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FEE UP ABATE a i | AEE 10298098 REAM 10 TEST 2 RMT HRS RAS Wi 204 Charlie Maia vrek Mao J (Et, Wahi Pee TAD et dy ReRL IL Assi 5 ASU TERE LAE, 8 AC JT LF AURIN—AWENT. NT ORB TBR AB UP FAIA Sorat MBSA SBE, TROP AIL, OAR A 7B UP BABA SP F DLR Ral. CHE RNLUALEBOBAASVUAEH Se OE UD, MAT, BS, EA, BAAS ) PUBS ARN —X RIGS IH A AS ES PtH. RRO: BAAR AA HT IE NK RET ARES EMT MBS, JEL OR KZGR ACE. WUE ROB BR, eR RELIEF iE RAO AE AT A eT ATT SHE. HRA 1029809890 (ERA) . BA FLFR RHEE AD SAS KER, TALIS EB EPREMA, RRB OBELURS PEK. BK @rues manne 1029809890 FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a LISTENING Section 1 Girl: Right, Bob. Uh, I’m sorry this isn’t the normal way to start a new job, but as I told you over the phone, I wanted you to come in this evening to help get the shop reorganized before tomorrow. Boy: No problem. Girl: You'd better take out a few notes of what I’d like you to do. Boy: OK. Girl: Now, if you come over here to the entrance from the street you can get the complete picture. As»you Gan see we sell the usual range of electronic goods like televisions and. yideo recorders, and also CDs, DYDsyete., but we gonna start selling keyboards too, Boy: There doesn’t seem to be any room at all. Girl: There certainly isn’t much so we need to make space for them. They can go to the right of this door on those shelves against the wall but not beside the CDs. They'll be by the window so people will be able to see them from the street. FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Boy: Right. Girl: Then I want all the DVDs, videos and the equipment for them close together, uh, lets put the DVD players right here next to the video recorders. If they’re against the front window they’ll be visible form the street, that should attract a few more potential costumers into the shop. Boy: And where shall I put the DVDs? Girl: They can go beside the videos. Boy: Against the sidewall? Girl: Yeah, we'll try them out in that position and see if it affects sales. Boy: Right. Girl: And I'd like the portable CD players in a more prominent position as they’re selling very well. Boy: Hm, how about by the CDs? Girl: Hm, that might be-an,idea; but its gonna get too crowded in that corer. I want to attract people to the back of the sales area so could you put them on the shelves facing the entrance please? Boy: Right. FER UP BA WES WEE UP ABATE Be Girl: Good. Then, when all that’s been moved there are few other jobs to do. First the cassette players, sales of those are falling so I don’t want so many on display. There are eleven at the moment, and we really only need three so the other rate can go into the stock room. Boy: Right. Girl: Oh, and quite a lot of stock looks dusty to me so a rather boring job I'm afraid, we need to get everything clean. Boy: All right. Girl: And we're going to run special office on some DVDs so could you create some signs please? You said you quite a lot of collage? Boy: Yes, it’s something I enjoy doing. Which items are going to have the office? Girl: Let me try and-reniember what I worked out, uh, general. films’are selling strongly with a big rise last month: I don’t think we need to do anything about them, Boy: OK. Girl: But foreign language films are a different matter. Sales are creeping up very slowly so I want to encourage them. We'll run a three for the price of two promotion for a month and see what happens. FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Boy: Right. What about classical music DVDs? Girl: Sales certainly aren’t too healthy. They're falling by 2 or 3% a month. I’d really like to give the category a boost so we'll bring all prices down by 5 pounds this month, Boy: OK, Girl: Then there are the TV programs. Comedy isn’t doing very well, last month sales were 10% below the level of last year. I’m inclined to leave it alone. I don’t think it’s worth doing anything until some new really popular comedy programs are released on DVD. Boy: Right. Girl: OK, that’s it, So, we better start moving things. Will you give me a hand with this? Section 2 Leader: Right. Now, let me bring you up to date with arrangements for our cycling tour next month. First of all there’s the question of tents, as you know the original idea was to side arrange to borrow some tents that FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a belong to the college but it tums out that the mountaineering club will be using them at the same time so I’m afraid you will have to bring your own. So, could you let me know whether you will be using a single tent or sharing, please. I’ll need to know how many tents there’ll be for when I make the reservation