Huh? Why do you say that? asked Emma as she looked for an exit Because according to the University here in Winter, you got a masters in Law not Biological Warfare. Emma raced toward the cold window with the box and as she drew near, Russ was out waiting and helplessly she tossed it out and he came and got it. Run! shrieked Emma Then, all of a sudden, Emma was goneshe was locked in a room awaiting for the investigator. Chapter 40 After seeing Emma being taken, Russ decided to get rid of the box once and for all and then deal with Emmas ordeal. As Russ went back up the mountain, he found the cave but decided to not just leave it there; he looked for a hole to toss it into and had no luck. He searched and searched and was about to give up when he decided to make a hole. As he was digging, he found another box but this one was made of diamond and had blue dust on it. He opened the box and out came the chaos.TO BE CONTINUTED.

Reflection I didnt really change the ending, but more so expanded it. I wanted my creativity and imagination to shine through. I extended my novel to make it more interesting and sort of create a more modern take as in, in the original novel the kids were in high school but in this extension,

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they are grown up and you get to see how Ive made them different and what new obstacles they must face. What my extension provided that the original was lacking is my own creativity. It tells when the kids are grown rather than in high school and how Ive made their character a little different. What I found challenging about this project was honestly the time frame in which I was given and also, I wasnt all that sure of how to format the expansion and how to establish the background information between dialogues. Am I happy with my final result? No, I mean I am in sense of getting my plot and characters across, but as most people know, writing can always be improved not matter how good of a writer you are but generally speaking, yeah I suppose I am. I just need to work on understanding how to format and establish the background and descriptions between the dialogues.

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