at the various campsites. Last time some of you said you would like to hire bikes and pick them up when you arrive rather than taking your own with you. Well, I’ve enquired about bike hiring in Westbury, the town where we'll be arriving, and unfortunately there aren’t any shops that hire them out so I’m afraid it means taking your own. I'll book them on the train when I book the train tickets, which reminds me, I'll need to know the final number of people going so I can get a group discount on the train fare. Something else that'll need to be book is tickets for the football match we discussed last time. I’ve enquired about availability and there are only.a few seats left so anyone who wants to gowill Heed to get tickets very soon, ideally today or tomorrow. At our next meeting I'll be able to give you all individual packs with the final-program/and something about the arca we'll be cycling through and places we'll be visiting, ’'m afraid I haven’t had the time to do that yet. Now, I’ll tell you briefly about some of the attractions in the places we'll be staying at, as I said we'll be taking the train to Westbury which has FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a one or two very good restaurants. One thing that’s definitely worth visiting there is the sites where the original town was constructed nearly 1000 years ago. There’s not much of the original buildings left but there’s still plenty to see. The site is being excavated and you'll be able to help out if you want to. Our next overnight stop will be in the village of Cluney, there are several old barns here that have been converted into a museum showing the importance of sheep in the area over the centuries. The wool used to be sold for cloth and it made the district quite rich. There are plenty photographs showing how agricultural workers used to live too. From there we'll go on to Pennerley. Pennerly is famous for its museum of village life but that’s been refurbished at the moment and isn’t likely to re-open by the time we go there but there’s an open air farmers market everyday selling fruits, vegetables, cheese and meat all grown or processed within a few miles of the town and sold by the farmers themselves. It’s definitely worth a visit. In Farlow, which is one of the oldest towns in the area, there’s a museum that shows how horses used to be the most common way of travelling around and how they were gradually replaced by steam trains and later, of course, diesel and electric trains, buses, cars and bicycles. Right, now, I'll pass around this sheet of paper... FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Section 3 Course tutor: Oh, Karen. Hi. Come in, sit down. I wanted to talk to you about this assignment you given me. I'll give it back to you with my comments but there are several things I wanted to run over. You know, pointers for next time. When you hand in your next assignment, can you check that you've dealt with these? Karen: Uhm... Yeah, OK. Course tutor: Now, the first thing is your literature discussion was a bit thin so I would actually like to see your book reports to get your complete view, so can you submit those with the next assignment? Then I can see which bits you chosen to leave out! Karen: Uh, yes. Sorry, didn’t tealizé you needed them. Course tutor: And I’ve found Some errors, just small ones where you had quoted people but not recorded the information properly at the end, Don’t forget to go through and make sure that your references are accurate. The actual quotes were very relevant but the references just need tidying up, OK? FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Karen: Yes, I’ll remember to check that. Course tutor: Now, you make some good points but it might be helpful if you could see if you can include a few extra examples, just to really hammer the point home. Don’t start writing more paragraphs, just slot them in at the end of what you've already written. Now the thing you have to do, if you really want to get better marks is to expand the ideas you're presenting, then your argument becomes more convincing, Karen: OK, fine. Uhm, can I talk to you about this presentation I’ve got to do? Course tutor: Yes, of course. Karen: Am I doing it next term? I can’t remember what we said. Course tutor: Well, the thing is, Marco couldn't do it so you agreed to do it at the next seminar didn’t you? $0, how can I help? Karen: Well, I was wondering what do you consider to be the core part of the presentation. I mean, what should I focus on? Course tutor: Good question. Well, you have very little time really so its absolutely essential for you to explain the experiment, of course you'll have a summary in the handouts you give out but you need to go through it carefully when you do the presentation. FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Karen: And do I have to give you the abstract first or shall I just email it to all the students? Course tutor: Uh, no. I do need to see it first. We'll get some printouts done. Now, they’Il need to be done by the 3" of December so Ill need to see it by the 26" of November if that’s OK? Karen: Yes, fine Course tutor: Oh, and I need to talk to you about where it will be. We've had problems with the rooms because we'll need something bigger than usual. In our faculty the only room free is the computer room, which is far from suitable, so we'll haye to go across the road and do it in the chemistry lab. They’ve got all the proper overhead equipment in there as well. Karen: OK, right. And I get a grade for this right? Course tutor: Yes, your first one is graded by your tutor but this one will beassessed by the professor but don’t be worried, it will be fine. Karen: Oh, and I’ve sorted out my modules for next year. You asked me to tell you my choices. Course tutor: Yes, what’ve you decided? FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Karen: Oh, it was really difficult to decide. Uhm, I've already done the data collection once so that wasn’t really a choice. I couldn’t make up my mind between language and society and communication skills. I read the syllabuses but they sound more or less the same to me, anyway, I went for communication skills in the end because I know the lecturer. Actually, social interactions seems to cover much the same ground so I didn’t bother with that either, Uhm, I thought this course analysis looked really interesting and, in fact, they cover a little bit of research methodology in it so I thought Id do that rather than the full methodology course. Killed two birds with one stone as it were. And then I fancied something completely different so I thought Psycholinguistics would be interesting, unless you think it'll be more worthwhile for me to do the phonology course? Course tutor: No, I think you’ye made:sensable choices. Im glad you're organized. OK, let’s meet again in a couple of weeks'to see how you're getting on, Karen: OK, thank you. See you then. FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Section 4 Zoo Specialist: Good afternoon. From my work as curator at the Brisbane Zoo, it has becoming increasingly obvious to me that the animal world is a highly endangered one. It sometimes seems as though a new species is added to the endangered list everyday and a great deal of this is due to human activity. You may have read about the orange-bellied parrot colonies in South Australia, these are under threat from wind farms so even our attempts to save energy can have a negative impact. A further example is provided by the expansion of our cities. Here in Australia many species of frog are losing their habitat as a direct result of this urban development. What's more, thanks to the increasing use of pesticides, fewer insects are surviving. Many species depend upon these as a food source, birds in particular and so their numbers are declining as well. So, even in rural areas we are haying-a damaging effect on species, in fact, when our farmers choose to grow large amounts of one staple crop each year, corn is a perfect example. This often results in a greater need for chemicals and fertilizers which has a devastating effect on local wildlife. FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a Clearly something needs to be done about this, however, very little can be achieved without full public support and our general attitude is not always a positive one. Of course, it is easy to get people interested in animals such as the Panda, thanks to the attention it has given in the media, people are very aware of its plied and so are willing to give a great deal of support. However, it is not so easy to attract sympathy for those essential, smaller species such as insects. They may seem insignificant but these tiny creatures have an enormous effect on our ecosystem and it isn’t only size that is a problem when it comes to our attitude towards animals. There are certain animals that we would prefer to simply ignore for various reasons. Firstly we might do this because of fear, that is the normal reaction when people see a shark or a snake, for example. Another reason might be that we believe certain animals are rivals when comes to food, locusts and even mice could come into this category. Then there are animals that we view with disgust because of how they look or feel, the many different parasites for example. You may well ask what does it matter if any of these species dies. Extinction is a fact of live after all. I would argue that there are several reasons to be concemed about the extinction of any species, Each species helps us to understand more about how our ecosystem works, one species can be linked to many others in the food chain, for example, and FER UP BA WES FEE UP ABATE a inevitably they all lead back to us in some way. We now know that the more complex the ecosystem is, the more stable it is, When this is the case, large numbers of one animal are quickly controlled by outbreaks of its predators. We've also began to realize that the presence or absence of certain plants can alert us to changes in our environment. One type of plant might indicate the presence of rich mineral deposits, another might alerts us to toxic water and so even seemingly insignificant species can be helpful and beneficial to us. This is especially true in the area of medicine, there are many well documented cases of the health benefits of pet ownership, especially with the ill or the handicapped but now many people know that spiders are also being used in medicine. The cobwebs they make can be used to assist with certain blood disorders, it actually helps blood to clot. Imagine how much more there is for us still to discover from plants and animals but we can only do this if we can save these creatures from extinction. Perhaps, in the end, it is our self-interest that will save the animals. FER UP BA WES WEG UP ABABITE PRR | TRE 1029% Reading Reading Test 2 Ba BEAGAE Passage 1 fi AD ee SL STH (RI HAH AB HEM AEB, BEL Ra CB: Fill DER: HII BCHH ER: BARE FRR: AREAL GB: RAHA HEE: JAA OAT ‘Questions 1-8 i, Bere bail HUM IT: HERRERA Hecht, Hei AD. #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a ‘this BRA JWR 1029809890 we [Ae | Reta Sarara ABARAT Dried leaves from a nearby chance | BUSH fell nto the Bolling | yy. fe sA he 1 fist ERABEE | water and as the leaves "| infused the water tumed brown. Because of this early > |i religion | 880e%ation ta in Japan has s Bt always been linked with Zen Buddhism, Tea was elevated to an art | ili Rw Ay— Fisk, 3 |x ritual form in the Japanese tea —_| ritual 909/504 ceremony ceremony. While tea was at this high level of developmentin | 54 ys qmaacacpeiailsa 4 |i. | news arts of Asia information x yin] SEB T Bk concerning the then unknown beverage began to | Ml filter back to Europe This was due in part to tea being very expensive (over | pa or 5 v luxury $100 per pound), which ih ae eee an immediately made it the ea domain of the wealthy. doctors and unjyecsiog EERE, authorities in Holland good or bad 1/5 6 wa sogdior bad) 5 gted-as to its benefits or | benefits dehwibacks 12% drawbacks. AN [re He. PEON MTS hah ir. Swept, lm teKHI, fk Rint TEE 7a] fashion} G8 45-Cpopular in France for only about fifty years)» ESC ASEAGL (tea mania) The average caravan RMSE == AF 8 xi difficulties | consisted of 200 to 300 SGM, 18000 TK camels: and the 18,000- | #8 a6 SF] AuE SE. kilometre trip took over 16 #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a fitia SR VIMARE 1029809890 ‘months to complete. Question 9-13 (4; Matching EAT: PEA, RITE A REA], eA BL HIE Rees, ms [Se [SRA | mooEh MH 9 D harmful [FERAL As the ii Dutch, Holland, ‘consumption of tea Netherlands #2052 (BUA increased dramatically in | 2 (4) . 53) HI Dutch society, doctors and | fey, agar) EA HEAL I university authorities in| ty sgsn gent ety We aE. Holland argued as its | RCA Aeat ee benefits or drawbacks. 10 E lost favour | GAR (i], Tea remained | MARY REMI, 1 popular in France for only | 3 /yAInINER SESE AGG, about fifty years, being | #, replaced by a preference for wine, chocolate; and exotic coffees. 11 B buildings | CB= mrily of etareaain FA AURITRAA. protipted the creation of a particular form of architecture for 'tea house’ 12 G animals | HELAE], The average | #RINAISESE RE. caravan consisted of 200 to 300 camels is A specialist | ATE. Asascientist, the | HA CIMa RAISE AT Emperor was intrigued by | 2%, MUR, MERAH]. the new liquid, drank AGUA BOR AR some, and foundit very | suis, (AER. PART #ER UP BAM WEIE UP ABATE BER FL H ish) Wie Lo2zdsogse0 refreshing, WS AEM ORS: > Passage 2 nk BEA A ‘eth iio EM WEEMS, IAEA? SP A Ek: ALINE BAL: RELA HLTA CBs, A OS BE HEIL Dat HR Seem EB: Mio A FB ERD ET Question: 14-18 at fea ESE RL iT: A Aide, FRA Me BW. mS | BS | Kiba BCE BL AE AAT #ER UP BAYS WEE UP ABATE Be WIAA 102! 4 c ownership | C AUS. ‘unsuccessfil claim to owners of his work AAUP 4 have no rights to the image. JEAELIC, TERA) FEV a moulder was judged to... JT) whose mask of the dying French emperor Napoleon had been reproduced and sold without his permission Fe— whose 5] SHE IMA Ao EPR, Take, for example, the cast of the hand of a giant from a circus, made by an anonymous artist 1s E change) around 1889,an item, pitiides that would now sit happily in any commercial or public gallery. 4) FFX for example 1 Wi tt TRF, HES RM AAAI, WE E BL. BEM G, Atthe time, the casts were used for medical research and, consequently, in the nineteenth century’ ey original Jife-easting was function considered inferior to sculpture in the samhe, way that; more recently, photography) ‘Was thought to bea tesser art than painting. BURT ea, 8 BU A LEME ee aT AE aint FF. FER The tests are simple: does it interest the eye, excite the brain, move the mind to reflection and involve the heart? Further, is an apparent 7 |F assessing A TPG — AE AL AY SHURE TEPID lil, “The tests are simple:”» #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a a it al ne evel of skill involved? less DEK, Painters have always used technical back-up such as studio assistants to do the boring bits, while apparently lesser less interesting #2 BEC" boring bits AI lesser crafts, it) interesting SN ETE BAT HABEAS crafts involve great skill, thought, ‘Hen fe. preparation and, depending on how we define it, imagination. Question 19-24 ME: OL NT OUNCE: REPRE OLAHIG, AURORA RATES). PERE NO AI NOT GIVEN HDX Bo ry AR Kes ia) BSCE tir eT CR, his’ judgement reflect ‘the view of established members of the ; ineteenth-century | -FTLtee eM aN eV Nt BEE 19 [NO | adimited | at world such as | AES, IEA. Rodin, who commented that life-casting “happens fast but it doesn’t make Art” CBRA—4y For Rodin FF}U life-casting 20 NO leprae many, life-casting | LEA, JEM Z RAVER. iE was an insult tothe | SHY LS INO A AS #ER UP BAYS FEB UP PABABITE PERE VIFRARE 1029809890 sculptor's creative genius. FAD Sill SEAS A ND BRIERE. DBP, But | SBIR RAR ON 21 NO decreased painting has proved | (34H, AIC (MBE robust. robust. NOT. , OF & AAR BORN EER 2 civen | skill NA mam. E £& In some cases sncourave | tis is merely self | M2 AAR AAS HRN 23. |NO feah | serving, with the | SHEA, URIBE At new art using the — | 9eiEW)A ch. old to justify itself. F FR, Few of us can look at a S75 54, inten . 24 YES | intended, lost| medieval altarpiece PERIL! intended HA as its painter intended, Byte A PBL. Question 25 and 26 ‘1s Multiple Choice SWEAT: AS OL HP AB ae ABCD Hoke F# EBM . ES _ | 3%) Re | EOCET EE ‘the most noticeable contrast AY NEIIEC Hb HY contradiction, EBLHIAl, The most | unexpected size and significant impact of this | verisimilitude (Ef A261 x le contrast | Piteeis onthe eye, inthe |p, size and realism. contradiction between unexpected size and verisimilitude. ade 3 NALA {if REAIME the appearance of being te or real, realism [7] Xo #ER UP BAYS WEIE UP ABATE BER FL H ish) Wie Lo2zdsogse0 ‘what counts is. OER F Et4118], What counts is | fi A A&P importance #f 26 D importance | the surviving object and | SZ, #439) D, the way we cour response to it respond to it 551 1-H iit. Passage 3 ns BAY ‘pea BE EM se, He! tH 1 RUNNER INE 2B i! He 3 Ee BORAT 54 EL: RAIA BBS ER. A RUUTATIE CiLTRBA oi eL TSP PS D 36s 6 BLS FER AM Age CPE Tel RSL ANF Th SSI HEED R788 Bt: PRIZE IE SOEs ARE aT aE 510: SAA AMAFIN GE 5 11 hs FAT OA ae eA BVA: KRLOMPHRLA AS #ER UP BAYS WEG UP ABATE Be FANE BT Question 27-31 GQ. Multiple Choice Ts FRM ial, pst, eR aS | eR | eet SCE fie BA ET 3h | BERG), Ever since, the notion of a “Gordian solution” has referred to the SANE EHO BS Af attractiveness of a Af RANE. simple answer to an otherwise intractable problem, 27 |B Gordian knot 49 2 BL, Decisions made without thorough canvassing, | Hei #)1111 (1) conflict surveying, weighing, | model, Jeli — tii #r att 28 |B | conflict model a STAD« AISI ARUCHR AR. TELE HR eo OE ‘information and options would Be. Wise suboptimal and often disastrous: oR 2 BARA. In fact, a growing body of work nage ta in | cladwen ov vy fe. [Matiomm | Mstion sme | siya. sa Gladwell be routinely superior HHA, PEAR EL Rea HR to more complex ones | = ~ an idea that gained widespread public appeal with Malcolm a) Pa #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a fitia SR VIMARE 1029809890 Gladwell’s best-selling ‘book Blink (2005). kM — AMIEL, 10 30 Dijkstermis [SSB R= | HRN ORLA EH PRC IIA R. HSA, Among participants who considered four attributes, those who were allowed to SANSOME SR. TE 31 simple tasks engage in undistracted | BEACYFE-L EINE Ks HT deliberative thought did better at discriminating between the best and worst cars, CLE Hy EPA RAP Question 32-35 JO: APY Summary J OMT: HURL POCREMR ASE, He BU IN eR H's. BR BAHT i 6FLP SA, shoppers who bought with litle conscious 2 A deliberation felt less happy with their simple clothing purchase, SDNY la rE KAMA A EAS. CRE HSM BHR. 33 D TEIERH 6 BLI—F), Jee] but happier with the complex furniture purchases. 7652 “0 fi) BHR ALA #ER UP BAYS WEIE UP ABATE BER FL H ish) Wie Lo2zdsogse0 Re 4; 6 tA] Deliberation without attention actually 34 G produced better results as the decisions became more complex. $2 4 fii BF RAR (EI Pe EAE ‘9 4 ERA A) The seemingly counterintuitive conclusion is that although conscious thought enhances simple decisions, 35 B the opposite holds true for more complex decisions #7112 RAR, TER 6 RINE ‘Question 36-40, ON: WA OM: PAE AOL, AU AAR). HERE NO FU NOT GIVEN (1X aS | Bae Fistia) BRE RE ABT This radical inference contradicts standard pe NS 2s Apolitical and managerial theory ARAM, FT Indeed, one suspects many of our politcal Not leaders already embrace 7 Verve |SPae NK this wisdom 32 WTLAT BEA, RARE EUIE MFA AP Ay SC Be @. #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a is AVR 1029809890 Ba PH all 1X4 Not ial, LC eA 3% | aiven | *! NA SRSA SE ra BAL BAG, The issue here is that when political decision makers make mnistakes, itis their error Hi! mistakes, (7 39 YES judge.errors: politics, or the relation HGRA CHBURES RK between their politics and | J) Brxt #7. our own, rather than psychology which is at fault. QE, Avoiding | social considerations ina | CHUB Sei. RUB solves | Soil search for general appeal | '58EF/2—Su"). (eth considerations can take us away from enlightenment rather than toward it. SELEY RE fe BEG ALS WR. #ER UP BAYS WEIE UP ABATE BER FL H ish) Wie Lo2zdsogse0 WRITING TASK 1 WRITING TASK 1 YYou should spend about 20 minutes on ths task The char that wer jelow shows the percentagos of different types of household waste recycled in one city between 1992 and 2002, Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. ‘% of mach type of waeto that was reeyeiee This bat chart analyzes the percentage of household waste recycled from 1992 to 2002. We ean see that the percentage during 2002 increased all the way while other years fluctuated. In the various materials, paper and glass are the ones that with greater percentage that was recycled. In contrast, the plastic and cans had a lower percentage. #E UP EASE FEE UP ABATE a Fie VIMA RE 1029809890 From the graph we can see that during 1992 cans have the highest percentage about 17% and plastic has the lowest at about 10%. After that, in year 1997, paper and glass became major types of waste that were recycled, at about 31% and 29% respectively. In 2002, glass became the dominant type of waste that was recycled with about 48%, Meanwhile, plastic had grown least around 2% and glass had grown the most around 34% in these 10 years, and paper chasing behind with 26%. Cans were more stable, with only about 6% total growth. TASK 2 Competitiveness is seen as 5 positive quality for people 10 have in many sociotics today. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Is it@ positive or negative quality? ‘As society advanées, people’s life quality has vastly improved, Along with the so¢iety growth, more people tend to be more outstanding in their field, in another words, they are trying to strengthen their competitiveness. A person who has stronger competitiveness is often employed in a core position of a company, an enterprise that is competitive means that they are harder to surpass, and a country with higher competitiveness is generally more prosperous. #ER UP BAYS FEE UP ABATE a Competition among people can be good thing for a number of reasons. One of the main things is that people are more productive during competition; people push each other to exceed their normal limits which result in increased production. As a student, being in a competitive university always spurs us to self-improvement because in the study life you always need a goal to pursue, other competitor would be a nice motivator to help you reach your goal. On the other hand, too much competitiveness might cause negative conflicts which result in disliking one another, especially if the one competitor always wins; it probably makes other competitors feel uncomfortable or maybe even frustrating about themselves, Sometimes overwhelming competition would bring plenty of stress to a person which has a possibility of causing physical or mental problems that we don’t truly want in daily life Throughout all the aspects, in my opinion, competitiveness for most part is positive, because if between people or companies or even countries without competitors, they won’t find out how great or how bad they are doing, but with competitors, people have a better view about themselves and others. FER UP BA WES

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